The Echinoid Directory

Contributed by Andrew Smith, April 2011

Bandelicyphus Geys, 1992, p. 145

Diagnostic Features
  • Apical disc monocyclic; firmly bound to the corona; periproct opening very large.
  • Ambulacra straight, tapering adapically and adorally.  Plate compounding said to be 'diadematoid'; quadrigeminate plating adapically, quiquegeminate ambitally and trigeminate close to the peristome.  Pore-pairs uniserial to slightly arcuate.
  • Primary ambulacral tubercles developed on plate triads, separated by one or two simple elements in plates away from the peristome.
  • Interambulacral plates wider than tall with a single, centrally placed primary tubercle.adradial and interradial bands of small tuberlces and miliaries are present orally and extend at least some of the way to the apex
  • Tubercles crenulate and perforate
  • Peristome sunken; about 1/3 diameter of test, with obvious U-shaped buccal notches
  • Spines and lantern unknwon
Distribution Turonian, Egypt
Name gender masculine
Type Bandelicyphus qenaensis Geys, 1992, p. 145, by original diagnosis.
Species Included Only the type species
Classification and/or Status Camarodonta; Temnopleuroida; Glyphocyphidae
Remarks This taxon closely resembles Rachiosoma and Glyptocyphus in appearance and in apical disc and ambulacral plating, but according to Geys (1992) has perforate tubercles. Most Glyphocyphidae have monocyclic apical discs but their ambulacra are trigeminate and their tubercles perforate.  Hemidiadema has a similar apical disc and ambulacral plating, but it differs in having only a single column of large ambulacral tubercles in each zone at the ambitus.

Geys, J. F. 1992. Regular echinoids, other than Hemicidaroida, from Upper Cretaceous deposits in the Wadi Qena-area (Eastern Desert, Egypt). Bulletin de l'Institut Royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique. Sciences de la Terre 62, 139-154.