Universal Chalcidoidea Database

Taxonomic tree

Configuration options
Show subfamilies where present
show families in superfamily <Serphitoidea> Serphitoidea
show families in superfamily <Mymarommatoidea> Mymarommatoidea
hide families Chalcidoidea
hide Trichogrammatidae
hide species Paracentrobia
show synonyms of <Paracentrobia acuminata> acuminata (Ashmead)
ajmerensis Yousuf and Shafee
show synonyms of <Paracentrobia americana> americana (Girault)
show synonyms of <Paracentrobia andoi> andoi (Ishii)
show synonyms of <Paracentrobia auriscutellum> auriscutellum (Girault)
bharatpurensis Yousuf and Shafee
show synonyms of <Paracentrobia bicolor> bicolor (Girault)
brevifringiata Yousuf and Shafee
show synonyms of <Paracentrobia cassidavora> cassidavora Subba Rao
show synonyms of <Paracentrobia dimorpha> dimorpha (Kryger)
show synonyms of <Paracentrobia ducassei> ducassei (Dozier)
exilimaculata Hu and Lin
fimbriata Fursov
fusca Lin
fuscusala Hu and Lin
show synonyms of <Paracentrobia garuda> garuda Subba Rao
show synonyms of <Paracentrobia immaculata> immaculata (Girault)
israelica Subba Rao
show synonyms of <Paracentrobia livii> livii (Girault)
longiclavata Yousuf and Shafee
longipedicelata Yousuf and Shafee
longipennis Yousuf and Shafee
show synonyms of <Paracentrobia lutea> lutea (Fullaway)
maduraiensis Yousuf and Shafee
magniclavata Yousuf and Shafee
show synonyms of <Paracentrobia mariellae> mariellae (Ferriere)
show synonyms of <Paracentrobia masovica> masovica (Nowicki)
show synonyms of <Paracentrobia mira> mira (Girault)
show synonyms of <Paracentrobia monotricha> monotricha (Nowicki)
neoflava Yousuf and Shafee
show synonyms of <Paracentrobia nephotetticum> nephotetticum (Mani)
parflava Yousuf and Shafee
show synonyms of <Paracentrobia prima> prima (Perkins)
pubipennis Yousuf and Shafee
show synonyms of <Paracentrobia pulchella> pulchella (Claridge)
show synonyms of <Paracentrobia punctata> punctata Howard
semifumipennis Viggiani
show synonyms of <Paracentrobia sexguttata> sexguttata (Girault)
show synonyms of <Paracentrobia subflava> subflava (Girault)
show synonyms of <Paracentrobia subflavella> subflavella (Girault)
tapajosae Viggiani
hide synonyms tenuinervis (Nowicki)
Paracentrobia tenuinervis (Nowicki)
Ufens tenuinervis Nowicki
show synonyms of <Paracentrobia tomaspidis> tomaspidis (Pickles)
show synonyms of <Paracentrobia xanthogaster> xanthogaster (Girault)
show synonyms of <Paracentrobia yasumatsui> yasumatsui Subba Rao
show synonyms of <Paracentrobia zabinskii> zabinskii (Novicki)

NB: This list represents valid Chalcidoid taxa. Family- and genus-group synonyms are not included.