Universal Chalcidoidea Database

Taxonomic tree

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show families in superfamily <Serphitoidea> Serphitoidea
show families in superfamily <Mymarommatoidea> Mymarommatoidea
hide families Chalcidoidea
hide genera Mymaridae
hide species Gonatocerus
show synonyms of <Gonatocerus aegyptiacus> aegyptiacus Soyka
show synonyms of <Gonatocerus aequatorianus> aequatorianus (Ogloblin)
show synonyms of <Gonatocerus alberti> alberti (Debauche)
show synonyms of <Gonatocerus antillensis> antillensis Dozier
show synonyms of <Gonatocerus appendiculatus> appendiculatus (Ogloblin)
show synonyms of <Gonatocerus bonaerensis> bonaerensis (Ogloblin)
show synonyms of <Gonatocerus bukashka> bukashka Triapitsyn
show synonyms of <Gonatocerus californicus> californicus Girault
comptei Girault
edentulus Zeya
show synonyms of <Gonatocerus excisus> excisus (Ogloblin)
flavocinctus (Walker)
floridensis Huber
show synonyms of <Gonatocerus fuscicornis> fuscicornis (Walker)
show synonyms of <Gonatocerus granulosus> granulosus (Ogloblin)
hallami Girault
henneberti Meunier
huberi Zeya
inaequalis Debauche
show synonyms of <Gonatocerus ipswichia> ipswichia Girault
janzeni Huber
show synonyms of <Gonatocerus koebelei> koebelei Perkins
show synonyms of <Gonatocerus koziavka> koziavka Triapitsyn
lissonotus Huber
hide synonyms longicornis Nees
Gonatocerus cicadellae Nikolskaya
Gonatocerus longicornis Nees
Gonatocerus shasthryi (Subba Rao and Kaur)
Gonatocerus terebrator (Foerster)
Gonatocerus uttarodeccanus Mani and Saraswat
Gonatocerus (Gonatocerus) longicornis Nees
Lymaenon britteni Hincks
Lymaenon cicadellae (Nikolskaya)
Lymaenon longiventris Botoc
Lymaenon shasthryi Subba Rao and Kaur
Lymaenon terebrator (Foerster)
Rachistus terebrator Foerster
show synonyms of <Gonatocerus longicrus> longicrus Kieffer
show synonyms of <Gonatocerus maga> maga Girault
mandyanus Zeya and Usman
show synonyms of <Gonatocerus mexicanus> mexicanus Perkins
minimus Foerster
narendrani Zeya
petrarchi Girault
show synonyms of <Gonatocerus pictus> pictus (Haliday)
show synonyms of <Gonatocerus risbeci> risbeci (Hedqvist)
show synonyms of <Gonatocerus rivalis> rivalis Girault
sarawakensis Sveum
show synonyms of <Gonatocerus shamimi> shamimi Subba Rao and Hayat
show synonyms of <Gonatocerus stenopterus> stenopterus (Ogloblin)
show synonyms of <Gonatocerus urocerus> urocerus Ogloblin
utkalensis Subba Rao

NB: This list represents valid Chalcidoid taxa. Family- and genus-group synonyms are not included.