Universal Chalcidoidea Database

Taxonomic tree

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show families in superfamily <Serphitoidea> Serphitoidea
show families in superfamily <Mymarommatoidea> Mymarommatoidea
hide families Chalcidoidea
hide genera Mymaridae
hide species Anaphes
show synonyms of <Anaphes alaskae> alaskae Annecke and Doutt
show synonyms of <Anaphes amplipennis> amplipennis Ogloblin
show synonyms of <Anaphes angustipennis> angustipennis (Debauche)
show synonyms of <Anaphes arenbergi> arenbergi Debauche
show synonyms of <Anaphes atomarius> atomarius (Brethes)
show synonyms of <Anaphes australia> australia (Girault)
show synonyms of <Anaphes basalis> basalis Foerster
show synonyms of <Anaphes behmani> behmani Girault
show synonyms of <Anaphes brevicornis> brevicornis (Soyka)
show synonyms of <Anaphes brevis> brevis Walker
show synonyms of <Anaphes calendrae> calendrae (Gahan)
cinctus (Soyka)
show synonyms of <Anaphes collinus> collinus Walker
show synonyms of <Anaphes comosipennis> comosipennis Girault
show synonyms of <Anaphes confertus> confertus (Doutt)
show synonyms of <Anaphes congener> congener Foerster
show synonyms of <Anaphes conotracheli> conotracheli Girault
show synonyms of <Anaphes cotei> cotei Huber
show synonyms of <Anaphes crassicornis> crassicornis (Walker)
show synonyms of <Anaphes crassipennis> crassipennis Soyka
show synonyms of <Anaphes crassipilis> crassipilis (Soyka)
show synonyms of <Anaphes crassus> crassus (Soyka)
show synonyms of <Anaphes debilipennis> debilipennis (Soyka)
show synonyms of <Anaphes depressus> depressus (Soyka)
show synonyms of <Anaphes diana> diana (Girault)
show synonyms of <Anaphes ensipennis> ensipennis (Soyka)
show synonyms of <Anaphes fijiensis> fijiensis Huber
show synonyms of <Anaphes flavipes> flavipes (Foerster)
show synonyms of <Anaphes fuscipennis> fuscipennis Haliday
show synonyms of <Anaphes galtoni> galtoni (Girault)
show synonyms of <Anaphes gauthieri> gauthieri Debauche
show synonyms of <Anaphes gerrisophaga> gerrisophaga (Doutt)
show synonyms of <Anaphes globosicornis> globosicornis (Soyka)
show synonyms of <Anaphes hercules> hercules Girault
show synonyms of <Anaphes inexpectatus> inexpectatus Huber and Prinsloo
show synonyms of <Anaphes iole> iole Girault
show synonyms of <Anaphes latipennis> latipennis Walker
hide synonyms lineipennis (Soyka)
Anaphes chrysomelae (Bakkendorf)
Anaphes dessarti (Mathot)
Anaphes lineipennis (Soyka)
Anaphes longipennis (Soyka)
Anaphes obscurus (Soyka)
Anaphes semimedius (Soyka)
Anaphes (Patasson) chrysomelae (Bakkendorf)
Anaphes (Patasson) lineipennis (Soyka)
Anaphoidea chrysomelae Bakkendorf
Anaphoidea lineipennis Soyka
Anaphoidea longipennis Soyka
Anaphoidea obscura Soyka
Anaphoidea semimedia Soyka
Mariella obscura (Soyka)
Mariella semimedia Soyka
Patasson chrysomelae (Bakkendorf)
Patasson chrysomelinae (Bakkendorf)
Patasson dessarti Mathot
show synonyms of <Anaphes linnaei> linnaei (Girault)
show synonyms of <Anaphes listronoti> listronoti Huber
show synonyms of <Anaphes longiclava> longiclava (Doutt)
show synonyms of <Anaphes longicornis> longicornis Walker
show synonyms of <Anaphes luna> luna (Girault)
show synonyms of <Anaphes maialis> maialis (Debauche)
show synonyms of <Anaphes maialis> maialis Debauche
show synonyms of <Anaphes medius> medius Soyka
show synonyms of <Anaphes nigrellus> nigrellus Girault
show synonyms of <Anaphes nipponicus> nipponicus Kuwayama
show synonyms of <Anaphes nitens> nitens (Girault)
show synonyms of <Anaphes nunezi> nunezi Ogloblin
show synonyms of <Anaphes ovipositor> ovipositor Soyka
show synonyms of <Anaphes parallelipennis> parallelipennis (Soyka)
show synonyms of <Anaphes parvus> parvus (Foerster)
show synonyms of <Anaphes peyerimhoffi> peyerimhoffi (Kieffer)
show synonyms of <Anaphes pucarobius> pucarobius Ogloblin
pulcher (Soyka)
show synonyms of <Anaphes pullicrurus> pullicrurus (Girault)
show synonyms of <Anaphes quadraticornis> quadraticornis (Soyka)
show synonyms of <Anaphes quinquearticulatus> quinquearticulatus Huber and Triapitsyn
show synonyms of <Anaphes regulus> regulus Walker
show synonyms of <Anaphes saintpierrei> saintpierrei Girault
schellwieniens Meunier
show synonyms of <Anaphes silesicus> silesicus (Soyka)
show synonyms of <Anaphes sinipennis> sinipennis Girault
show synonyms of <Anaphes sordidatus> sordidatus (Girault)
specialis (Soyka)
splendens Meunier
show synonyms of <Anaphes stygius> stygius Debauche
show synonyms of <Anaphes tasmaniae> tasmaniae Huber and Prinsloo
show synonyms of <Anaphes victus> victus Huber
show synonyms of <Anaphes wolfsthali> wolfsthali (Soyka)

NB: This list represents valid Chalcidoid taxa. Family- and genus-group synonyms are not included.