Loans service

Children in their classroom drawing a horned skull from a specimen on their table

Our loans are an excellent way to bring your lessons to life. We have a range of themed boxes to use within a variety of curriculum areas including Science, Art, Language, Geography and History.

Each set is a box of six or more specimens, a fact file about the specimens and instructions on how to handle them. A box can be used for multiple classes and may be loaned for one half-term (up to six weeks) at a time. It can be collected at and returned to the Museum at a mutually agreed date and time. 

The Museum is a charity and its role is now more important than ever, to help support the Museum there is a recommended donation of £30 charge for a loan box. 

Occasionally some of the specimens are damaged or are needed elsewhere. The Museum reserves the right to replace the specimens when necessary.

How to book a box

For more information about our loans or to book a loan, please contact our Learning and Events team at 020 7942 6177  or by email.

Before requesting a loan please read our terms and conditions and handling instructions (PDF 123kB).

To book a loan we will need to know the:

  • school name and teacher responsible
  • contact details, including email, telephone number and address where the specimens are to be stored
  • dates the loan is required
  • number of students using the loan
  • age of the students
  • subject area

Choose from 16 different boxes

The pictures and list are an example of what specimens you will receive.

  • Box 1: Birds 1

    Large- and medium-sized birds which are ideal for art lessons:

    • cuckoo
    • green woodpecker in a case
    • kingfisher
    • kestrel in a case
    • thrush
    • jay 
  • Box 2: Birds 2

    Large- and medium-sized birds which are ideal for a variety of art lessons:

    • short-eared owl in a case
    • greater spotted woodpecker
    • chaffinch and greenfinch
    • starling
    • partridge
    • hobby 
  • Box 3: Small British birds

    A collection of beautiful small birds, suitable for art lessons for older students:

    • robin
    • blue tit
    • pied wagtail
    • wren
    • whinchat in a case
    • greenfinch
  • Boxes 4 and 13: Local wildlife

    Examine the wildlife of our local area with a variety of local birds, mammals and insects. Ideal for science, creative writing and art:

    • red fox
    • rabbit in a case
    • hedgehog in a case
    • goldfinch with chaffinch and yellowhammer
    • dragonfly and dragonfly nymph
    • mole in a case
  • Box 5: Birds in flight

    Wings, feathers and mounted birds to explore the process of flight:

    • swift in flight in a case
    • tawny owl wing
    • eagle wing
    • selection of parrot feathers
    • selection of other feathers
    • chaffinch 
  • Box 6: Sea life

    A collection of sea life specimens, including shells, corals and sea birds:

    • puffin
    • gull
    • giant spider conch
    • organ pipe coral
    • selection of small shells
    • tiger cowrie
    • brain coral
  • Box 7: Selection of shells and corals

    A selection of corals and shells, ideal for studying life under the sea:

    • pearl conch
    • selection of small shells
    • African murex 
    • Philippine crowned baler melon 
    • Tridacna medium clam 
    • brain coral
    • coral 
  • Box 8: Skulls 1

    A variety of skulls ideal for studying science, diet or art:

    • muntjac deer
    • African hunting dog
    • badger
    • cat
    • rabbit
    • camel
  • Box 9: Skulls 2

    A variety of skulls ideal for studying science, diet or art:

    • muntjac deer
    • crocodile skull in a case
    • sheep
    • cat
    • squirrel
    • macaque (monkey)
  • Box 10: Fur and feathers

    A selection of mammals and birds ideal for studying texture and colour:

    • red-crowned ant tanager in a case
    • yellowhammer
    • mongoose
    • muntjac deer
    • racoon dog
    • cuckoo in a case
  • Box 14: Mixed insects

    A range of 11 individual insects including beetles, dragonflies, ants, wasps, moths and grasshoppers.

    A variety of colouful insects in individual clear plastic boxes
  • Box 15: Variety box

    A fascinating mixture of different specimens:

    • Eyed cowrie shell
    • Parrot feathers
    • Blackbuck horn
    • Horse molar
    • Badger bone
    • Cow vertebra 
    • Herring gull eggs
    • Mushroom coral
    Various objects laid out on a black background including a twisted horn and colourful feathers
  • Box 16: Fossils

    A selection of 10 fossils, ideal for studying time periods, animals from the past and fossilisation:

    • Graptolite
    • Ammonite fragment
    • Fossil coral
    • Fossil sea urchin
    • Cast of T-rex tooth
    • Ammonite
    • Fossil oyster
    • Devils toenail
    • Trilobite
    • Fossil plant
    A variety of fossils laid out on a black background

School visits to Tring

Inspire your students to ponder their place within the natural world and explore the variety of life. We offer workshops and self-guided visits.