A photograph of IT500

The JEOL JSM IT500 scanning electron microscope (SEM) is used for high-resolution imaging and qualitative X-ray microanalysis of conductive and non-conductive samples at a magnification range between x5 and x 20,000.

The JEOL IT500 has two operating modes:

High vacuum mode (pressure range 10-2 - 10-4 Pa)

This is used for high-resolution imaging of conductive samples. 4.0 nm (30 kV BED). Examples of samples examined include metallic, conductive materials, and metal sputter-coated samples.

Low vacuum mode/variable pressure (10-150 Pascals) 

This is used for imaging and analysis of non-conductive samples. 3.0 nm (30 kV) 15.0 nm (1.0 kV) resolution. Examples of samples examined include fossilised material, insects, and mineral samples.

  • SEM Supporter software for tiling and creating image montages at high resolution, which allows for automated image collection of large areas or multiple areas.
  • Large specimen chamber (150 mm diameter x 75 mm high)
  • Internal image navigation camera 
  • Safe specimen height protection

Recent applications

  • Fossilled Bryzoans
  • Insect specimens from museum collections
  • Fossilised crinoids
  • Micrometeorites for X-ray microanalysis
  • Paint samples from artworks to confirm the authenticity  and composition of paintings

About EDX analysis

Energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) is a kind of scanning electron microscopy that involves X-ray micro-analysis. The key features of this technique are:

  • Non-destructive qualitative analysis can be carried out for elements with an atomic number greater than five.
  • Detection limits are of the order of 0.2 weight per cent, dependent on the type of specimen, elements of interest, etc.
  • Analyses can be undertaken in spot mode or the beam can be scanned to acquire X-ray element maps of areas of the sample surface.
  • Automated image and elemental analysis can be carried out over large specimen areas using Oxford Instruments INCA software's feature mode.
  • Backscattered electron and X-ray element map montages can be acquired and automatically stitched using Oxford Instruments INCA software's montage mode.

Key facts

Techniques: SEM imaging with X-ray microanalysis

Magnification: x5 to x20,000 in high vacuum mode, dependent on sample type and imaging conditions. 50-2,000x in low vacuum mode.

Resolution: 3nm at 30kV, 8nm at 3kV

Image output: 8-bit TIFFs, from 1280 x 960 up to 5120 x 3840 pixels

Electron source: Tungsten filament


  • Low vacuum Secondary electron detector
  • Backscatter electron detector
  • Energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) detector (Oxford Instruments X-Max detector)