The Echinoid Directory

Reboulicidaris Vadet & Nicolleau, 2005, p. 7

Diagnostic Features
  • Test depressed and thick shelled.
  • Apical disc dicyclic; genital plate 2 the largest. Periproct ovate.
  • Interambulacra with 4 or 5 plates in a series. Primary tubercles perforate and non-crenulate at ambitus and above, but adoral tubercles imperforate; mamelon becoming very large aborally; areoles circular, incised and separated.
  • Scrobicular circle differentiated from extrascrobicular tubercles; extrascrobicular zones narrow.
  • Adapical plates taller than wide, one in each zone with rudimentary tubercle.
  • Interambulacral sutures incised.
  • Ambulacra strongly sinuate; pore-pairs large but non-conjugate, the two pores separated by a narrow partition. Pore zone wider than perradial tuberculate zone.
  • One primary tubercle on each ambulacral plate, even adorally; no evidence of tubercle heterogeneity. One or two smaller secondary tubercles may occur perradially.
  • Peristome ?circular and ca 50% test diameter.
  • Spines in same bed: long and fusiform with strong beaded ribs along shaft.
Distribution Pliensbachian (Domerian), Lower Jurassic, Morocco
Name gender feminine
Type Reboulicidaris rebouli Vadet & Nicolleau, 2005, p. 7 [=Firmacidaris precincta Lambert, 1937, p. 47 (pars), pl. 4, figs 1 and 2 only], by original designation
Species Included Only the type species
Classification and/or Status

Cidaroidea, Cidaroida, Psychcidaridae

Subjective junior synonym of Roseicidaris

Remarks This test was first described by Lambert (1937) under the name Firmacidaris precincta, a taxon based on a spine.  As discussed by Vadet & Nicolleau (2005), Lambert was wrong to associate this test with the spines.

In test and spine morphology it conforms to Roseicidaris only it is a much larger species.

Lambert, J. 1937. Echinides fossiles du Maroc. Notes et Memoires du Service des mines et de la Carte geologique Maroc 39, 39-109, pls 1-4.

Vadet, A. & Nicolleau, P. 2005. Les oursins Domerien de la region de Rich (Maroc). Annales de las Societe d’Histoire Naturelle du Boulonnais 5(1), 1-36.