Universal Chalcidoidea Database

Taxonomic tree

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show families in superfamily <Serphitoidea> Serphitoidea
show families in superfamily <Mymarommatoidea> Mymarommatoidea
hide families Chalcidoidea
hide subfamilies Aphelinidae
hide tribes Aphelininae
hide species Centrodora
show synonyms of <Centrodora acridiphagus> acridiphagus (Otten)
show synonyms of <Centrodora amoena> amoena Foerster
show synonyms of <Centrodora australiensis> australiensis (Girault)
azizi Hayat
bahara Hayat
bifasciata Hayat
show synonyms of <Centrodora brevifuniculata> brevifuniculata Viggiani
brevispinae Burks and Heraty
show synonyms of <Centrodora cercopiphagus> cercopiphagus (Milliron)
cicadae Silvestri
show synonyms of <Centrodora citri> citri (De Santis and Sarmiento)
crassiscapa Chen and Li
crocata Annecke and Insley
show synonyms of <Centrodora damoni> damoni (Girault)
show synonyms of <Centrodora darwini> darwini (Girault)
dorsati Mercet
show synonyms of <Centrodora flava> flava (Girault)
flemingiae Hayat
show synonyms of <Centrodora fuscipennis> fuscipennis (Girault)
gerundensis Mercet
ghorpadei Hayat
show synonyms of <Centrodora giraulti> giraulti Hayat
show synonyms of <Centrodora grotiusi> grotiusi (Girault)
show synonyms of <Centrodora haeckeli> haeckeli (Girault)
hamira Hayat
hexatricha Erdos and Novicky
show synonyms of <Centrodora homopterae> homopterae (Risbec)
show synonyms of <Centrodora idioceri> idioceri Ferriere
show synonyms of <Centrodora inconspicua> inconspicua (Girault)
insulana Hayat
show synonyms of <Centrodora italica> italica Ferriere
kokila Hayat
lakma Hayat
liebermanni Blanchard
lineascapa Hayat
show synonyms of <Centrodora livens> livens (Walker)
show synonyms of <Centrodora locustarum> locustarum (Giraud)
mala Hayat
mandiana Hayat
show synonyms of <Centrodora maxima> maxima (Girault)
merceti Mercet
show synonyms of <Centrodora miltoni> miltoni (Girault)
show synonyms of <Centrodora mireyae> mireyae (De Santis)
ochrura Erdos and Novicky
show synonyms of <Centrodora oophaga> oophaga (Girault)
show synonyms of <Centrodora orchelimumis> orchelimumis (Gahan)
show synonyms of <Centrodora orthopterae> orthopterae (Gahan)
ossira Hayat
pathania Hayat
pellucida Chen and Li
penthimiae Annecke
show synonyms of <Centrodora perkinsi> perkinsi (Waterston)
salicis Erdos
scolypopae Valentine
show synonyms of <Centrodora speciosissima> speciosissima (Girault)
show synonyms of <Centrodora terrigena> terrigena (Girault)
tetratricha Hayat
show synonyms of <Centrodora tibialis> tibialis (Nees)
show synonyms of <Centrodora tomaspidis> tomaspidis (Howard)
tropicalis Myartseva
uttara Hayat
show synonyms of <Centrodora xiphidii> xiphidii (Perkins)
zacateis Myartseva

NB: This list represents valid Chalcidoid taxa. Family- and genus-group synonyms are not included.