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Universal Chalcidoidea Database

Taxonomic tree

Configuration options
Show subfamilies where present
show families in superfamily <Serphitoidea> Serphitoidea
show families in superfamily <Mymarommatoidea> Mymarommatoidea
hide families Chalcidoidea
hide Pteromalidae
show species in genus <Cea> Cea
hide species Dipara
alata Laszlo
show synonyms of <Dipara albiclava> albiclava (Girault)
show synonyms of <Dipara albomaculata> albomaculata (Hedqvist)
andamanensis Sureshan and Raseena
angulata Sureshan and Nikhil
show synonyms of <Dipara argenticoxae> argenticoxae (Girault)
show synonyms of <Dipara atriscutum> atriscutum (Girault)
show synonyms of <Dipara australiana> australiana (Girault)
belokobylskii Dzhanokmen
show synonyms of <Dipara bouceki> bouceki (Narendran)
show synonyms of <Dipara canadensis> canadensis Hedqvist
show synonyms of <Dipara claviger> claviger (Kieffer)
show synonyms of <Dipara conoidea> conoidea (Xiao and Huang)
debanensis Sureshan
show synonyms of <Dipara dictyodroma> dictyodroma (Xiao and Huang)
elevata Sureshan
show synonyms of <Dipara emersoni> emersoni (Girault)
show synonyms of <Dipara eukeralensis> eukeralensis Ozdikmen
show synonyms of <Dipara fusca> fusca (Girault)
show synonyms of <Dipara gastra> gastra (Sureshan and Narendran)
hayati Sureshan
show synonyms of <Dipara hyalinipennis> hyalinipennis (Girault)
intermedia Sureshan and Narendran
kannurensis Sureshan and Raseena
show synonyms of <Dipara keatsi> keatsi (Girault)
show synonyms of <Dipara keralensis> keralensis (Narendran)
show synonyms of <Dipara machadoi> machadoi (Hedqvist)
show synonyms of <Dipara maculata> maculata (Hedqvist)
show synonyms of <Dipara malabarensis> malabarensis (Narendran and Mini)
miniae Narendran and Sureshan
mohanae Narendran and Sureshan
nigra Sureshan
show synonyms of <Dipara nigriceps> nigriceps (Ashmead)
nigriscuta Sureshan
nigrita Hedqvist
nigrofasciata Hedqvist
nitidofrena Sureshan
palauensis Yoshimoto and Ishii
show synonyms of <Dipara pallida> pallida (Hedqvist)
show synonyms of <Dipara petiolata> petiolata Walker
show synonyms of <Dipara poei> poei (Girault)
show synonyms of <Dipara ponderosa> ponderosa (Girault)
ponmudiensis Sureshan and Farsana
show synonyms of <Dipara punctulata> punctulata (Hedqvist)
rufescens Masi
show synonyms of <Dipara saetosa> saetosa (Delucchi)
show synonyms of <Dipara sringericus> sringericus (Narendran)
show synonyms of <Dipara straminea> straminea (Hedqvist)
show synonyms of <Dipara striata> striata (Hedqvist)
tamila Sureshan, Girish Kumar and Sheeja
show synonyms of <Dipara thirumalaii> thirumalaii Sureshan
show synonyms of <Dipara trilineatus> trilineatus (Yoshimoto)
turneri Hedqvist
venkati Sureshan
yercaudensis Sureshan

NB: This list represents valid Chalcidoid taxa. Family- and genus-group synonyms are not included.