Universal Chalcidoidea Database

Distribution references

Comperiella bifasciata Howard, 1906 has been recorded in the following countries:

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Prinsloo, G.L. 1983, A parasitoid-host index of Afrotropical Encyrtidae (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea). Entomology Memoirs of the Department of Agriculture, Republic of South Africa 60:7,26     view Prinsloo, G.L.  (1983) in PDF format
Crouzel, I.S. de; Bimboni, H.G.; Zanelli, M.; Botto, E.N. 1973, Lucha biológica contra la 'cochinilla roja australiana' Aonidiella aurantii (Maskell) (Hom. Diaspididae) en cítricos. I. Revision general. II Liberación de parasitos y ensayo de evaluación a campo de Aphytis melinus DeBach (Hym. Aphelinidae), en la República Argentina. Revista de Investigaciones Agropecuarias, Buenos Aires (Serie 5, Patología Vegetal) 10(6):251-318    
Keywords: Biological control
Crouzel, I.S. de; Botto, E.N.; Zanelli, M.; Vetrano, A. 1979, Biological control experiment against the Australian red scale Aonidiella aurantii (Maskell) on the citrus farm Aña-Cuá in San Roque, Corrientes. Preliminary report. Revista de la Sociedad Entomológica Argentina 38(1/4):47-61    
Keywords: Biological control
De Santis, L. 1979, Catálogo de los himénopteros calcidoideos de América al sur de los Estados Unidos. Publicación Especial Comisión de Investigaciones Cientificas Provincia de Buenos Aires pp.234    
Herting, B. 1972, Homoptera. A catalogue of parasites and predators of terrestrial arthropods. Section A. Host or Prey/Enemy. 2:164 Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux, Slough, England    
Noyes, J.S.; Hayat, M. 1994, Oriental mealybug parasitoids of the Anagyrini (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) pp.403 CAB International, Oxon, UK     view Noyes, J.S.; Hayat, M.  (1994) in PDF format
Keywords: Biological control
Teran, A.L.; Collado de Manes, M.L.; Glencross, S.; Lazaro, H.; Alvarez, R. 1985, Primary and secondary parasites of the California red scale Aonidiella aurantii (Mask.) (Homoptera: Coccoidea: Diaspididae) in citrus orchards of Tucuman, Argentina. Revista de Investigación, Centro de Investigaciones para la Regulación de Poblaciones de Organismos Nocivos, Argentina 3(3/4):7-14    
Abdelrahiman, I. 1973, Toxicity of malathion to the natural enemies of California red scale, Aonidiella aurantii (Mask.) (Hemiptera: Diaspididae). Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 24(1):119-133    
Abdelrahiman, I. 1974, The effect of extreme temperatures on California red scale, Aonidiella aurantii Mask. (Hemiptera: Diaspididae), and its natural enemies. Australian Journal of Zoology 22(2):203-212    
Anonymous 1944, Entomological investigations. 18th Rep. Coun. Sci. Indust. Res. Aust 18-22:14-20    
Keywords: Biological control
Anonymous 1944, Entomological investigations. 17th Rep. Coun. Sci. Indust. Res. Aust 1942-43:15-20    
Keywords: Biological control
Anonymous 1945, Entomological investigations. 19th Rep. Coun. Sci. industr. Res. Aust. 1944-45:19-30    
Keywords: Biological control
Anonymous 1946, Entomological investigations. 20th Rep. Coun. sci. industr. Res. Aust. 1945-46:18-24    
Keywords: Biological control
Anonymous 1948, Entomological investigations. 21st Rep. Coun. Sci. Indust. Res. Aust. 1946-47:19-25    
Keywords: Biological control
Anonymous 1949, Entomological investigations. 22nd Rep. Coun. sci. indust. Res. Aust. 1947-48:20-26    
Keywords: Biological control
Anonymous 1950, Entomology. Report of the Commonwealth Scientific and Research Organisation, Australia, 1948-1949 1:49-55    
Keywords: Biological control
Blumberg, D.; Luck, R.F. 1990, Differences in the rates of superparasitism between two strains of Comperiella bifasciata (Howard) (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) parasitizing California red scale (Homoptera: Diaspididae): an adaption to circumvent encapsulation. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 83(3):591    
Keywords: Biological control
Brewer, R.H. 1971, The influence of the parasite Comperiella bifasciata How., on the populations of two species of armoured scale insects, Aonidiella aurantii (Mask.) and A. citrina (Coq.), in South Australia. Australian Journal of Zoology 19:53-63    
Campbell, T.G. 1943, Introduction of scale parasites from California. Journal of the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, Australia 16(1):41-42    
Keywords: Biological control
DAS 1943, Annual report of the Department of Agriculture and Stock for the year 1942-43 pp.1-28    
Keywords: Biological control
Fry, J.M. 1989, Natural enemy databank, 1987. A catalogue of natural enemies of arthropods derived from records in the CIBC Natural Enemy Databank. pp.59 CAB International, Wallingford, Oxford, UK    
Furness, G.O.; Buchanan, G.A.; George, R.S.; Richardson, N.L. 1983, A history of the biological and integrated control of red scale, Aonidiella aurantii on citrus in the Lower Murray Valley of Australia. Entomophaga 28(3):199-212    
Keywords: Biological control
Herting, B. 1972, Homoptera. A catalogue of parasites and predators of terrestrial arthropods. Section A. Host or Prey/Enemy. 2:162-163 Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux, Slough, England    
Keywords: Biological control
Jenkins, C.F.H. 1945, The citrus red scale. Journal of the Department of Agriculture of Western Australia (2) 22(1):10-18    
Keywords: Biological control
McLaren, I.W. 1971, A comparison of the population growth potential in California red scale, Aonidiella aurantii (Maskell), and yellow scale, A. citrina (Coquillet), on Citrus. Australian Journal of Zoology 19(2):189-204    
Keywords: Biological control
Murray, D.A.H. 1976, Insect pests of passion fruit. Queensland Agricultural Journal 102(2):145-151    
Noyes, J.S.; Hayat, M. 1994, Oriental mealybug parasitoids of the Anagyrini (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) pp.403 CAB International, Oxon, UK     view Noyes, J.S.; Hayat, M.  (1994) in PDF format
Keywords: Biological control
Noyes, J.S.; Hayat, M. 1994, Oriental mealybug parasitoids of the Anagyrini (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) pp.403,404 CAB International, Oxon, UK     view Noyes, J.S.; Hayat, M.  (1994) in PDF format
Keywords: Biological control
Prinsloo, G.L. 1996, The genus Comperiella Howard (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) in southern Africa: parasitoids of armoured scale insects (Homoptera: Diaspididae). African Entomology 4(2):155    
Simmonds, H.W. 1944, The effect of the host fruit upon the scale Aonidiella aurantii Mask. in relation to its parasite Comperiella bifasciata How. Journal of the Australian Institute of Agricultural Science 10:38-39    
Smith, D. 1978, Biological control of scale insects on citrus in south-eastern Queensland. I. Control of red scale Aonidiella aurantii (Maskell). Journal of the Australian Entomological Society 17(4):367-371    
Keywords: Biological control
Smith, D. 1981, Red scale - a serious pest. Queensland Agricultural Journal 107(3):xiii-xvi    
Keywords: Biological control
Trjapitzin, V.A. 1989, Parasitic Hymenoptera of the Fam. Encyrtidae of Palaearctics. Opredeliteli po Faune SSSR 158:296 Zoologicheskim Institutom Akademii Nauk SSR, Leningrad    
Keywords: Biological control
WARI 1943, Report of the Waite Agricultural Research Institute, South Australia, 1941-1942 pp.1-84    
Keywords: Biological control
Japoshvili, G.; Noyes, J.S. 2005, Checklist and new data on Encyrtidae of Transcaucasia and Turkey (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea). Zoosystematica Rossica 14(1):138    
Bennett, F.D.; Hughes, J.W. 1959, Biological control of insect pests in Bermuda. Bulletin of Entomological Research 50(3):424-425    
Keywords: Biological control
De Santis, L. 1989, Catalogo de los Himenopteros Calcidoides (Hymenoptera) al sur de los Estados Unidos, segundo suplemento. Catalogue of the Chalcidoidea (Hymenoptera) of America south of the United States, second supplement. Acta Entomologica Chilena 15:442    
Herting, B. 1972, Homoptera. A catalogue of parasites and predators of terrestrial arthropods. Section A. Host or Prey/Enemy. 2:189-190 Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux, Slough, England    
Keywords: Biological control
Noyes, J.S.; Hayat, M. 1994, Oriental mealybug parasitoids of the Anagyrini (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) pp.406 CAB International, Oxon, UK     view Noyes, J.S.; Hayat, M.  (1994) in PDF format
Keywords: Biological control
Trjapitzin, V.A. 1989, Parasitic Hymenoptera of the Fam. Encyrtidae of Palaearctics. Opredeliteli po Faune SSSR 158:296 Zoologicheskim Institutom Akademii Nauk SSR, Leningrad    
Keywords: Biological control
Trjapitzin, V.A.; Bennett, F.D.; Ruíz-Cancino, E.; Coronado-Blanco, J.M. 2004, Annotated Check-list of encyrtids (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea: Encyrtidae) of Central America, the West Indies and Bermuda pp.68 Universidad Autónoma de Tamualipas, Mexico    
Keywords: Biological control
De Santis, L. 1979, Catálogo de los himénopteros calcidoideos de América al sur de los Estados Unidos. Publicación Especial Comisión de Investigaciones Cientificas Provincia de Buenos Aires pp.234    
Gonzalez, R.H.; Rojas P., S. 1966, Estudio analítico del control biológico de plagas agrícolas en Chile. Agricultura Técnica, Santiago 26(4):133-147    
Keywords: Biological control
Noyes, J.S.; Hayat, M. 1994, Oriental mealybug parasitoids of the Anagyrini (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) pp.403 CAB International, Oxon, UK     view Noyes, J.S.; Hayat, M.  (1994) in PDF format
Keywords: Biological control
Peoples' Republic of China:
Flanders, S.E. 1944, Observations on Comperiella bifasciata, an endoparasite of diaspine coccids. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 37(3):365-271    
Flanders, S.E. 1953, Hymenopterous parasites of three species of Oriental scale insects. Bollettino del Laboratorio di Zoologia Generale e Agraria della Facoltà Agraria in Portici 33:14-15    
Gan, Z.Y.; Liu, X.Q.; Zhng, S.J. 1993, Occurrence and forecasting of the orange brown scale, Chrysomphalus aonidum (L.). Entomological Knowledge 30(6):347-348    
Garonna, A.P.; Viggiani, G. 1989, Notizie preliminari sulla Comperiella lemniscata Compere; Annecke (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae), parassitoide di Chrysomphalus dictyospermi (Morg.) in Italia. Redia 72(2):525-526    
Herting, B. 1972, Homoptera. A catalogue of parasites and predators of terrestrial arthropods. Section A. Host or Prey/Enemy. 2:162-163 Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux, Slough, England    
Howard, L.O. 1906, An interesting new genus and species of Encyrtidae. Entomological News 17(4):122 (Parasitoid identification correct)     view Howard, L.O.  (1906) in PDF format
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