Universal Chalcidoidea Database

Taxonomic tree

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Show subfamilies where present
show families in superfamily <Serphitoidea> Serphitoidea
show families in superfamily <Mymarommatoidea> Mymarommatoidea
hide families Chalcidoidea
hide Eulophidae
hide species Aprostocetus
aartseni Graham
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus abiiarum> abiiarum (Kostjukov)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus acomatus> acomatus (Girault and Dodd)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus acron> acron Graham
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus acuminativentris> acuminativentris (Girault)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus acuminatus> acuminatus (Girault)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus acutipennis> acutipennis (Ashmead)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus acutiventris> acutiventris (Girault)
adenus Yefremova and Yegorenkova
adustus Yefremova and Yegorenkova
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus aega> aega (Walker)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus aeneithorax> aeneithorax (Girault)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus aeneoculex> aeneoculex (Girault)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus aeneon> aeneon Boucek
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus aeneosus> aeneosus Boucek
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus aeneus> aeneus (Girault)
aeratus Yefremova and Yegorenkova
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus aeruginosus> aeruginosus (Masi)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus aethiops> aethiops (Zetterstedt)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus affinis> affinis (Dodd and Girault)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus agevilleae> agevilleae Graham
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus agnatus> agnatus (Masi)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus agrus> agrus (Walker)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus ajax> ajax (Girault)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus ajmerensis> ajmerensis (Khan and Shafee)
albae Yang
alexandrianensis Doganlar
alkadanus Yefremova and Yegorenkova
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus alveatus> alveatus Graham
amalius Narendran
ambilobei (Risbec)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus amenon> amenon (Walker)
andalusicus Graham
angus Narendran
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus animus> animus Girault
ankaratrae Risbec
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus anna> anna (Girault)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus annulatus> annulatus (Foerster)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus annulicornis> annulicornis (Khan and Shafee)
hide synonyms anodaphus (Walker) null:

null in <process:SQL> near the content: [DSN="nhm/chalcidoids"/><comment>!! what does this query do?? </comment> ][line 18 -- line 18]click here for more info


null in <process:SQL> near the end[line 32 -- line 32]click here for more info

anoplophorae Delvare
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus anthophilus> anthophilus (Burks)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus anthracinus> anthracinus (Ashmead)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus antiguensis> antiguensis (Crawford)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus apama> apama (Walker)
aphloiae (Risbec)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus apiculatus> apiculatus Graham
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus aquaticus> aquaticus (Erdos)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus aquilus> aquilus Graham
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus arachnophagus> arachnophagus (Brethes)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus arathis> arathis (Walker)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus arenarius> arenarius (Erdos)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus aristaeus> aristaeus (Walker)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus arrabonicus> arrabonicus (Erdos)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus arsenjevi> arsenjevi (Kostjukov)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus arses> arses (Walker)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus artemesiae> artemesiae Narendran
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus artemisiae> artemisiae (Erdos)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus artemisicola> artemisicola Graham
aruna Narendran
arunachalicus Narendran and Sureshan
arvus Yefremova and Yegorenkova
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus ascania> ascania (Kostjukov)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus ashmeadi> ashmeadi (Howard)
ashotus Narendran
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus askewi> askewi Graham
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus asphondyliae> asphondyliae Mani and Kurian
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus aspidomorphae> aspidomorphae Ferriere
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus assuetus> assuetus (Kostjukov)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus asthenogmus> asthenogmus (Waterston)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus atomelli> atomelli (Khan)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus atrellus> atrellus (Dodd)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus atristigma> atristigma (Girault)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus atriventris> atriventris (Girault)
atticus Graham
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus aura> aura (Girault)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus auriflavus> auriflavus (Girault)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus aurios> aurios (Girault)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus auriscutellum> auriscutellum (Girault)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus auriventris> auriventris (Girault)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus australicus> australicus (Girault)
azoricus Graham
baccharidis (Kieffer and Herbst)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus baeri> baeri (Kostjukov)
bahiensis (Costa Lima)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus bakkendorfi> bakkendorfi Graham
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus balasi> balasi (Erdos)
bangaloricus Narendran
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus banksii> banksii (Howard)
barnallicus Narendran and Sureshan
basalis (Perkins)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus basilaris> basilaris (Ashmead)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus basimacula> basimacula (Cameron)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus baucis> baucis (Walker)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus beatus> beatus (Perkins)
benazeer Narendran
bendovi Japoshvili
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus beringi> beringi (Kostjukov)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus beroe> beroe (Walker)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus beyazus> beyazus Doganlar
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus bicolor> bicolor (Girault)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus biorrhizae> biorrhizae (Szelenyi)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus blandus> blandus Kostjukov
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus blastophagi> blastophagi (Ashmead)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus blattae> blattae (Burks)
bondari (Costa Lima)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus boreus> boreus (Delucchi)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus boswelli> boswelli (Girault)
bouceki Graham
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus boussingaulti> boussingaulti (Girault)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus brachycerus> brachycerus (Thomson)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus brasiliensis> brasiliensis (Ashmead)
brevipedicellus Yang and Cao
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus brevipennis> brevipennis Graham
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus brevis> brevis (Girault)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus brevistigma> brevistigma (Girault)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus bromi> bromi (Kostjukov)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus brunneiventris> brunneiventris (Girault and Dodd)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus brunneus> brunneus (Dodd)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus bruzzonis> bruzzonis (Masi)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus bucculentus> bucculentus (Kostjukov)
burksi LaSalle
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus burmeisteri> burmeisteri (Girault)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus cacus> cacus (Walker)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus calamarius> calamarius Graham
calasmus Narendran
calius Narendran
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus calvus> calvus (Domenichini)
calycopteridis Narendran
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus camerounensis> camerounensis (Risbec)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus capitigenae> capitigenae Graham
capnopterus Graham
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus cassidis> cassidis (Burks)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus cassidocida> cassidocida Risbec
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus catius> catius (Walker)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus caudatus> caudatus Westwood
cauperdatus Narendran
causalis La Salle and Wu
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus cebennicus> cebennicus Graham
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus cecidomyiarum> cecidomyiarum (Bouche)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus celtidis> celtidis (Erdos)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus cengizi> cengizi Ozdikmen
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus ceroplastae> ceroplastae (Girault)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus cerricola> cerricola (Erdos)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus chakassicus> chakassicus (Dolgin and Kostjukov)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus chapadae> chapadae (Ashmead)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus chara> chara (Kostjukov)
chilophagae Yefremova and Yegorenkova
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus chvalynicus> chvalynicus (Kostjukov)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus ciliatus> ciliatus (Nees)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus cinctiventer> cinctiventer Boucek
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus cinctiventris> cinctiventris (Girault)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus citrinus> citrinus (Foerster)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus citripes> citripes (Thomson)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus citritibialis> citritibialis (Kostjukov)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus clavicornis> clavicornis (Zetterstedt)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus claviger> claviger (Thomson)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus cleonica> cleonica (Walker)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus cobdeni> cobdeni (Girault)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus coccidiphagus> coccidiphagus Graham
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus coimbatorensis> coimbatorensis (Rohwer)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus collega> collega (Ratzeburg)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus colliguayae> colliguayae (Philippi)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus consimilis> consimilis (Girault)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus constrictus> constrictus Graham
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus coxalis> coxalis (Howard)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus cracens> cracens Graham
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus craneiobiae> craneiobiae Graham
crassiceps Graham
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus cressoni> cressoni (Girault)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus crino> crino (Walker)
crypturgus Yang
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus csokakoensis> csokakoensis (Erdos)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus culex> culex (Girault)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus culminis> culminis Graham
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus cultratus> cultratus Graham
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus cupreus> cupreus (Ashmead)
curtivena Graham
cycladum Graham
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus cyniphidum> cyniphidum (Ratzeburg)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus daimachus> daimachus (Walker)
dala Narendran
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus darwini> darwini (Girault)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus darwinianus> darwinianus Boucek
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus dauci> dauci Graham
debilitatus Graham
decatus Narendran
deceptor Graham
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus decii> decii (Girault)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus defimbriatus> defimbriatus (Kostjukov)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus dei> dei (Girault)
dellus Narendran
dendrolimi Yang and Cao
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus deobensis> deobensis Graham
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus dezhnevi> dezhnevi (Kostjukov)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus dhireni> dhireni (Saraswat)
diaspididus Yefremova and Yegorenkova
diclus Narendran
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus dineuri> dineuri (Risbec)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus diplosidis> diplosidis Crawford
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus distichus> distichus Graham
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus distinguendus> distinguendus (Perkins)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus diversus> diversus (Foerster)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus doksyensis> doksyensis Graham
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus dolichocerus> dolichocerus (Masi)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus domenichinii> domenichinii (Erdos)
doonensis Singh
doronokianus Kamijo
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus dotus> dotus (Walker)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus doutti> doutti Ozdikmen
dryocosmi Wu and Xu
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus dubius> dubius (Waterston)
durmitorensis Graham
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus dymas> dymas (Walker)
elegantulus Graham
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus eleuchia> eleuchia (Walker)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus elevatus> elevatus (Howard)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus elongatus> elongatus (Foerster)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus emesa> emesa (Walker)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus epicharmus> epicharmus (Walker)
epilobiellus Graham
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus epilobii> epilobii Graham
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus eratus> eratus (Walker)
ericae (Dufour)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus eriophyes> eriophyes (Taylor)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus ermaki> ermaki (Kostjukov)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus escherichi> escherichi (Szelenyi)
esherensis Graham
essugonjaevi Trizpitsyn
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus esurus> esurus (Riley)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus euagoras> euagoras (Walker)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus eucalypti> eucalypti (Girault)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus euflavus> euflavus Ozdikmen
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus eupatorii> eupatorii Kurdjumov
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus eupolis> eupolis (Walker)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus eurystoma> eurystoma Graham
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus eurytus> eurytus (Walker)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus eusenegalensis> eusenegalensis Ozdikmen
exertus La Salle
extensus Graham
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus fabicola> fabicola (Rondani)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus facetus> facetus (Trjapitzin and Kostjukov)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus fannius> fannius (Walker)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus fasciatus> fasciatus (Ashmead)
fasciatus Ashmead
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus faustus> faustus (Burks)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus februus> februus (Walker)
felix La Salle, Yang and Lin
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus femoralis> femoralis (Sundby)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus femoratus> femoratus (Ashmead)
ferganicus Kostjukov and Khomchenko
ficicolae Singh
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus fidius> fidius Girault
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus filiformis> filiformis (Girault)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus flavellinus> flavellinus Boucek
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus flavellus> flavellus (Girault and Dodd)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus flavicapitus> flavicapitus Kostjukov
flavicaput Girault
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus flavicollis> flavicollis (Girault)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus flavicornis> flavicornis (Dodd)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus flavidus> flavidus (Khan and Shafee)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus flavifrons> flavifrons (Walker)
flavimetanotum Yefremova and Yegorenkova
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus flavios> flavios (Girault)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus flavipostscutellum> flavipostscutellum (Girault)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus flavirictus> flavirictus (Kostjukov)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus flaviscapus> flaviscapus (Dodd)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus flaviscutellum> flaviscutellum (Girault)
flavobasalis Girault
flavolineatus Yefremova and Yegorenkova
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus flavovarius> flavovarius (Nees)
flavus Girault
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus florida> florida (Girault)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus flumeneus> flumeneus Kostjukov
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus fonscolombei> fonscolombei Graham
foraminifer Graham
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus formosanus> formosanus (Timberlake)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus forsteri> forsteri (Walker)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus froggatti> froggatti (Ashmead)
fukutai Miwa and Sonan
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus fulgens> fulgens (Girault)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus fulvipes> fulvipes (Foerster)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus fulvipostscutellum> fulvipostscutellum (Girault)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus fuscipennatus> fuscipennatus Boucek
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus fuscipennis> fuscipennis (Girault)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus fuscitibiae> fuscitibiae (Girault)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus fuscosus> fuscosus Boucek
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus fuscus> fuscus (Girault)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus fusificola> fusificola Graham
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus gala> gala (Walker)
galbulus Ribes
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus gallicola> gallicola (Ferriere)
gallicolus Nieves-Aldrey and Askew
garganensis Graham
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus garryana> garryana (Burks)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus gaus> gaus (Walker)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus gelastus> gelastus (Burks)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus ghananensis> ghananensis (Doganlar)
ghanimi Japoshvili
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus gibboni> gibboni (Girault)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus glandicola> glandicola Graham
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus gloriosus> gloriosus (Girault and Dodd)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus glycon> glycon (Walker)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus gnomus> gnomus Graham
gobius Girault
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus gowdeyi> gowdeyi (Crawford)
graciliclava Graham
grahami Kostjukov and Tuzlikova
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus grandii> grandii (Domenichini)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus gratus> gratus (Giraud)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus gravans> gravans (Silvestri)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus gregi> gregi (Girault)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus grotiusi> grotiusi (Girault)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus grylli> grylli (Erdos)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus guttatus> guttatus (Girault)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus habarovi> habarovi (Kostjukov)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus haeckeli> haeckeli (Girault)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus hagenowii> hagenowii (Ratzeburg)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus hanangensis> hanangensis (Delucchi)
handeli Girault
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus hanka> hanka Kostjukov
hanti Narendran
harenosus Yefremova and Yegorenkova
harithus Narendran
harongae (Risbec)
hayati Narendran
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus hedqvisti> hedqvisti Graham
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus hesperius> hesperius (Burks)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus hetaericos> hetaericos (Girault)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus hexguttativentris> hexguttativentris (Girault)
hians Graham
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus hibus> hibus (Burks)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus hillmeadia> hillmeadia (Girault)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus hofferi> hofferi (Kostjukov)
holochlorus (Perkins)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus holomelas> holomelas Graham
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus holoxanthus> holoxanthus Graham
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus homeri> homeri (Girault)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus homochromus> homochromus (Perkins)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus humilis> humilis Graham
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus hyalinipennis> hyalinipennis (Girault)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus hyalinus> hyalinus (Girault)
hyperfuniculus Kostjukov
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus ibericus> ibericus Graham
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus ignigenus> ignigenus De Santis
ilexi Sheng and Zhao
ille Narendran
imago Girault
imperialis Girault
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus impexus> impexus (Girault)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus impurus> impurus (Foerster)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus incrassatus> incrassatus Graham
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus indicus> indicus Ozdikmen
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus indigenus> indigenus (Girault)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus infulatus> infulatus (De Santis)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus inghamensis> inghamensis (Girault)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus inopinus> inopinus (Kostjukov)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus intentatus> intentatus (Girault and Dodd)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus interjectus> interjectus (Kostjukov)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus invidus> invidus (Domenichini)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus io> io (Girault)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus ion> ion Boucek
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus ione> ione (Walker)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus irvingi> irvingi (Girault)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus ischnopterae> ischnopterae (Girault)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus jaipurensis> jaipurensis Ozdikmen
java (Girault)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus juniperi> juniperi (Crawford)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus kansasia> kansasia Girault
karicus Narendran
kaya Narendran
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus kelloggi> kelloggi (Girault)
kodei Narendran
krusenschterni Kostjukov
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus kuriani> kuriani (Husain and Khan)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus lacaena> lacaena (Walker)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus lachares> lachares (Walker)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus lacunatus> lacunatus Graham
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus lamiicidus> lamiicidus Kerrich
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus larzacensis> larzacensis Graham
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus lasallei> lasallei Khan, Agnihotri and Sushil
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus lasiopterus> lasiopterus Doganlar
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus lasius> lasius (Burks)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus laticeps> laticeps Graham
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus latithorax> latithorax (Girault)
lecanii (Girault)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus lelaps> lelaps (Walker)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus lenini> lenini (Girault)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus leptocerus> leptocerus Graham
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus leptoneuros> leptoneuros (Ratzeburg)
leroyi (Risbec)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus leucone> leucone (Walker)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus leucopterae> leucopterae (Ferriere)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus levadiensis> levadiensis Graham
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus licalis> licalis Narendran
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus ligus> ligus (Walker)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus limbus> limbus (Girault)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus lindemani> lindemani (Kostjukov)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus lineatus> lineatus (Girault)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus lituratus> lituratus Graham
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus longicauda> longicauda (Thomson)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus longiclavus> longiclavus (Dodd)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus longicornis> longicornis (Ashmead)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus longicorpus> longicorpus (Girault)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus longipectus> longipectus (Kostjukov)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus longipennis> longipennis (Dodd)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus longiscapus> longiscapus (Thomson)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus longiscutulum> longiscutulum (Delucchi)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus longispinis> longispinis Kostjukov
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus longistigma> longistigma Kostjukov
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus longiventris> longiventris (Girault)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus longulus> longulus (Erdos)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus lustris> lustris (Girault)
lutescens Askew
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus luteus> luteus (Ratzeburg)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus lycidas> lycidas (Walker)
lycidoides Graham
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus lysippe> lysippe (Walker)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus maculatus> maculatus (Khan and Shafee)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus mahometi> mahometi (Girault)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus malabarensis> malabarensis (Saraswat)
malagensis Graham
malcis Narendran
malloticolae Singh
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus mandanis> mandanis (Walker)
manja Narendran
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus marcovitchi> marcovitchi (Crawford)
marginalis Yegorenkova and Yefremova
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus marginatus> marginatus (Girault)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus margiscutellum> margiscutellum (Girault)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus margiscutum> margiscutum (Girault)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus margiventris> margiventris (Girault)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus marilandia> marilandia (Girault)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus marinikius> marinikius (Kostjukov)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus marylandensis> marylandensis (Girault)
masculinus Graham
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus mauripennis> mauripennis (Waterston)
maurus Graham
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus maximus> maximus (Dodd and Girault)
maysaloonensis Yegorenkova and Yefremova
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus mazaeus> mazaeus (Walker)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus megameli> megameli (Fullaway)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus melichlorus> melichlorus (Waterston)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus melleus> melleus (Ashmead)
meltoftei Buhl
mendeli Japoshvili
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus menius> menius (Walker)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus meridialis> meridialis (Dodd)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus meridianus> meridianus (Girault)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus meridionalis> meridionalis Graham
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus meroe> meroe Graham
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus mesmeri> mesmeri (Girault)
metallicus (Perkins)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus metei> metei Ozdikmen
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus metra> metra (Walker)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus micantulus> micantulus (Thomson)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus microcosmus> microcosmus (Girault)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus microfuniculus> microfuniculus (Kostjukov)
microocellus Kostjukov
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus microscopicus> microscopicus (Rondani)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus milleri> milleri (Burks)
mimulus Graham
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus minimus> minimus (Ratzeburg)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus minutissimus> minutissimus (Girault)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus minutus> minutus (Howard)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus miridivorus> miridivorus (Domenichini)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus mirus> mirus (Girault)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus misericordia> misericordia (Girault)
modistrus Narendran and Nikhil
moldavicus Kostjukov
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus moluccasicus> moluccasicus Ozdikmen
monacoi Viggiani
montanus Girault
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus monticola> monticola (Girault)
morairensis Graham
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus morum> morum (Girault)
muiri (Perkins)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus mycerinus> mycerinus (Walker)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus mymaridis> mymaridis (Girault)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus myrsus> myrsus (Walker)
nadicus Narendran
nagri Narendran
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus nainitalensis> nainitalensis (Khan and Shafee)
namdaphicus Narendran and Sureshan
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus narcaeus> narcaeus (Walker)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus narius> narius Narendran
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus natans> natans (Kostjukov and Fursov)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus naucles> naucles (Walker)
naumanni Yefremova and Yegorenkova
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus nebraskensis> nebraskensis (Girault)
necopinatus Girault
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus negetae> negetae Risbec
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus neglectus> neglectus (Domenichini)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus neis> neis (Walker)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus nelsonensis> nelsonensis (Girault)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus neoflavus> neoflavus Ozdikmen
neogala Narendran
neovanilae Narendran and Sureshan
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus neuroteri> neuroteri (Ashmead)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus niger> niger (Girault)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus nigriceps> nigriceps (Masi)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus nigricitrinus> nigricitrinus (Kostjukov)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus nigriclava> nigriclava (Girault)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus nigricornis> nigricornis (Khan and Shafee)
nigrithorax Girault
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus nigriventris> nigriventris (Girault)
nigroplaque Yang and Cao
nitens Prinsloo and Kelly
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus nomadis> nomadis (Girault)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus norax> norax (Walker)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus novatus> novatus (Walker)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus novifasciatus> novifasciatus (Girault)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus novus> novus (Girault)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus nubigenus> nubigenus Graham
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus nubilipennis> nubilipennis (Girault)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus nugatorius> nugatorius (Girault)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus nympha> nympha (Girault)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus nymphis> nymphis (Walker)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus obliquus> obliquus Graham
obscurus Girault
obtusae Narendran and David
occidentalis Graham
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus occultus> occultus (Girault)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus octoguttatus> octoguttatus Girault
oculisetatus Kostjukov
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus oklahoma> oklahoma (Girault)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus oncideridis> oncideridis (Gahan)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus orbitalis> orbitalis (Ashmead)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus oreophilus> oreophilus (Foerster)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus orestes> orestes Graham
orgyiae Yang and Yao
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus orithyia> orithyia (Walker)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus oropus> oropus (Walker)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus oviductus> oviductus (Girault)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus ovivorax> ovivorax (Silvestri)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus pachyneuros> pachyneuros (Ratzeburg)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus pallidicaput> pallidicaput (Girault)
pallidipedes Kostjukov
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus pallidipes> pallidipes (Ashmead)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus pallidiventris> pallidiventris (Girault)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus pallipes> pallipes (Dalman)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus paluster> paluster (Kostjukov)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus palustris> palustris Graham
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus pandora> pandora (Burks)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus pantshenkoi> pantshenkoi (Kostjukov)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus paralus> paralus (Walker)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus parvulus> parvulus (Dodd)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus pattersonae> pattersonae (Fullaway)
pauliani Risbec
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus pauliani> pauliani Risbec
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus pausiris> pausiris (Walker)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus pax> pax (Girault)
peischula Kurdjumov
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus percaudatus> percaudatus (Silvestri)
perfulvescens Graham
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus perkinsi> perkinsi (Girault)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus perobscurus> perobscurus (Girault)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus perone> perone Graham
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus perpulcher> perpulcher (Girault)
persicus Yefremova and Yegorenkova
petiolatus Narendran and Minu
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus phillyreae> phillyreae (Domenichini)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus phineus> phineus (Walker)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus phloeophthori> phloeophthori Graham
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus phragmiticola> phragmiticola Graham
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus phragmitinus> phragmitinus (Erdos)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus phryno> phryno (Walker)
phytolymae Risbec
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus ping> ping Graham
pinus Li and Xu
plagioderae Kostjukov
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus plangon> plangon (Walker)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus planiusculus> planiusculus (Thomson)
platoni Girault
plesispae (Ferriere)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus politi> politi (Burks)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus polybaea> polybaea (Walker)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus polychromus> polychromus (Dodd)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus polygoni> polygoni (Erdos)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus polynemae> polynemae (Ashmead)
pomosus Girault
pontaniae Yang
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus pontiac> pontiac (Girault)
popovi Kostjukov
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus populi> populi (Kurdjumov)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus postscutellatus> postscutellatus (Girault and Dodd)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus problematicus> problematicus (Erdos)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus procerae> procerae (Risbec)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus productus> productus Graham
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus prolidice> prolidice Graham
prolixus LaSalle and Huang
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus prosymna> prosymna (Walker)
protasovi Japoshvili
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus proto> proto (Walker)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus pseudopodiellus> pseudopodiellus (Bakkendorf)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus pseudopurpureus> pseudopurpureus Ozdikmen
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus psyllaephagus> psyllaephagus (Burks)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus psyllidis> psyllidis (Khan and Shafee)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus ptarmicae> ptarmicae Graham
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus pulcher> pulcher (Girault and Dodd)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus pulchrinotatus> pulchrinotatus (Girault)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus pullus> pullus (Girault)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus punctatifrons> punctatifrons (Girault)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus punctifrons> punctifrons (Ashmead)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus purpureicorpus> purpureicorpus (Girault)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus purpureithorax> purpureithorax (Girault)
purpureivarius Girault
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus purpureus> purpureus (Cameron)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus pygmaeus> pygmaeus (Zetterstedt)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus quadrifasciatus> quadrifasciatus (Girault)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus quadrimaculae> quadrimaculae (Girault)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus quadrimaculatus> quadrimaculatus (Girault)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus queenslandensis> queenslandensis (Girault)
rajai Narendran
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus rebezae> rebezae (Kostjukov)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus regnieri> regnieri (Risbec)
retura Narendran
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus rhacius> rhacius (Walker)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus rhipheus> rhipheus (Walker)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus rhode> rhode (Walker)
ricosus Narendran
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus rieki> rieki (De Santis)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus rimskykorsakovi> rimskykorsakovi (Kostjukov and Fursov)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus riverai> riverai (Brethes)
riverplaticus Triapitsyn
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus roesellae> roesellae (Nees)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus rosae> rosae (Ashmead)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus roseveari> roseveari Ferriere
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus rotundiventris> rotundiventris (Girault)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus rozanovi> rozanovi Kostjukov
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus rubi> rubi Graham
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus rubicola> rubicola Graham
rufescens Graham
rufiscapus Graham
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus rufiscutellum> rufiscutellum (Girault)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus rufus> rufus (Bakkendorf)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus rumicis> rumicis Graham
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus saintpierrei> saintpierrei (Girault)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus salebrosus> salebrosus Robinson
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus salictorum> salictorum Graham
saltensis Girault
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus salto> salto Boucek
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus saltus> saltus Boucek
samandagus Doganlar
sankarani Boucek
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus sannio> sannio (Girault)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus sannion> sannion Boucek
santalinus Narendran
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus satpurensis> satpurensis (Saraswat)
schambala Kostjukov
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus schilleri> schilleri (Girault)
scoticus Graham
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus scutellaris> scutellaris (Delucchi)
selonus Narendran
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus semiauraticeps> semiauraticeps (Girault)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus semidesertus> semidesertus (Kostjukov)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus semiflaviceps> semiflaviceps (Girault)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus senegalensis> senegalensis (Risbec)
sensuna Baur
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus septemguttatus> septemguttatus (Girault)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus serratularum> serratularum Graham
serycus Narendran
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus setosulus> setosulus Graham
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus sexguttatus> sexguttatus (Girault)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus seychellensis> seychellensis Ozdikmen
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus seymourensis> seymourensis (Girault)
shimlicus Narendran
shuvakhinae Kostjukov
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus sibiricus> sibiricus (Kostjukov)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus sicarius> sicarius (Silvestri)
silaceus Graham
silenti Narendran
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus silvarum> silvarum Boucek
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus silvaticus> silvaticus (Gahan)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus silvensis> silvensis (Girault)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus silvestris> silvestris Kostjukov
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus similis> similis (Howard)
smaragdus Yefremova and Yegorenkova
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus sobrius> sobrius (Gahan)
socialis (Kieffer and Herbst)
spassk Kostjukov
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus speciosissimus> speciosissimus (Girault)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus speciosus> speciosus (Girault)
specularis Graham
spinicornis (Risbec)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus spissigradus> spissigradus (Girault)
sringeriensis Narendran
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus stenus> stenus Graham
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus stictococci> stictococci (Silvestri)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus stigmaticalis> stigmaticalis Graham
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus strobilanae> strobilanae (Ratzeburg)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus strobilus> strobilus (Burks)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus subanellatus> subanellatus Graham
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus subfasciativentris> subfasciativentris (Girault)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus sublustris> sublustris (Girault)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus subplanus> subplanus Graham
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus subterraneus> subterraneus (Szelenyi)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus suevius> suevius (Walker)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus sulcatus> sulcatus (Girault and Dodd)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus sulfureiventris> sulfureiventris (Girault)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus susurrus> susurrus (Girault)
taiga Kostjukov
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus tamaricicola> tamaricicola (Kostjukov)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus tanaceticola> tanaceticola Graham
taosae Triapitsyn
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus tarsalis> tarsalis (Perkins)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus tarsatus> tarsatus Boucek
taruna Narendran
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus taxi> taxi Graham
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus teiae> teiae (Girault)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus tenuiradialis> tenuiradialis Graham
tenuis Girault
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus terebrans> terebrans Erdos
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus tertius> tertius (Kostjukov)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus tesserus> tesserus (Burks)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus thalesi> thalesi Girault
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus theioneurus> theioneurus (Masi)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus thekmenevae> thekmenevae (Kostjukov)
thomasi Brethes
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus tiliaceae> tiliaceae Graham
tilicola Graham
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus toddaliae> toddaliae (Risbec)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus tompanus> tompanus (Erdos)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus torquentis> torquentis Graham
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus totis> totis (Walker)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus travancorensis> travancorensis (Saraswat)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus trichionotus> trichionotus Robinson
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus trifasciatus> trifasciatus (Girault)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus trimaculosus> trimaculosus (Girault)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus tritrichia> tritrichia (Saraswat)
tritus Prinsloo and Kelly
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus trjapitzini> trjapitzini (Kostjukov)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus truncatulus> truncatulus Graham
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus turanicus> turanicus (Kostjukov)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus tymber> tymber (Walker)
ugandaensis (Girault)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus unfasciativentris> unfasciativentris (Girault)
uthonia Narendran
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus vaccus> vaccus (Walker)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus valens> valens (Walker)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus vanillae> vanillae Narendran
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus vaquitarum> vaquitarum (Wolcott)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus varicolor> varicolor (Dodd)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus varicornis> varicornis (Girault)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus varius> varius (Kostjukov)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus vassolensis> vassolensis Graham
vatiata Narendran
vatrjapitzini Kostjukov
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus venustus> venustus (Gahan)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus veronicae> veronicae Graham
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus verrucarii> verrucarii (Balduf)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus versicolor> versicolor (Ranaweera)
verticalis Graham
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus verus> verus (Girault)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus verutus> verutus Graham
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus viatorum> viatorum (Graham)
vicinus Kostjukov
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus victoriensis> victoriensis (Girault)
vimania Narendran
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus viridescens> viridescens (Foerster)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus viridicyaneus> viridicyaneus (Girault)
viridiflavus Girault
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus viridinitens> viridinitens Graham
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus viridis> viridis (Dalla Torre)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus viridiscapus> viridiscapus (Girault)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus viridithorax> viridithorax (Girault)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus vivatus> vivatus (Girault)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus volgodonicus> volgodonicus (Kostjukov)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus voranus> voranus (Walker)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus vulgaris> vulgaris (Ashmead)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus wallacei> wallacei (Girault)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus walsinghami> walsinghami (Girault)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus westwoodii> westwoodii (Fonscolombe)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus wrangeli> wrangeli (Kostjukov)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus xania> xania (Kostjukov)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus xanther> xanther (Girault)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus xanthicolor> xanthicolor (Girault)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus xanthomelas> xanthomelas Graham
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus xanthopus> xanthopus (Nees)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus xenares> xenares (Walker)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus xenocles> xenocles (Walker)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus xeuxes> xeuxes (Walker)
yerbamatei Triapitsyn
yesica Narendran
yoshimotoi Khan, Agnihotri and Sushil
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus zaleucus> zaleucus (Walker)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus zemani> zemani (Brethes)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus zerovae> zerovae (Kostjukov and Fursov)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus zoilus> zoilus (Walker)
show synonyms of <Aprostocetus zosimus> zosimus (Walker)

NB: This list represents valid Chalcidoid taxa. Family- and genus-group synonyms are not included.