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Universal Chalcidoidea Database
Genera in subfamily Tetrastichinae
Aceratoneura Girault and Dodd, 1915
Aceratoneuromyia Girault, 1917
Agmostigma Ubaidillah and LaSalle, 1996
Anaprostocetus Graham, 1987
Apotetrastichus Graham, 1987
Aprostocetus Westwood, 1833
Aprostoporoides Narendran, 2004
Apterastichus LaSalle, 1994
Arachnoobius Boucek, 1988
Aranobroter LaSalle, 1990
Awara Boucek, 1988
Baryscapus Foerster, 1856
Benoitius Risbec, 1958
Borneoastichus Narendran, 2006
Careostrix LaSalle, 1994
Ceratoneura Ashmead, 1894
Ceratoneuronella Girault, 1913
Ceratoneuropsis Girault, 1913
Chaenotetrastichus Graham, 1987
Chouioia Yang, 1989
Chytrolestes LaSalle, 1994
Cirrospilopsis Brethes, 1913
Citrostichus Boucek, 1988
Comastichus LaSalle, 1994
Crataepus Foerster, 1878
Cryptastichus LaSalle, 1998
Cucarastichus LaSalle, 1994
Dapsilothrix LaSalle, 1994
Dzhanokmenia Kostjukov, 1977
Enneastichus Kieffer, 1910
Epichrysocharis Girault, 1913
Eriastichus LaSalle, 1994
Euceratoneura Girault, 1920
Eulophoscotolinx Girault, 1913
Exalarius LaSalle, 1994
Exastichus LaSalle, 1994
Farooqiella Jamal Ahmad, 2005
Galeopsomyia Girault, 1916
Gallastichus Rasplus and La Salle, 2011
Gasterichus Boucek, 1988
Gautamiella Khan, Agnihotri and Sushil, 2005
Goethella Girault, 1928
Gyrolasomyia Girault, 1913
Hadranellus LaSalle and Boler, 1994
Hadrotrichodes LaSalle, 1994
Henryana Yoshimoto, 1983
Holcotetrastichus Graham, 1987
Idukkiella Narendran, 2007
Iniostichus Kamijo and Ikeda, 1997
Kiggaella Narendran, 2005
Kocaagizus Doganlar, 1993
Kocourekia Boucek, 1966
Kolopterna Graham, 1987
Kostjukovius Graham, 1991
Kostjurixia Narendran, 2007
Lasalleola Narendran, 2003
Leprosa Kim and La Salle, 2008
Leptocybe Fisher and La Salle, 2004
Lisseurytomella Gahan and Fagan, 1923
Megaceratoneura Girault, 1917
Melittobia Westwood, 1848
Mesofrons LaSalle, 1994
Mestocharella Girault, 1913
Minotetrastichus Kostjukov, 1977
Mischotetrastichus Graham, 1987
Moona Kim and La Salle, 2005
Narendrania Fousi, 2004
Neoaceratoneura Khan, Agnihotri and Sushil, 2005
Neogasterichus Narendran, 2003
Neohyperteles De Santis, 1957
Neomestocharella Narendran and Fousi, 2002
Neotrichoporoides Girault, 1913
Nesolynx Ashmead, 1905
Oncastichus LaSalle, 1995
Oomyzus Rondani, 1870
Oxypracetus LaSalle, 1994
Palmistichus Delvare and LaSalle, 1993
Parachrysocharis Girault, 1913
Paragaleopsomyia Girault, 1917
Paraspalangia Ashmead, 1904
Paratetrastichus Yoshimoto and Ishii, 1965
Pasohstichus Ikeda, 1997
Peckelachertus Yoshimoto, 1970
Pentastichus Ashmead, 1894
Petalidion Graham, 1987
Phymastichus LaSalle, 1990
Planotetrastichus Yang, 1996
Pracetus Boucek, 1988
Pronotalia Gradwell, 1957
Puklina Graham, 1991
Quadrastichodella Girault, 1913
Quadrastichus Girault, 1913
Selitrichodes Girault, 1913
Sigmoepilachna Khan, Agnihotri and Sushil, 2005
Sigmophora Rondani, 1867
Sphenolepis Nees, 1834
Stepanovia Kostjukov, 2004
Stipecarinata Ikeda and Kamijo, 1996
Styotrichia LaSalle, 1994
Tachinobia Boucek, 1977