Universal Chalcidoidea Database

Taxonomic tree

Configuration options
Show subfamilies where present
show families in superfamily <Serphitoidea> Serphitoidea
show families in superfamily <Mymarommatoidea> Mymarommatoidea
hide families Chalcidoidea
hide Eulophidae
hide species Tetrastichus
abalosi Blanchard
abatus Narendran
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus abdominalis> abdominalis Kostjukov
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus aberrans> aberrans Kostjukov
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus abnormis> abnormis Kostjukov
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus acuticlavus> acuticlavus Kostjukov
acutiusculus Graham
acutus Ashmead
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus aenellus> aenellus (Girault)
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus aeneoviridis> aeneoviridis (Girault)
aestivus Yefremova and Yegorenkova
aethognathi Ghesquiere
africanus (Risbec)
agrili Crawford
agrilocidus Graham
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus ahmetcitiri> ahmetcitiri Doganlar
alaskensis Ashmead
albipes Crosby
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus albisensillis> albisensillis Kostjukov
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus albitarsis> albitarsis Kostjukov
albocoxalis Narendran
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus amgun> amgun Kostjukov
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus amurensis> amurensis Walker
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus amurzetus> amurzetus Kostjukov
anamikicus Narendran and Sureshan
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus ancyferovi> ancyferovi Kostjukov
angeloni Girault
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus angolensis> angolensis Risbec
anosibei Risbec
apanteles Khan, Agnihotri and Sushil
apantelicida Brethes
aplanfacis Yang and Yao
aponiusi Yang
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus archideus> archideus (Walker)
ardisiae Ishii
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus argentinacus> argentinacus Ozdikmen
armandii Yang
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus arnoldi> arnoldi (Girault)
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus arsenjevi> arsenjevi Kostjukov
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus artem> artem Kostjukov
arucicus Narendran
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus atratulus> atratulus (Nees)
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus atriclavus> atriclavus Waterston
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus atrocoeruleus> atrocoeruleus (Nees)
auplopus Burks
australasiae Gahan
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus autonae> autonae (Walker)
axia Walker
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus axyllaris> axyllaris Kostjukov
baccharidis Kieffer
badius Narendran
balteatus Waterston
bambeyi Risbec
baricatus Narendran
basilewskyi Risbec
basokoi Risbec
beardsleyi Fullaway
bekiliensis Risbec
bellus Narendran and Girish Kumar
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus belokobylskyi> belokobylskyi Kostjukov
benoiti Risbec
bharathi Narendran
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus bicolor> bicolor (Ashmead)
bilgiricus Narendran
bispinus Narendran
boninensis Yoshimoto and Ishii
brachyopae Graham
brevicalcar Graham
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus breviclava> breviclava Kostjukov
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus brevidorsellum> brevidorsellum Kostjukov
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus brevimarginatus> brevimarginatus Kostjukov
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus breviosus> breviosus Kostjukov
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus breviscapella> breviscapella Ozdikmen
breviscapus Kostjukov
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus brevitarsis> brevitarsis Kostjukov
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus breviventris> breviventris Kostjukov
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus brontispae> brontispae (Ferriere)
brunifuniculus Kostjukov
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus bruninervis> bruninervis Kostjukov
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus bruniscapus> bruniscapus Kostjukov
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus brunistigma> brunistigma Kostjukov
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus brunitibialis> brunitibialis Kostjukov
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus bruniventris> bruniventris Kostjukov
budaicus Narendran
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus bureja> bureja Kostjukov
burrus Yoshimoto and Ishii
byersi Burks
calicuticus Narendran
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus capitatus> capitatus (Ratzeburg)
capreae Erdos
carbonelli Blanchard
caridei Brethes
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus carinatus> carinatus Kostjukov
casuarinae Ferriere
cecidivorus MacGown
cecidomyiae De Stefani
ceroplastidis Brethes
chakrataensis Khan and Sushil
chindakicus Narendran
chinicus Narendran
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus cincinnatus> cincinnatus (Girault)
circularis Howard
hide synonyms claudii (Brethes)
Tetrastichodes claudi Brethes
Tetrastichodes claudii Brethes
Tetrastichus claudi (Brethes)
Tetrastichus claudii (Brethes)
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus clavatus> clavatus Kostjukov
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus clito> clito (Walker)
clypeatus Gahan
coelarchus Graham
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus coelioxydis> coelioxydis (Burks)
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus coeruleus> coeruleus (Nees)
colemani Crawford
compsivorus Crawford
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus contiguus> contiguus Kostjukov
convexi Yang and Yao
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus coorgensis> coorgensis (Chandy Kurian)
cotesiae Narendran
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus crinicornis> crinicornis (Perris)
crioceridis Graham
cupressi Yang
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus cuproideus> cuproideus Howard
curtiscapus Kostjukov
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus cyaniventris> cyaniventris (Motschulsky)
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus cydoniae> cydoniae Risbec
dalotus Narendran
damitus Narendran
dasi Narendran
dasyops Graham
decrescens Graham
demonaxi Narendran
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus denuntiativus> denuntiativus Kostjukov
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus dignella> dignella Ozdikmen
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus dignitosus> dignitosus Kostjukov
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus dignus> dignus Kostjukov
dinoticus Narendran
diospiri Risbec
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus dipterae> dipterae (Risbec)
djuritschae Kostjukov
dulciculus Narendran
echthrus Crawford
elegans Kostjukov
enchorius Kostjukov
ennii Girault
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus epilachnae> epilachnae (Giard)
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus euplanipectus> euplanipectus Ozdikmen
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus euplectrae> euplectrae Risbec
euplectri Gahan
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus euprimoricus> euprimoricus Ozdikmen
eurinus Kostjukov
femoralis Kostjukov
flagelatus Kostjukov
flaviclavus La Salle and Polaszek
flavifemoralis Kostjukov
flavilatus Narendran
flavinervis Kostjukov
flavipediceli Yang and Cao
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus flavipes> flavipes Ashmead
flaviscapus Kostjukov
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus flavopictus> flavopictus (Ashmead)
fuscipennis Howard
fuscous Yang and Cao
gadagkari Narendran
gahani Costa Lima and Guitton
gardneri Ferriere
garicus Narendran
giffardianus Silvestri
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus giffardii> giffardii Silvestri
giffardii Silvestri
girishi Narendran
gozelae Myartseva
graminicola Risbec
graminum Erdos
gressitti Yoshimoto and Ishii
guamensis Yoshimoto and Ishii
hakonensis Ashmead
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus halidayi> halidayi (Graham)
hanka Kostjukov
harteni Yefremova and Yegorenkova
hasanicus Kostjukov
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus heeringi> heeringi Delucchi
hehcirus Kostjukov
hellburgi (Risbec)
helviscapus Graham
heterus Graham
heydoni Narendran
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus hindicus> hindicus Ozdikmen
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus hippasus> hippasus (Walker)
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus hispidivertex> hispidivertex (Girault)
hotspoticus Narendran
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus howardi> howardi (Olliff)
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus howardi> howardi (Olliff)
hydrelliae Sheng
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus hylotomarum> hylotomarum (Bouche)
iaricus Narendran
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus ibseni> ibseni (Girault)
idothea Walker
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus ilithyia> ilithyia (Walker)
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus imitator> imitator (Brethes)
inaequalis Graham
incongruus Ashmead
inferens Yoshimoto
injuriosus Compere
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus inunctus> inunctus (Nees)
isis Brethes
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus jantarae> jantarae (Risbec)
janusi Yang, Yang and Yao
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus johnsoni> johnsoni Ashmead
juglansi Yang
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus julis> julis (Walker)
kamenushka Kostjukov
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus khabarovskensis> khabarovskensis Ozdikmen
kievka Kostjukov
kisenyensis Risbec
kitegaensis Risbec
kivuensis Risbec
kodaikanalensis Saraswat
komarovi Kostjukov
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus kostjukovi> kostjukovi Ozdikmen
kottiyooricus Narendran
kovalevi Kostjukov
kraussi Yoshimoto and Ishii
krishnaiahi Saraswat
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus krishnieri> krishnieri (Mani)
kukitamabae Ishii
kumaonensis Saraswat
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus kurandensis> kurandensis (Girault)
laddi Girault
laminatus Kieffer
lankicus Narendran
laparus Narendran
largicapicus Kostjukov
largiorisus Kostjukov
largipterus Kostjukov
largistigma Kostjukov
largithorax Kostjukov
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus lasiopterae> lasiopterae (Lindeman)
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus lasiopterinus> lasiopterinus Domenichini
laudabilis Kostjukov
ledrae Viggiani
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus legionarius> legionarius Giraud
leionotus Graham
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus lemae> lemae Risbec
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus leocrates> leocrates (Walker)
lepidus Walker
leptosoma Graham
litoreus Yang, Qiao and Han
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus longicapus> longicapus Kostjukov
longicauda Kostjukov
longiclava Kostjukov
longidorsellum Kostjukov
longipronotum Kostjukov
longiradius Kostjukov
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus longiscaposus> longiscaposus Boucek
longiscutum Kostjukov
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus longispinis> longispinis Kostjukov
longistigma Kostjukov
longithorax Kostjukov
lopezi Cristobal
lugubris (De Santis)
luridiceps Brethes
luteorubidus Yoshimoto and Ishii
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus lyridice> lyridice (Walker)
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus macrops> macrops (Graham)
maculifer Silvestri
magnicorpus Khan and Shafee
magnus Risbec
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus magnus> magnus Risbec
maidaqensis Yegorenkova and Yefremova
mangifera Khan and Sushil
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus manilensis> manilensis (Ashmead)
manjumalaicus Narendran
maritimus Kostjukov
mascalicornis Kostjukov
mediocris Kostjukov
melasomae Graham
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus meridionalis> meridionalis Ozdikmen
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus metallicus> metallicus (Girault and Dodd)
micans Howard
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus mimus> mimus (Perkins)
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus minasensis> minasensis De Santis
mindicus Narendran
minimus Kostjukov
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus miser> miser (Nees)
mittagongensis Girault
mohani Khan and Sushil
moldovicus Kostjukov and Tuzlukova
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus momardicae> momardicae Domenichini
monstrabilis Kostjukov
monsus Kostjukov
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus muhavurae> muhavurae Risbec
mukatus Narendran
murakamii Sugonjaev
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus murcia> murcia (Walker)
muricolaris Ghesquiere
narendrani La Salle
neocupressi Narendran
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus neothoracicus> neothoracicus Ozdikmen
niger Ranaweera
nigricornis Kostjukov
nigricoxa Masi
nigricoxae Yang
nigrinervis Kostjukov
nigriocellus Kostjukov
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus nigriscapus> nigriscapus (Howard)
nikolskajae Kostjukov
nilamburensis Saraswat
novoselische Kostjukov
obliqua Khan and Sushil
oeceticola Brethes
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus ooctonus> ooctonus (Kawall)
ootyensis Saraswat
ophiusae Crawford
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus orgyae> orgyae Risbec
orientalis Kostjukov
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus orissaensis> orissaensis Husain and Khan
orthagae Khan, Agnihotri and Sushil
oryzae (Risbec)
ovicida Risbec
ovipransus Crosby and Leonard
ovivorus Crawford
oxyurus Silvestri
pachycerus Graham
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus pachylophusae> pachylophusae Risbec
palauensis Yoshimoto and Ishii
palgravei Girault
pallipes (Risbec)
paracholus Burks
paraponyxi Santhosh
paratemplae Yang and Yao
partellus Khan and Sushil
patannas Motschulsky
pauliani Risbec
paulisiensis Risbec
paululus Graham
pavinantoae (Risbec)
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus pehlivani> pehlivani Ozdikmen
peischula Kostjukov
pellucidinervis Kostjukov
perineti Risbec
periplanetae Crawford
perkinsorum Graham
philippiae Risbec
philippinensis Ashmead
piceae Yang
pilemostomae Graham
planiscutellum Kostjukov
platensis Brethes
plausibilis Kostjukov
poincarei Girault
polygonae Risbec
polynemae Ashmead
polyporinus Askew
pompilicola Graham
porteri Brethes
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus primoricus> primoricus Ozdikmen
productus Riley
prospaltae Ashmead
pseudoeceticola Blanchard
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus pulvinariae> pulvinariae Risbec
punctatifacies Girault
punctifrons Kostjukov
punctipronotum Kostjukov
punctivertex Kostjukov
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus punjabensis> punjabensis (Chandy Kurian)
pupivorus Risbec
pyrrhalti Myartseva
quadriseta Saraswat
ramakrishnae Narendran and Sureshan
ramamurthyi Narendran
raphnusae Risbec
rasnitsyni Kostjukov
regionibus Kostjukov
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus rhinocori> rhinocori Risbec
rivalis Brethes
rjazanovka Kostjukov
rotundus Delucchi
ruandensis Risbec
rufiventris Risbec
rugosus Risbec
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus ruskini> ruskini (Girault)
rwankwiensis Risbec
sahalinicus Kostjukov
santhoshi Narendran
sapari Myartseva
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus saundersii> saundersii (Packard)
sceliphroni Risbec
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus schoenobii> schoenobii Ferriere
schuvachinae Kostjukov
scolyti Ashmead
scriptus Burks
sculpturatus Waterston
sedanka Kostjukov
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus semideae> semideae (Packard)
seorsus Kostjukov
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus serenus> serenus Kostjukov
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus setifer> setifer Thomson
seyrigi Risbec
shonicus Narendran
silvestrinus Kostjukov
simplex Kostjukov
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus sinope> sinope (Walker)
sinui Narendran
sissoo Khan, Agnihotri and Sushil
sodalis Graham
solvae Graham
spassk Kostjukov
spirabilis Waterston
sringericus Narendran
stom Narendran
storozhevae Kostjukov
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus stylatus> stylatus (Girault)
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus subviridis> subviridis Kostjukov
sugitamabae Yasumatsu and Yoshii
sumatus Narendran
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus sutschanus> sutschanus Kostjukov
swaedicola Kieffer
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus tachos> tachos (Walker)
taiga Kostjukov
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus tanjorensis> tanjorensis Husain and Khan
tanus Narendran
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus taprobanensis> taprobanensis Ranaweera
tauricus Kostjukov
taylori Ferriere
tchegdomyn Kostjukov
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus telon> telon (Graham)
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus temporalis> temporalis (Graham)
terney Kostjukov
testaceus Masi
thalaparicus Narendran
theoi Graham
thetisae Gupta, Gawas and Bhambure
thonicus Narendran
thoracicus Yang
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus tibialis> tibialis (Ashmead)
tipicus Kostjukov
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus tonkoui> tonkoui Risbec
translaticius Kostjukov
triozai Khan, Agnihotri and Sushil
trisetae Risbec
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus trisulcatus> trisulcatus Provancher
trjapitzini Kostjukov
tunicus Narendran
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus tyrtaeus> tyrtaeus (Walker)
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus ulmi> ulmi Erdos
umae Narendran
uniarticulata Saraswat
unicolor Girault and Dodd
urgal Kostjukov
urkaltus Kostjukov
urundiensis Risbec
urvilleae (De Santis)
ussuriensis Kostjukov
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus uttaranchalicus> uttaranchalicus Ozdikmen
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus vadanatus> vadanatus Narendran
vayalicus Narendran
violaceus Kurdjumov
voalokae Risbec
wakicus Narendran
xylebororum Domenichini
show synonyms of <Tetrastichus yangi> yangi Ozdikmen
yapensis Yoshimoto and Ishii
zalae Risbec
zekioezeri Doganlar
zeyae Narendran
zygophylli Myartseva

NB: This list represents valid Chalcidoid taxa. Family- and genus-group synonyms are not included.