Thank-you for your support

A crowd of people looking at Sophie the stegosaurus

Chris Lintott's Science Soirees, February 2022

We gratefully acknowledge the support of the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport, whose funding on behalf of the UK public makes our work possible, and our research partners who enable delivery of our world-class science.

We are grateful to all our philanthropic supporters and corporate partners - their generous support increases the impact of our popular public galleries in South Kensington and Tring, the research of our scientific community, and our innovative learning and outreach programmes.

Our thanks also extend to our Board of Trustees, our Ambassadors, NHM Development Trust members and all of our volunteers for their time, expertise and continuing commitment to the Museum's mission. Together your support helps us to create advocates for the planet, working towards a future where both people and the planet thrive.


Philanthropic Supporters

Hussain Aga Khan
Kirk B Alexander
Victoria Bond (Winchcombe)
British Council
The Cadogan Charity
The Calleva Foundation
The City Bridge Trust
Claude and Sofia Marion Foundation
The Clore Duffield Foundation
The John S Cohen Foundation
David Aaron Ltd
The Edith Murphy Foundation
The Evolution Education Trust
Garfield Weston Foundation
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Dr Douglas Gurr
Jeremy Herrmann
The Hintze Family Charitable Foundation
Huo Family Foundation (UK) Limited

Dr Ned F Kuehn and Mrs Lisa T Kuehn
King Baudouin Foundation United States
The Kusuma Trust UK
The Lord Leonard and Lady Estelle Wolfson Foundation
Professor Anthony and Mrs Angela Marmont
The Michael and Nicola Sacher Charitable Trust
Heritage Lottery Fund
Simon and Harriet Patterson 
The New York Times
The Rufford Foundation
Holly Smith and Neil Osborn
The Sackler Trust
The Street Foundation
The Swire Charitable Trust
The William Brake Foundation 
Voices for Nature Foundation
Mr Rob Wilcock and Mrs Cathryn Wilcock
Charles Wilson and Rowena Olegario
The Wolfson Foundation

Natural History Museum Ambassadors

Hussain Aga Khan
Brent Cheshire CBE FGS FEI
David de Rothschild
Paul Edwards
Debbie Hannam
Dean N Menegas
Alessia Milner
Chris Milner 
Dr Jonathan Milner
Saker Nusseibeh CBE
Talulah Riley
Lisa Ronson
Helena Wayth

Natural History Museum Development Trust Trustees

Dame Frances Cairncross DBE CBE FRSE
Michael Herington
Colin Hudson
Steven Larcombe


Gifts in wills

Patricia A Moss
Rosemary Powers
Peter C Tansley

Other supporters

We would also like to thank those supporters who wish to remain anonymous, those who support us through regular giving, International Friends of the Natural History Museum, NHM Members and those who have participated in challenge events in support of our work.


Kamal and Anna Ahuja
Mr Lawrence Banks CBE
Jolyon and Sam Barker
The Beddington Family
Mrs Lorraine Buckland
Dame Frances Cairncross DBE CBE FRSE
David Cantillon
Julian and Jenny Cazalet
Sir Trevor and Lady Susan Chinn
Mr & Mrs Terence & Niki Cole
Mr and Mrs P Cunningham
Sean and Beverley Dennis
Sir Michael Dixon
Mrs Janet Dwek
Mr James Earls
Dianne Edwards
George Farha
Daniel Gee
Lady Gibbs
Lord Stephen Green 
Mrs Jenny Halpern Prince
Debbie Hannam
William and Heather Harris
Loona Hazarika and Sarah Wills
Ian Henderson
Michael Herington
Mr Andrew Paul Hill
Molly Jackson
Alnawaz Jiwa and Chelsea Purvis
Colin and Claudia Johnston
Dr Ned F Kuehn
Victor (Phone Si Thu) Ye Yint Kyaw Win
Ms Nicole Lagneau
Steven Larcombe
Mr Roger Latham
Sir Sydney Lipworth QC and Lady Lipworth CBE

Ms Jasmina Ljuhar
Mr George Loudon
Julian Lush
The Makin Family
Marsh Christian Trust
Dean N Menegas and Family
Hilary Newiss
Robert Noel
Tessa Packard and Oliver Rampley
Mario Palencia
Stephen and Anne Pearson
Mariela Pissioti
Nathaniel Paul
Michael Porterfield
Nicholas and Jane Prentice
Edmund Pringle and Vanessa Martin
Sinead Read
The Roden Family
Chris Rokos
The Michael and Nicola Sacher Charitable Trust
Dr Martin Schoernig
Sam Seppala
Holly Smith and Neil Osborn
Mr and Mrs Harvey Soning
Raksha Sriram and Sriram Nadathur
Professor Eleanor Stride
Dr Sarah Thomas
Simon Thompson
Lucinda Watson
The Earthshot Foundation
We Have The Power
Mr Martin G Williams
Mr Brian Winterflood MBE
Mrs Camilla Withington

Corporate partners and members

American Express Services Europe Limited
BMW Group UK
BNP Paribas
Dell EMC
Federated Hermes Investment Management
Google Arts & Culture
The LEGO Group
Leica Camera Ltd
Virgin Media O2
Rio Tinto
Workman LLP
Williams & Hill

Our Trustees

The Board of Trustees is responsible for overseeing the management of the Museum.