Panalytical Scanning Diffractometer X’Pert Pro MPD Alpha1

Panalytical Scanning Diffractometer X’Pert Pro MPD Alpha1
Panalytical Scanning Diffractometer X’Pert Pro MPD Alpha1
- Primary monochromator and para-focussing optics for high-resolution measurements - Co or Cu radiation
- Reflection and transmission geometry
- Used for structural characterisation of powdered samples (Rietveld analysis): lattice parameters, crystallite size, microstrain analysis
Examples of XRD related research:
X-ray diffraction
Clay minerals
Clay minerals are an integral part of the global water and nutrient cycles. They indicate past environmental conditions and play an important role in catastrophic events.
Modelling geological processes
We are studying the fundamental properties of minerals to better understand the geological, geochemical and geophysical forces that have influenced the evolution Earth and other planets, moons and asteroids in the solar system.
How do crystal structures interact with the geological environment and how can society use them for new technologies?
Hydrous minerals
Understanding the distribution and geological significance of water within Earth helps us develop models of how water circulates deep within our planet, as well on the surface of Mars.