Universal Chalcidoidea Database

Taxonomic tree

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show families in superfamily <Serphitoidea> Serphitoidea
show families in superfamily <Mymarommatoidea> Mymarommatoidea
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hide species Sympiesis
abalisis Narendran
show synonyms of <Sympiesis aburiana> aburiana (Waterston)
show synonyms of <Sympiesis acalle> acalle (Walker)
acicus Narendran
acrobasidis Miller
show synonyms of <Sympiesis albiflava> albiflava Fahringer
show synonyms of <Sympiesis albiscapus> albiscapus (Erdos)
albiventris Storozheva
ampla Storozheva
ancylae Girault
show synonyms of <Sympiesis angustipennis> angustipennis (Erdos)
aperta Storozheva
argenticoxae Girault
show synonyms of <Sympiesis asecta> asecta Delucchi
aureolus Szelenyi
show synonyms of <Sympiesis australiensis> australiensis (Girault)
bardisis Narendran
show synonyms of <Sympiesis biroi> biroi (Erdos)
show synonyms of <Sympiesis boasi> boasi (Girault)
bukobensis Ferriere
caliginosa Storozheva
show synonyms of <Sympiesis campbellensis> campbellensis (Kerrich and Yoshimoto)
show synonyms of <Sympiesis capeki> capeki Boucek
chaliloides Yao, Yang and Li
chenopodii Ashmead
clausenis Narendran
closterae Yao, Yang and Li
comosus Kerrich
comperei Crawford
show synonyms of <Sympiesis consona> consona (Girault)
corrugata Szelenyi
show synonyms of <Sympiesis cosmopterygi> cosmopterygi (Risbec)
crinita Storozheva
show synonyms of <Sympiesis cyaneipurpurea> cyaneipurpurea (Girault)
deminuta Storozheva
derogatae Kamijo
show synonyms of <Sympiesis dolichogaster> dolichogaster Ashmead
dzhebelicus Myartseva and Kurashev
earina Storozheva
elaeagni Myartseva
show synonyms of <Sympiesis elatisis> elatisis Narendran
enargiae Miller
show synonyms of <Sympiesis euspilapterygis> euspilapterygis (Erdos)
extera Storozheva
factitata Storozheva
show synonyms of <Sympiesis feketei> feketei Gyorfi
femorata Gijswijt
festiva Storozheva
show synonyms of <Sympiesis flavopicta> flavopicta Boucek
fragariae Miller
show synonyms of <Sympiesis fucosa> fucosa (Girault)
show synonyms of <Sympiesis gordius> gordius (Walker)
show synonyms of <Sympiesis gordius> gordius (Walker)
show synonyms of <Sympiesis gracillariae> gracillariae (Chambers)
grahami Erdos
show synonyms of <Sympiesis gregori> gregori Boucek
show synonyms of <Sympiesis grotii> grotii (Girault)
grunini Storozheva
show synonyms of <Sympiesis gyorfii> gyorfii Erdos
harithi Narendran
show synonyms of <Sympiesis hawaiiensis> hawaiiensis (Ashmead)
helvetica Szelenyi
show synonyms of <Sympiesis hirticula> hirticula Kamijo
show synonyms of <Sympiesis hyblaeae> hyblaeae Surekha
hyplosis Narendran
show synonyms of <Sympiesis ibseni> ibseni (Girault)
japonica Kamijo
show synonyms of <Sympiesis javanica> javanica (Ferriere)
show synonyms of <Sympiesis javensis> javensis (Gahan)
jeolikotensis Khan, Agnihotri and Sushil
show synonyms of <Sympiesis kampalana> kampalana (Ferriere)
karagiosis Myartseva and Kurashev
kazmii Narendran
kelebiana Erdos
konae Ashmead
kottiyooricus Narendran
kyurendagensis Myartseva and Kurashev
laetus Masi
laevifrons Kamijo
lehri Storozheva
lepida Storozheva
lesnei Risbec
lindbergi Ferriere
show synonyms of <Sympiesis longfellowi> longfellowi (Girault)
show synonyms of <Sympiesis longiventris> longiventris (Girault)
lucida Storozheva
maculata Erdos
show synonyms of <Sympiesis marilandia> marilandia Girault
show synonyms of <Sympiesis marilandica> marilandica Girault
show synonyms of <Sympiesis mauiensis> mauiensis (Ashmead)
mishi Yefremova and Shroll
show synonyms of <Sympiesis myartsevai> myartsevai Ozdikmen
show synonyms of <Sympiesis noncarinata> noncarinata (Girault)
show synonyms of <Sympiesis notata> notata (Zetterstedt)
show synonyms of <Sympiesis obscura> obscura (Ashmead)
oditidis Kerrich
ornatula Storozheva
show synonyms of <Sympiesis oryzae> oryzae Risbec
show synonyms of <Sympiesis particola> particola (Girault)
show synonyms of <Sympiesis polygoniae> polygoniae (Risbec)
show synonyms of <Sympiesis pulcherrima> pulcherrima (Dodd)
show synonyms of <Sympiesis punctifrons> punctifrons (Thomson)
show synonyms of <Sympiesis pustacola> pustacola Szelenyi
show synonyms of <Sympiesis ringoniellae> ringoniellae Kamijo
rugithorax Crawford
show synonyms of <Sympiesis saintpierrei> saintpierrei (Girault)
santelinae Szelenyi
show synonyms of <Sympiesis sergeyi> sergeyi Storozheva
show synonyms of <Sympiesis sericeicornis> sericeicornis (Nees)
show synonyms of <Sympiesis smaragdina> smaragdina Storozheva
solitaria Szelenyi
show synonyms of <Sympiesis spadiceipes> spadiceipes (Girault)
sparsus Yoshimoto
show synonyms of <Sympiesis speciosa> speciosa (Girault and Dodd)
show synonyms of <Sympiesis stigmata> stigmata Girault
show synonyms of <Sympiesis stigmatipennis> stigmatipennis Girault
show synonyms of <Sympiesis striatipes> striatipes (Ashmead)
show synonyms of <Sympiesis superba> superba (Girault)
swezeyi Yoshimoto and Ishii
tebennae Myartseva and Kurashev
show synonyms of <Sympiesis tenuis> tenuis Storozheva
thapsianae Boucek
thyrsisae Gupta, Gawas and Bhambure
show synonyms of <Sympiesis triclada> triclada (Provancher)
trjapitzini Storozheva
tschulensis Myartseva and Kurashev
show synonyms of <Sympiesis turcica> turcica Fahringer
show synonyms of <Sympiesis turkmenica> turkmenica Ozdikmen
show synonyms of <Sympiesis vagans> vagans (Timberlake)
show synonyms of <Sympiesis viridula> viridula (Thomson)
vizri Myartseva and Kurashev
volgensis Yefremova and Shroll
show synonyms of <Sympiesis xanthostoma> xanthostoma (Nees)
yuekseli Doganlar
zygis Myartseva and Kurashev

NB: This list represents valid Chalcidoid taxa. Family- and genus-group synonyms are not included.