Gifts and hospitality policy and guidelines

The following sets out the Museum's approach to the receiving of gifts and hospitality.

  1. The receiving of gifts and hospitality must conform to the principles of public accountability and the Museum's fraud and bribery policy. 
  2. The core principle is that staff (permanent, fixed term contract, temporary and seconded staff, externally funded and Trustees) should not accept any gifts or hospitality from a third party (e.g. a supplier) which might reasonably be seen to compromise their personal judgement and integrity. 
  3. Staff are prohibited from accepting gifts or hospitality from any third party actively engaged in a tender / sale / negotiation / potential sponsorship / commercial partnership process with the Museum until the process has been concluded. 
  4. Staff are prohibited from soliciting gifts or hospitality in return for providing services.
  5. The onus is on staff to determine initially whether it is appropriate or not to accept gifts or hospitality. However staff should not accept gifts or hospitality with an estimated value in excess of £50 (either on one occasion or in total per annum from one source) without prior approval of their Head of Department. Heads of Department should seek prior approval from their Director, and Directors from the Museum Director.
  6. All staff must record gifts and hospitality, both accepted and declined, where the estimated value exceeds £50 (either on one occasion or in total per annum from one source), in the Gifts and Hospitality Register maintained by the Finance department on behalf of the Director of Finance and Corporate Services. If there is doubt as to the value above £50 or not, then the item should be recorded. 
  7. The Gifts and Hospitality Register will be reviewed annually by the Audit and Risk Committee. 
  8. The policy applies equally to gifts and hospitality offered to a staff member's spouse, partner or close family. 
  9. Breaches of the Gifts and Hospitality Policy will be investigated in the first instance by the Director of Finance and Corporate Services, and may result in disciplinary action.
  10. If there remains doubt as to the propriety of accepting a gift or hospitality, having consulted the appropriate Head of Department, then staff should consult the Director of Finance and Corporate Services.