Universal Chalcidoidea Database

Chalcidoid associates of named taxon: search results

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Host genus: Quercus
Records 211 - 240 of 1577
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Associate: Quercus sp.
Chalcidoid family:  Eurytomidae
      Eurytoma brunniventris    plant associate
      Eurytoma cristata    plant associate
      Eurytoma hecale    plant associate
      Eurytoma pistaciae    plant associate
      Eurytoma pyrrhidii    plant associate
      Eurytoma querceticola    plant associate
      Eurytoma rosae    plant associate
      Eurytoma spinipes    plant associate
      Eurytoma studiosa    plant associate
      Eurytoma xylophaga    plant associate
      Sycophila biguttata    plant host
      Sycophila biguttata    plant associate
      Sycophila binotata    plant associate
      Sycophila dubia    plant associate
      Sycophila flava    plant associate
      Sycophila flavicollis    plant associate
      Sycophila marylandica    plant associate
      Sycophila simplicistigma    plant associate
      Sycophila variegata    plant associate
Chalcidoid family:  not specified
      Bootanomyia dorsalis    plant associate
      Bootanomyia habui    plant associate
      Bootanomyia mehmeti    plant associate
      Bootanomyia onuri    plant associate
      Bootanomyia stigmatizans    plant associate
      Bootanomyia synophri    plant associate
      Bootanomyia viridescens    plant associate
      Camptoptera doptera    plant associate
      Erythmelus sp.    plant associate
      Erythmelus klopomor    plant associate
      Megastigmus sp.    plant associate
Records 211 - 240 of 1577
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