![Dr Sandra Knapp](/content/dam/nhmwww/our-science/dpts-facilities-staff/staff-directoryuserphoto_SK.jpeg.thumb.1920.1920.jpg)
Dr Sandra Knapp
Merit Researcher
Division: LS Algae, Fungi and Plants Division
I am a specialist on the taxonomy of the nightshade family, Solanaceae, and have spent much time in the field in Central and South America collecting plants. My particular focus of research is the taxonomy of the nightshade family Solanaceae, focusing on the megadiverse genus Solanum, which contains potatoes, tomatoes and eggplants and is one of only a handful of flowering plant genera with more than 1000 species, and more recently the peppers (Capsicum) and their poorly known close relatives in the genus Lycianthes. I have described more than 75 new species of plants, mostly in Solanum and from the New World tropics. I came to the Natural History Museum in 1992 to manage the international project Flora Mesoamericana - a synoptic inventory of the approximately 18,000 species of plants of southern Mexico and the isthmus of Central America.
My current projects include: 1) A world-wide taxonomic monograph of the some 1500 species of Solanum and a similar global monographic treatment of Capsicum and Lycianthes, 2) Flora Mesoamericana, 3) Collaborative research in phylogenetics and genomic evolution of Solanaceae, 4) Research into the domestication of Solanaceae crops such as eggplants in China and "African supervegetables", 5) Conservation and biodiversity monitoring projects in
My work depends upon seeing plants in their native habitats and I have been fortunate enough to have visited many countries and worked with many colleagues overseas.
On my past few field trips I have posted blogs from the field, you can look for new ones on the NHM website or on Solanaceae Source, our collaborative web platform for nightshade taxonomy (www.solanaceaesousrce.org)
- PhD, Cornell University, United States, 1980 - 1986
- BA, Pomona College, United States, 1974 - 1978
Employment history
- Field Associate, Field Museum of Natural History, United States, 1997 - ongoing
- Honorary Research Professor, University College London, Genes, Ecology and Environment, United Kingdom, 2008 - ongoing
Digitising Colombian plant collections in the Natural History Museum
Role: Principal investigator
Funding: Department for Business, Innovation & Skills
Total value £14,600 (to Museum £14,600)
Dates: 2017 - 2018
ARTS:Taxonomy and phylogeny of Capsicum and Lycianthes (Solanaceae)
Role: Principal investigator
Funding: NSF
Total value £649,822 (to Museum £23,500)
Dates: 2015 - 2020
Chinese Digital Plant Resources
Role: Principal investigator
Funding: World Collections Programme
Total value £53,596 (to Museum £53,596)
Dates: 2009 - 2010
Travel grant to attend Botany/Mycology2009
Role: Principal investigator
Funding: Royal Society
Total value £1,400 (to Museum £1,400)
Dates: 2009 - 2009
High Quality Solanaceous Crops for Consumers, Processors and Producers by Exploration of Natural Biodiversity
Role: Principal investigator
Funding: European Union FP6-Food
Total value £26,228,360
Dates: 2006 - 2011
Genome evolution in allopolyploid plants
Role: Principal investigator
Funding: NERC
Total value £344,056
Dates: 2005 - 2008
Solanum: A Worldwide Treatment
Role: Principal investigator
Funding: NSF
Total value £4,380,008
Dates: 2004 - 2012
Information incentives for CBD implementation in private reserves in Argentina and Paraguay
Role: Principal investigator
Funding: DEFRA
Total value £240,095
Dates: 2003 - 2006
Tools and Training for Fern Conservation and Monitoring, El Salvador
Role: Principal investigator
Funding: DEFRA
SYNTHESYS+ Synthesis of systematic resources
Role: Principal investigatorSmith V
Role: Co-investigator
Funding: H2020 Excellent Science
Total value £10,000,000 (to Museum £1,561,559.53)
Dates: 2019 - 2023
Other projects
NHM Initiative Pest and Crop Wild Relatives
Role: Leader
Funding: Museum development
Dates: 2015 - 2017.
External Positions
President, President United Kingdom, 2018 - 2021.
President, Trustee Washington DC, United States, 2017 - on going.
President of the Bureau of Nomenclature, President 2017 - 2017.
President Elect, President London, United Kingdom, 2017 - 2018.
Vice President - International Association of Plant Taxonomists, 2011 - 2017.
Member, BBSRC Innovator of the Year Panel, United Kingdom, 2018 - 2018.
Member, Shenzhen Declaration Committee, 2017 - on going.
Member, BBSRC Innovator of Year Evaluation Panel, 2017 - 2017.
Member, National Geograpic Grants Committee, 2017 - on going.
Member, Task Force on Knowledge and Data, International Panel on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), 2014 - 2018.
Member, Fauna and Flora International (FFI) Council, Fauna and Flora International, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 2013 - on going.
Chair, SOL Co-Chair, Solanaceae Genomics Network, 2012 - on going.
Vice president, Council of the International Association for Plant Taxonomy (IAPT), International Association for Plant Taxonomy (IAPT), 2011 - 2017.
Member, BBSRC Bioscience for Society Strategy Panel, BBSRC, Swindon, United Kingdom, 2009 - 2015.
Secretary, Council of the Linnean Society of London, Linnean Society of London, United Kingdom, 2006 - 2011.
Editor, PhytoKeys, Pensoft Publishers, 2012 - on going.
Associate editor, Oryx - the international journal of conservation, Cambridge University Press,
Associate editor, Taxon: international journal of plant taxonomy, phylogeny and evolution, IAPT,
Särkinen T, Knapp S (2022) (2926) Proposal to conserve the name Solanum nitidibaccatum against S. stylesianum and Bosleria nevadensis ( Solanaceae ). TAXON, 71 (5) : 1125 - 1126. doi: 10.1002/tax.12815
Knapp S (null) A revision of Lycianthes (Solanaceae) in Australia, New Guinea, and the Pacific. PhytoKeys, 209 : 1 - 134. doi: 10.3897/phytokeys.209.87681
Aubriot X, Knapp S (null) A revision of the “spiny solanums” of Tropical Asia (Solanum, the Leptostemonum Clade, Solanaceae). PhytoKeys, 198 : 1 - 270. doi: 10.3897/phytokeys.198.79514
Särkinen T, Gagnon E, Knapp S (2022) Out of the wild: the wild (and often weedy) roots of our crops. New Phytologist, 234 (4) : 1107 - 1108. doi: 10.1111/nph.18107
Gagnon E, Hilgenhof R, Orejuela A, McDonnell A, Sablok G, Aubriot X, Giacomin L, Gouvêa Y, Bragionis T, Stehmann JR, Bohs L, Dodsworth S, Martine C, Poczai P, Knapp S, Särkinen T (2022) Phylogenomic discordance suggests polytomies along the backbone of the large genus Solanum. American Journal of Botany, 109 (4) : 580 - 601. doi: 10.1002/ajb2.1827
Chase MW, Knapp S, Cauz‐Santos LA, Christenhusz MJM (2021) (2845) Proposal to conserve the name
Nicotiana benthamiana
Grace OM, Pérez-Escobar OA, Lucas EJ, Vorontsova MS, Lewis GP, Walker BE, Lohmann LG, Knapp S, Wilkie P, Sarkinen T, Darbyshire I, Lughadha EN, Monro A, Woudstra Y, Demissew S, Muasya AM, Díaz S, Baker WJ, Antonelli A (2021) Botanical Monography in the Anthropocene. Trends in Plant Science, 26 (5) : 433 - 441. doi: 10.1016/j.tplants.2020.12.018
Knapp S, Fortunato R, Soltis D (2021) Call for Nominations for Council and Officers of the International Association for Plant Taxonomy. TAXON, 70 (1) : 218 - 218. doi: 10.1002/tax.12447
Rodrigues IMDC, Knapp S, Stehmann JR (null) Two new species of Athenaea Sendtn. (Solanaceae) from the Atlantic forests of south-eastern Brazil. PhytoKeys, 178 : 1 - 15. doi: 10.3897/phytokeys.178.64609
Knapp S, Vorontsova MS, Turland NJ (2020) Indigenous Species Names in Algae, Fungi and Plants: A Comment on Gillman & Wright (2020). TAXON, 69 (6) : 1409 - 1410. doi: 10.1002/tax.12411
Borsch T, Berendsohn W, Dalcin E, Delmas M, Demissew S, Elliott A, Fritsch P, Fuchs A, Geltman D, Güner A, Haevermans T, Knapp S, Roux MM, Loizeau P, Miller C, Miller J, Miller JT, Palese R, Paton A, Parnell J, Pendry C, Qin H, Sosa V, Sosef M, Raab‐Straube E, Ranwashe F, Raz L, Salimov R, Smets E, Thiers B, Thomas W, Tulig M, Ulate W, Ung V, Watson M, Jackson PW, Zamora N (2020) World Flora Online: Placing taxonomists at the heart of a definitive and comprehensive global resource on the world's plants. TAXON, 69 (6) : 1311 - 1341. doi: 10.1002/tax.12373
Knapp S, Chiarini F, Cantero JJ, Barboza GE (null) The Morelloid clade of Solanum L. (Solanaceae) in Argentina: nomenclatural changes, three new species and an updated key to all taxa. PhytoKeys, 164 : 33 - 66. doi: 10.3897/phytokeys.164.54504
Cámara-Leret R, Frodin DG, Adema F, Anderson C, Appelhans MS, Argent G, Arias Guerrero S, Ashton P, Baker WJ, Barfod AS, Barrington D, Borosova R, Bramley GLC, Briggs M, Buerki S, Cahen D, Callmander MW, Cheek M, Chen C-W, Conn BJ, Coode MJE, Darbyshire I, Dawson S, Dransfield J, Drinkell C, Duyfjes B, Ebihara A, Ezedin Z, Fu L-F, Gideon O, Girmansyah D, Govaerts R, Fortune-Hopkins H, Hassemer G, Hay A, Heatubun CD, Hind DJN, Hoch P, Homot P, Hovenkamp P, Hughes M, Jebb M, Jennings L, Jimbo T, Kessler M, Kiew R, Knapp S, Lamei P, Lehnert M, Lewis GP, Linder HP, Lindsay S, Low YW, Lucas E, Mancera JP, Monro AK, Moore A, Middleton DJ, Nagamasu H, Newman MF, Nic Lughadha E, Melo PHA, Ohlsen DJ, Pannell CM, Parris B, Pearce L, Penneys DS, Perrie LR, Petoe P, Poulsen AD, Prance GT, Quakenbush JP, Raes N, Rodda M, Rogers ZS, Schuiteman A, Schwartsburd P, Scotland RW, Simmons MP, Simpson DA, Stevens P, Sundue M, Testo W, Trias-Blasi A, Turner I, Utteridge T, Walsingham L, Webber BL, Wei R, Weiblen GD, Weigend M, Weston P, de Wilde W, Wilkie P, Wilmot-Dear CM, Wilson HP, Wood JRI, Zhang L-B, van Welzen PC (2020) New Guinea has the world’s richest island flora. Nature, 584 (7822) : 579 - 583. doi: 10.1038/s41586-020-2549-5
Dodsworth S, Christenhusz MJM, Conran JG, Guignard MS, Knapp S, Struebig M, Leitch AR, Chase MW (2020) Extensive plastid-nuclear discordance in a recent radiation of Nicotiana section Suaveolentes (Solanaceae). Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 193 (4) : 546 - 559. doi: 10.1093/botlinnean/boaa024
Echeverría‐Londoño S, Särkinen T, Fenton IS, Purvis A, Knapp S (2020) Dynamism and context‐dependency in diversification of the megadiverse plant genus Solanum (Solanaceae). Journal of Systematics and Evolution, 58 (6) : 767 - 782. doi: 10.1111/jse.12638
Lindon HL, Hartley H, Knapp S, Monro AM, Turland NJ (2020) XIX International Botanical Congress, Shenzhen: report of the Nomenclature Section, 17 th to 21 st July 2017.. PhytoKeys, 150 : 1 - 276. doi: 10.3897/phytokeys.150.50687
McClelland DHR, Nee M, Knapp S (2020) New names and status for Pacific spiny species of Solanum (Solanaceae, subgenus Leptostemonum Bitter; the Leptostemonum Clade).. PhytoKeys, 145 : 1 - 36. doi: 10.3897/phytokeys.145.48531
Marhold K, Kucera J, Aguiar-Melo C, de Almeida EM, Ferreira Alves LI, An'kova TV, Bered F, Bonifacio K, Carvalho L, Chiarini FE, Cordeiro JMP, Costea M, Ruben Davina J, Ebel AL, Falconi-Souto A, Felix CMP, Felix LP, Fernandez A, Garcia MA, Garcia-Ruiz I, Braganca Gil ADS, Guerra M, Hirsch LD, Honfi AI, Kaltchuk-Santos E, Knapp S, Kumar R, Kumari V, Lovo J, Lucena RFP, Medeiros-Neto E, Moraes AP, Silva Nascimento RG, Lima Neves JA, Nollet F, de Oliveira RC, Orejuela A, Pozzobon MT, Reutemann AV, de Oliveira Ribeiro AR, Rua GH, Santos AMS, da Silva AS, Silva R, da Silva RT, Singhal VK, Souza-Chies TT, Stefanovic S, Montenegro Valls JF, Welker CAD, Zykova EY (2019) IAPT chromosome data 31-Extended version. TAXON, 68 (6) : E1 - E44.
Marhold K, Kučera J, Aguiar‐Melo C, Almeida EM, Alves LIF, An'kova TV, Bered F, Bonifácio K, Carvalho L, Chiarini FE, Cordeiro JMP, Costea M, Daviña JR, Ebel AL, Falconi‐Souto A, Felix CMP, Felix LP, Fernández A, García MÁ, García‐Ruiz I, Gil ADSB, Guerra M, Hirsch LD, Honfi AI, Kaltchuk‐Santos E, Knapp S, Kumar R, Kumari V, Lovo J, Lucena RFP, Medeiros‐Neto E, Moraes AP, Nascimento RGS, Neves JAL, Nollet F, Oliveira RC, Orejuela A, Pozzobon MT, Reutemann AV, Oliveira Ribeiro AR, Rua GH, Santos AMS, Silva AS, Silva R, Silva RT, Singhal VK, Souza‐Chies TT, Stefanović S, Valls JFM, Welker CAD, Yu. Zykova E (2019) IAPT chromosome data 31. TAXON, 68 (6) : 1374 - 1380. doi: 10.1002/tax.12176
Costa Rodrigues IM, Knapp S, Stehmann JR (2019) The nomenclatural re‐establishment of Athenaea Sendtn. (Solanaceae) with a nomenclatural synopsis of the genus. TAXON, 68 (4) : 839 - 846. doi: 10.1002/tax.12089
Knapp S, Vorontsova MS, Särkinen T (null) Dichotomous keys to the species of Solanum L. (Solanaceae) in continental Africa, Madagascar (incl. the Indian Ocean islands), Macaronesia and the Cape Verde Islands. PhytoKeys, 127 : 39 - 76. doi: 10.3897/phytokeys.127.34326
Gutaker RM, Weiß CL, Ellis D, Anglin NL, Knapp S, Luis Fernández-Alonso J, Prat S, Burbano HA (null) The origins and adaptation of European potatoes reconstructed from historical genomes. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 3 (7) : 1093 - 1101. doi: 10.1038/s41559-019-0921-3
Knapp S (2019) Are humans really blind to plants?. PLANTS, PEOPLE, PLANET, 1 (3) : 164 - 168. doi: 10.1002/ppp3.36
Knapp S, Barboza GE, Bohs L, Särkinen T (null) A revision of the Morelloid Clade of Solanum L. (Solanaceae) in North and Central America and the Caribbean. PhytoKeys, 123 : 1 - 144. doi: 10.3897/phytokeys.123.31738
McCarthy EW, Landis JB, Kurti A, Lawhorn AJ, Chase MW, Knapp S, Le Comber SC, Leitch AR, Litt A (2019) Early consequences of allopolyploidy alter floral evolution in Nicotiana (Solanaceae). BMC Plant Biology, 19 (1) : doi: 10.1186/s12870-019-1771-5
Gouvêa YF, Stehmann JR, Knapp S (null) Solanum medusae (Solanaceae), a new wolf-fruit from Brazil, and a key to the extra-Amazonian Brazilian Androceras/Crinitum Clade species. PhytoKeys, 118 : 15 - 32. doi: 10.3897/phytokeys.118.31598
Knapp S (2019) People and plants: The unbreakable bond. PLANTS, PEOPLE, PLANET, 1 (1) : 20 - 26. doi: 10.1002/ppp3.4
García-Fortea E, Gramazio P, Vilanova S, Fita A, Mangino G, Villanueva G, Arrones A, Knapp S, Prohens J, Plazas M (2019) First successful backcrossing towards eggplant (Solanum melongena) of a New World species, the silverleaf nightshade (S. elaeagnifolium), and characterization of interspecific hybrids and backcrosses. Scientia Horticulturae, 246 : 563 - 573. doi: 10.1016/j.scienta.2018.11.018
(null) Brazilian Flora 2020: Innovation and collaboration to meet Target 1 of the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation (GSPC). Rodriguésia, 69 (4) : 1513 - 1527. doi: 10.1590/2175-7860201869402
Knapp S, Sarkinen T (2018) A new black nightshade (Morelloid clade, Solanum, Solanaceae) from the caatinga biome of north-eastern Brazil with a key to Brazilian morelloids. PhytoKeys, 108 : 1 - 12. doi: 10.3897/phytokeys.108.27254
Aubriot X, Knapp S, Syfert MM, Poczai P, Buerki S (2018) Shedding new light on the origin and spread of the brinjal eggplant (Solanum melongena L.; Solanaceae) and its wild relatives. American Journal of Botany, 105 : 1175 - 1187. doi: 10.1002/ajb2.1133
Knapp S, Barboza GE, Bohs L, Särkinen T (2018) (2639) Proposal to reject the name Solanum frutescens (Solanaceae). Taxon, 67 (4) : 820 - 821. doi: 10.12705/674.24
Sarkinen T, Poczai P, Barboza GE, van der Weerden G, Baden M, Knapp S (2018) A revision of the Old World Black Nightshades (Morelloid clade of Solanum L., Solanaceae). PhytoKeys, 106 : 1 - 223. doi: 10.3897/phytokeys.106.21991
(2018) International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants. Koeltz Botanical Books :
Kress WJ, Knapp S, Stoev P, Penev L (null) PhytoKeys at 100: progress in sustainability, innovation, and speed to enhance publication in plant systematics. PhytoKeys, 100 : 1 - 8. doi: 10.3897/phytokeys.100.27591
Knapp S (2018) New records of Solanum pimpinellifolium and S. triflorum for the flora of Vienna, with a comment on S. nitidibaccatum. Neilreichia, 9 : 49 - 53.
Särkinen T, Kottner S, Stuppy W, Ahmed F, Knapp S (2018) A new commelinid monocot seed fossil from the early Eocene previously identified as Solanaceae. American Journal of Botany, 105 (1) : 95 - 107. doi: 10.1002/ajb2.1009
Dodsworth S, Orejuela A, Pérez-Escobar OA, Särkinen T, Knapp S (2018) Digest: Shape-shifting in Solanaceae flowers: The influence of pollinators*. Evolution, 72 (3) : 717 - 718. doi: 10.1111/evo.13437
Phillips HRP, Knapp S, Purvis A (null) Estimating the potential biodiversity impact of redeveloping small urban spaces: the Natural History Museum’s grounds. PeerJ, 5 : e3914 - e3914. doi: 10.7717/peerj.3914
(2017) Shenzhen Nomenclature Section. TAXON, 66 (5) : 1260 - 1261. doi: 10.12705/665.33
(2017) The Shenzhen Declaration on Plant Sciences. TAXON, 66 (5) : 1261 - 1262. doi: 10.12705/665.34
An'kova TV, Zykova EY, Chiarini FE, Lipari D, Barboza GE, Knapp S, Erst AS, Kuzmin IV, Mitrenina EY, An'kova TV, Xiang K, Wang W, Goyal H, Gupta RC, Singh V, Himshikha , Gupta RC, Singhal VK, Kumar R, Krahulcova A, Lomonosova MN, Freitag H, Mubarik N, Kaur H, Kumari S, Gupta RC, Sardin Nasario JP, Martins do Carmo JA, Forni-Martins ER, Rodrigues RS, Vieira DD, Lopes MEA, Dourado DAO, de Andrade MJG, Salomon B, von Bothmer R, Shner JV, Ostroumova TA, Alexeeva TV, Murtazaliev RA, Xiang C-L, Chen Y-P, Zhao F, Peng H, Funamoto T (2017) IAPT/IOPB chromosome data 25 [extended online version]. TAXON, 66 (5) : E1 - E42.
Cardoso D, Särkinen T, Alexander S, Amorim AM, Bittrich V, Celis M, Daly DC, Fiaschi P, Funk VA, Giacomin LL, Goldenberg R, Heiden G, Iganci J, Kelloff CL, Knapp S, Cavalcante de Lima H, Machado AFP, dos Santos RM, Mello-Silva R, Michelangeli FA, Mitchell J, Moonlight P, de Moraes PLR, Mori SA, Nunes TS, Pennington TD, Pirani JR, Prance GT, de Queiroz LP, Rapini A, Riina R, Rincon CAV, Roque N, Shimizu G, Sobral M, Stehmann JR, Stevens WD, Taylor CM, Trovó M, van den Berg C, van der Werff H, Viana PL, Zartman CE, Forzza RC (2017) Amazon plant diversity revealed by a taxonomically verified species list. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 114 (40) : 10695 - 10700. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1706756114
Kress WJ, Knapp S (null) The Shenzhen Declaration on Plant Sciences: Too late or just in time?. PhytoKeys, 86 : 1 - 2. doi: 10.3897/phytokeys.86.20712
Shenzhen Declaration Drafting Committee (null) The Shenzhen Declaration on Plant Sciences – Uniting plant sciences and society to build a green, sustainable Earth. PhytoKeys, 86 : 3 - 7. doi: 10.3897/phytokeys.86.20859
Crane PR, Ge S, Hong D-Y, Huang H-W, Jiao G-L, Knapp S, Kress WJ, Mooney H, Raven PH, Wen J, Wu W-H, Yang H-M, Zhu W-H, Zhu Y-X (2017) The Shenzhen Declaration on Plant Sciences-Uniting plant sciences and society to build a green, sustainable Earth. Journal of Systematics and Evolution, 55 (5) : 415 - 416. doi: 10.1111/jse.12283
Knapp S, Barboza GE, Sarkinen T (2017) (2546‐2547) Proposals to reject the name Solanum rubrum and to conserve the name S. alatum with a conserved type (Solanaceae ). TAXON, 66 (4) : 988 - 989. doi: 10.12705/664.21
Turland NJ, Kempa M, Knapp S, Senková E, Wiersema JH (2017) XIX International Botanical Congress: Preliminary guiding mail vote on nomenclature proposals. TAXON, 66 (4) : 995 - 1000. doi: 10.12705/664.25
Knapp S, Sagona E, Carbonell AKZ, Chiarini F (null) A revision of the Solanum elaeagnifolium clade (Elaeagnifolium clade; subgenus Leptostemonum, Solanaceae). PhytoKeys, 84 : 1 - 104. doi: 10.3897/phytokeys.84.12695
Martínez Labarga JM, García Guillén E, Meliá Vaca D, Knapp S (2017) Solanum chenopodioides Lam. (Solanaceae) en la ciudad de Madrid. Biodiversidad Virtual News Publicaciones Científicas (BVnPC), 74 : 40 - 47.
Prohens J, Gramazio P, Plazas M, Dempewolf H, Kilian B, Díez MJ, Fita A, Herraiz FJ, Rodríguez-Burruezo A, Soler S, Knapp S, Vilanova S (2017) Introgressiomics: a new approach for using crop wild relatives in breeding for adaptation to climate change. Euphytica, 213 (7) : doi: 10.1007/s10681-017-1938-9
Nicolson N, Challis K, Tucker A, Knapp S (2017) Erratum to: Impact of e-publication changes in the International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi and plants (Melbourne Code, 2012) - did we need to “run for our lives”?. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 17 (1) : doi: 10.1186/s12862-017-1009-9
Nicolson N, Challis K, Tucker A, Knapp S (2017) Impact of e-publication changes in the International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi and plants (Melbourne Code, 2012) - did we need to “run for our lives”?. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 17 (1) : doi: 10.1186/s12862-017-0961-8
Lisa De-Silva D, Mota LL, Chazot N, Mallarino R, Silva-Brandão KL, Piñerez LMG, Freitas AVL, Lamas G, Joron M, Mallet J, Giraldo CE, Uribe S, Särkinen T, Knapp S, Jiggins CD, Willmott KR, Elias M (null) North Andean origin and diversification of the largest ithomiine butterfly genus. Scientific Reports, 7 (1) : doi: 10.1038/srep45966
Knapp S (2017) Presentation of 2016 Engler Medal in Silver. Taxon, 66 (2) : 531 - 531. doi: 10.12705/662.30
Knapp S (2017, 7 3) Using the “Natural History Large Hadron Collider” to tell us about plant diversity. BioMed Central
Ribeiro-Silva S, Knapp S, Proença CEB (null) On the identity and typification of Solanum brasilianum Dunal (Solanaceae). PhytoKeys, 76 : 23 - 29. doi: 10.3897/phytokeys.76.11031
Syfert MM, Serbina L, Burckhardt D, Knapp S, Percy DM (null) Emerging New Crop Pests: Ecological Modelling and Analysis of the South American Potato Psyllid Russelliana solanicola (Hemiptera: Psylloidea) and Its Wild Relatives. PLOS ONE, 12 (1) : e0167764 - e0167764. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0167764
WANG L, ZHANG H, WATSON MF, KNAPP S (null) On the identity of Sium frigidum (Apiaceae). Phytotaxa, 288 (3) : 265 - 265. doi: 10.11646/phytotaxa.288.3.7
Knapp S, Peralta IE (2016) The Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L., Solanaceae) and Its Botanical Relatives, In: Compendium of Plant Genomes, Springer Berlin Heidelberg : 7 - 21.
Vorontsova MS, Knapp S (2016) A revision of the spiny solanums, Solanum subgenus Leptostemonum (Solanaceae) in Africa and Madagascar. Systematic Botany Monographs, 99 : 1 - 432.
Ranil RHG, Prohens J, Aubriot X, Niran HML, Plazas M, Fonseka RM, Vilanova S, Fonseka HH, Gramazio P, Knapp S (2016) Solanum insanum L. (subgenus Leptostemonum Bitter, Solanaceae), the neglected wild progenitor of eggplant (S. melongena L.): a review of taxonomy, characteristics and uses aimed at its enhancement for improved eggplant breeding. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, doi: 10.1007/s10722-016-0467-z
Sarkinen T, Knapp S (null) Two new non-spiny Solanum (Solanaceae) from the Gran Chaco Americano and a key for the herbaceous glandular-pubescent solanums from the region. PhytoKeys, 74 : 19 - 33. doi: 10.3897/phytokeys.74.10159
Dupin J, Matzke NJ, Särkinen T, Knapp S, Olmstead RG, Bohs L, Smith SD (2017) Bayesian estimation of the global biogeographical history of the Solanaceae. Journal of Biogeography, 44 (4) : 887 - 899. doi: 10.1111/jbi.12898
Aubriot X, Loup C, Knapp S (null) Confirming the identity of two enigmatic “spiny solanums” (Solanum subgenus Leptostemonum, Solanaceae) collected by Jean-Baptiste Leschenault in Java. PhytoKeys, 70 : 97 - 110. doi: 10.3897/phytokeys.70.9758
Knapp S (2016) Flora; an artistic voyage through the world of plants [Box Set]. Natural History Museum : London. 1 - 224.
McCarthy EW, Chase MW, Knapp S, Litt A, Leitch AR, Le Comber SC (2016) Transgressive phenotypes and generalist pollination in the floral evolution of Nicotiana polyploids. Nature Plants, 2 (9) : doi: 10.1038/nplants.2016.119
Knapp S, Turland NJ, Barkworth ME, Barrie FR, Fortunato RH, Gandhi K, Gereau RE, Greuter W, Herendeen PS, Landrum LR, Mabberley DJ, Marhold K, May TW, Moore G, Arce LR, Smith GF, Thiele K, Zhang L (2016) Report of the Special Committee on By‐laws for the Nomenclature Section. TAXON, 65 (3) : 665 - 669. doi: 10.12705/653.42
Knapp S, Turland NJ, Barkworth ME, Barrie FR, Fortunato RH, Gandhi K, Gereau RE, Greuter W, Herendeen PS, Landrum LR, Mabberley DJ, Marhold K, May TW, Moore G, Arce LR, Smith GF, Thiele K, Zhang L (2016) (286) Proposal to replace Division III of the International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants. TAXON, 65 (3) : 661 - 664. doi: 10.12705/653.41
Turland NJ, Knapp S (2016) (264–271) Proposals to refine Articles 29–31 with regard to effective publication of electronic material. TAXON, 65 (3) : 653 - 654. doi: 10.12705/653.35
Knapp S, Zamir D (2016) The language of flowers. Nature, 534 (7607) : 328 - 329. doi: 10.1038/nature18445
Aubriot X, Singh P, Knapp S (2016) Tropical Asian species show that the Old World clade of ‘spiny solanums’ (SolanumsubgenusLeptostemonum pro parte: Solanaceae) is not monophyletic. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 181 (2) : 199 - 223. doi: 10.1111/boj.12412
Syfert MM, Castañeda-Álvarez NP, Khoury CK, Särkinen T, Sosa CC, Achicanoy HA, Bernau V, Prohens J, Daunay M-C, Knapp S (2016) Crop wild relatives of the brinjal eggplant (Solanum melongena): Poorly represented in genebanks and many species at risk of extinction. American Journal of Botany, 103 (4) : 635 - 651. doi: 10.3732/ajb.1500539
Dodsworth S, Chase MW, Särkinen T, Knapp S, Leitch AR (2016) Using genomic repeats for phylogenomics: a case study in wild tomatoes (SolanumsectionLycopersicon: Solanaceae). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 117 (1) : 96 - 105. doi: 10.1111/bij.12612
Knapp S, Vorontsova M (null) A revision of the “African Non-Spiny” Clade of Solanum L. (Solanum sections Afrosolanum Bitter, Benderianum Bitter, Lemurisolanum Bitter, Lyciosolanum Bitter, Macronesiotes Bitter, and Quadrangulare Bitter: Solanaceae). PhytoKeys, 66 : 1 - 142. doi: 10.3897/phytokeys.66.8457
Clark JL, Nee M, Bohs L, Knapp S (2016) A Revision of <I>Solanum</I> section <I>Aculeigerum</I> (the <I>Solanum wendlandii</I> group, Solanaceae). Systematic Botany, 40 (4) : 1102 - 1136. doi: 10.1600/036364415x690148
Wiersema JH, McNeill J, Turland NJ, Barrie FR, Buck WR, Demoulin V, Greuter W, Hawksworth DL, Herendeen PS, Knapp S, Marhold K, Prado J, Prud'homme van Reine WF, Smith GF (2015) International Code of Nomenclature for Algae, Fungi, and Plants (Melbourne Code): Appendices II-VIII [Regnum Vegetabile 157]. Koeltz Scientific Books : Konigstein, Germany. 1 - 492.
Sarkinen TE, Barboza GE, Knapp S (2015) True Black nightshades: phylogeny and delimitation of the Morelloid clade of Solanum. Taxon, 64 (5) : 945 - 958. doi: 10.12705/645.5
Knapp S (2015) James Bateman : The Orchidaceae of Mexico and Guatemala, In: Rare Treasures from the library of the Natural History Museum, Magee J (Eds). Natural History Museum : London. 190 - 197.
Knapp S (2015) Pierre-Joseph Redouté - Les Roses, In: Rare Treasures from the library of the Natural History Museum, Magee J (Eds). Natural History Museum : London. 142 - 149.
Knapp S, Barboza GE, Giacomin LL, Stehmann JR (2015) (2374–2380) Proposals to reject the names Cestrum subsessile, Solanum ambrosiacum, S. coronatum, S. diantherum, S. jubeba, S. multiangulatum and S. perianthomega (Solanaceae) from Vellozo's Flora Fluminensis. Taxon, 64 (4) : 854 - 856. doi: 10.12705/644.26
Knapp S, Barboza GE, Romero MV, Vignoli-Silva M, Giacomin LL, Stehmann JR (2015) Identification and lectotypification of the Solanaceae from Vellozo's Flora Fluminensis. Taxon, 64 (4) : 822 - 836. doi: 10.12705/644.14
Knapp S (2015) Flora Mesoamericana. Volumen 2, parte 3. Davidse G, Sousa S. M, Knapp S, Chiang F (Eds). Missouri Botanic Garden Press : St. Louis, Missouri, USA. 1 - 347.
Knapp S, Peña-Chocarro M (2015) Apodanthaceae, In: Flora Mesoamericana. Volumen 2, parte 3, Davidse G, Sousa S. M, Knapp S, Chiang F (Eds). Missouri Botanic Garden Press : St. Louis, Missouri, USA. 177 - 178.
Knapp S, Peña-Chocarro M (2015) Resedaceae, In: Flora Mesoamericana. Volumen 2, parte 3, Davidse G, Sousa S. M, Knapp S, Chinag F (Eds). Missouri Botanic Garden Press : St. Louis, Missouri, USA. 240 - 242.
Knapp S, Peña-Chocarro M (2015) Hydnoraceae, In: Flora Mesoamericana. Volumen 2, parte 3, Davidse G, Sousa S. M, Knapp S, Chiang F (Eds). Missouri Botanical Garden Press : St. Louis, Missouri, USA. 1 - 2.
Knapp S (2015) Amazon adventures: review of Naturalists in Paradise Wallace, Bates and Spruce in the Amazon by John Hemming. SCIENCE, 348 (6236) : 765 - 765. doi: 10.1126/science.aab0121
McCarthy EW, Arnold SEJ, Chittka L, Le Comber SC, Verity R, Dodsworth S, Knapp S, Kelly LJ, Chase MW, Baldwin IT, Kovarik A, Mhiri C, Taylor L, Leitch AR (2015) The effect of polyploidy and hybridization on the evolution of floral colour in Nicotiana (Solanaceae). Annals of Botany, 115 : 1117 - 1131. doi: 10.1093/aob/mcv048
Sarkinen T, Knapp S, Nee M (null) Two new non-spiny Solanum species from the Bolivian Andes (Morelloid Clade). PhytoKeys, 47 : 97 - 109. doi: 10.3897/phytokeys.47.4423
Knapp S (2015) Seeds and civilizations: Review of "The Triumph of Seeds" by Thor Hanson. Nature, 519 : 288 - 289. doi: 10.1038/519288a
Knapp S, Stehmann JR, Giacomin LL (null) New species, additions and a key to the Brazilian species of the Geminata clade of Solanum L. (Solanaceae) in Brazil. PhytoKeys, 47 : 1 - 48. doi: 10.3897/phytokeys.47.9076
Knapp S (2015) Plant Systematics World. TAXON, 64 (1) : 187 - 189. doi: 10.12705/641.32
Särkinen T, Gonzáles P, Knapp S (2015) Four new non-spiny Solanum (Solanaceae) species from South America. PhytoKeys, 44 : 39 - 64. doi: 10.3897/phytokeys.44.8693
Knapp S (2015) The changing role of collections and field research, In: Descriptive Taxonomy:The Foundation for Biodiversity Research, Systematics Association Special Volume 84: Cambridge University Press : 181 - 189.
Gramazio P, Prohens J, Plazas M, Andújar I, Herraiz FJ, Castillo E, Knapp S, Meyer RS, Vilanova S (2014) Location of chlorogenic acid biosynthesis pathway and polyphenol oxidase genes in a new interspecific anchored linkage map of eggplant. BMC Plant Biology, 14 (1) : doi: 10.1186/s12870-014-0350-z
Knapp S (2014) Fields of dreams Four Fields Tim Dee Jonathan Cape, 2013. 288 pp.. Science, 344 (6187) : 978 - 978. doi: 10.1126/science.1253651
Knapp S (2014) Flora: an artistic voyage through the world of plants. Natural History Museum, London : London. 1 - 335.
Knapp S (2014) Solanaceae Source: a taxonomic resource for the nightshade family .
Knapp S (2014) Why is a raven like a writing desk? Origins of the sunflower that is neither an artichoke nor from Jerusalem. New Phytologist, 201 (3) : 710 - 711. doi: 10.1111/nph.12624
Meyer RS, Knapp S, Karol KG, Little DP, H. Nee M, Litt A (2013) Reply to J. Samuels: Taxonomic notes on several wild relatives of Solanum melongena L.. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 69 (1) : 306 - 307. doi: 10.1016/j.ympev.2013.05.025
Vorontsova MS, Stern S, Bohs L, Knapp S (2013) African spinySolanum(subgenusLeptostemonum, Solanaceae): a thorny phylogenetic tangle. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 173 (2) : 176 - 193. doi: 10.1111/boj.12053
Särkinen T, Bohs L, Olmstead RG, Knapp S (2013) A phylogenetic framework for evolutionary study of the nightshades (Solanaceae): a dated 1000-tip tree.. BMC evolutionary biology, 13 : doi: 10.1186/1471-2148-13-214
Knapp S (2013) What, Where, and When?. Science, 341 (6151) : 1182 - 1184. doi: 10.1126/science.1240880
Spooner DM, Knapp S (2013) Solanum stipuloideum Rusby, the Correct Name for Solanum circaeifolium Bitter. American Journal of Potato Research, 90 (4) : 301 - 305. doi: 10.1007/s12230-013-9304-5
Knapp S, Vorontsova MS, Prohens J (null) Wild Relatives of the Eggplant (Solanum melongena L.: Solanaceae): New Understanding of Species Names in a Complex Group. PLoS ONE, 8 (2) : e57039 - e57039. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0057039
Knapp S (2013) Contesting Páramo: Critical Biogeography of the Northern Andean Highlands. Mountain Research and Development, 33 (1) : 108 - 108. doi: 10.1659/mrd.mm114
Kelly LJ, Leitch AR, Clarkson JJ, Knapp S, Chase MW (2013) RECONSTRUCTING THE COMPLEX EVOLUTIONARY ORIGIN OF WILD ALLOPOLYPLOID TOBACCOS (NICOTIANASECTIONSUAVEOLENTES). Evolution, 67 (1) : 80 - 94. doi: 10.1111/j.1558-5646.2012.01748.x
Knapp S (2013) Botany: A tree for all time. Nature, 495 (7440) : 170 - 171. doi: 10.1038/495170a
Knapp S (2013) Alfred Russel Wallace in the Amazon: Footsteps in the Forest. Natural History Museum, London : London. 1 - 184.
Knapp S (null) A revision of the Dulcamaroid Clade of Solanum L. (Solanaceae). PhytoKeys, 22 (0) : 1 - 428. doi: 10.3897/phytokeys.22.4041
Knapp S (2013) Typification of <i>Solanum</i> species (Solanaceae) described by Casimiro Gómez Ortega. Anales del Jardín Botánico de Madrid, 70 (1) : 56 - 61. doi: 10.3989/ajbm.2340
Knapp S (2013) Huanduj: Brugmansia by Alistair Hay, Monika Gottschalk and Adolfo Holguín. Ricmond: Kew Publishing, 2012. Hardback. ISBN 978 1 84246 477 9. £68.00 Available via http://kewbooks.com. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 171 (4) : 777 - 777. doi: 10.1111/boj.12026
Knapp S, Vorontsova M (null) From introduced American weed to Cape Verde Islands endemic: the case of Solanum rigidum Lam. (Solanaceae, Solanum subgenus Leptostemonum). PhytoKeys, 25 : 35 - 46. doi: 10.3897/phytokeys.25.4692
KNAPP S (2013) Revision of the vining species of Solanum (the Dulcamaroid clade): Solanaceae. PhytoKeys,
KNAPP S (2013) A tree for all time. Book Review of Ginkgo: the tree that time forgot by Peter Crane. Nature, 495 : 170 - 171.
McCarthy EW, Arnold SEJ, Chittka L, Le Comber SC, Verity R, Dodsworth S, Knapp S, Kelly LJ, Chase MW, Baldwin IT, Kovařík A, Mhiri C, Taylor L, Leitch AR (2015) The effect of polyploidy and hybridization on the evolution of floral colour inNicotiana(Solanaceae). Annals of Botany, 115 (7) : 1117 - 1131. doi: 10.1093/aob/mcv048
Sarkinen T, Gonzáles P, Knapp S (null) Distribution models and species discovery: the story of a new Solanum species from the Peruvian Andes. PhytoKeys, 31 : 1 - 20. doi: 10.3897/phytokeys.31.6312
Seymour GB, Østergaard L, Chapman NH, Knapp S, Martin C (2013) Fruit Development and Ripening. Annual Review of Plant Biology, 64 (1) : 219 - 241. doi: 10.1146/annurev-arplant-050312-120057
Stern S, Bohs L, Giacomin L, Stehmann J, Knapp S (2013) A Revision of <I>Solanum</I> Section <I>Gonatotrichum</I>. Systematic Botany, 38 (2) : 471 - 496. doi: 10.1600/036364413x666624
Knapp S (2012) Biophysics: Tales from the canopy. Nature, 490 (7420) : 339 - 340. doi: 10.1038/490339a
Knapp S (2012) 1493: How Europe's Discovery of the Americas Revolutionized Trade, Ecology and Life on Earth. NATURE, 487 (7405) : 35 - 35.
(2012) The tomato genome sequence provides insights into fleshy fruit evolution. Nature, 485 (7400) : 635 - 641. doi: 10.1038/nature11119
Davidse G, Sousa SM, KNAPP S (null) W3FM: Flora Mesoamericana on-line .
Davidse G, Sousa S M, KNAPP S, Chiang F, Ulloa Ulloa C (2012) Flora Mesoamericana. Volumen 4 parte 2. Rubiaceae a Verbenaceae. Mesoamericana F (Eds). Missouri Botanical Garden Press : St. Louis MO, USA.
De Egea J, Pena-Chocarro M, Espada C, Knapp S (null) Checklist of vascular plants of the Department of Ñeembucú, Paraguay. PhytoKeys, 9 (0) : 15 - 15. doi: 10.3897/phytokeys.9.2279
Knapp S, David J, Garrity G, Greuter W, Hawksworth D, Jahn R, Kirk P, McNeill J, Michel E, Patterson D, Tindall B, Todd J, van Tol J, Turland N (null) Biological nomenclature terms for facilitating communication in the naming of organisms. ZooKeys, 192 : 67 - 72. doi: 10.3897/zookeys.192.3347
Knapp S, McNeill J, Turland NJ, Turland NJ (null) Translation into Arabic of: “Changes to publication requirements made at the XVIII International Botanical Congress in Melbourne – what does e-publication mean for you?”. Translated by Ahmed M. Abdel-Azeem and Gihan S. Soliman. MycoKeys, 2 : 45 - 50. doi: 10.3897/mycokeys.2.2499
Knapp S, McNeill J, Turland NJ, Turland NJ (null) Translation into Turkish of: “Changes to publication requirements made at the XVIII International Botanical Congress in Melbourne – what does e-publication mean for you?”. Translated by Ali A. Dönmez, Yusuf Menemen and Zübeyde Uğurlu. MycoKeys, 2 : 37 - 44. doi: 10.3897/mycokeys.2.2471
KNAPP S (2012) Book Review of The Value of Species by Edward L. McCord. Oryx, 46 :
KNAPP S (2012) Tales from the canopy. Book Review of Life of a Leaf by Steven Vogel. Nature. 490 : : 339 - 340.
KNAPP S (2012) Book Review of 1493: How Europe's Discovery of the Americas Revolutionized Trade, Ecology and Life on Earth. Nature, 487 : 35 - 35.
KNAPP S (2012) Solanaceae, In: Catalogue of Seed Plants of the West Indies, Acevedo-Rodriguez P, Strong MT (Eds). Smithsonian Contributions to Botany 98 : 898 - 913.
Kress WJ, Knapp S, Stoev P, Penev L (null) On the front line of modern data-management and Open Access publishing: Two years of PhytoKeys – the fastest growing journal in plant systematics. PhytoKeys, 19 (0) : 1 - 8. doi: 10.3897/phytokeys.19.4501
McNeill J, Barrie FR, Buck WR, Demoulin V, Greuter W, HAWKSWORTH DL, Herendeen PS, KNAPP S, Marhold K, Prado J, Prud'homme van Reine WF, Smith GE, Wiersema JH, Turland NJ (2012) International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants (Melbourne Code) adopted by the Eighteenth International Botanical Congress Melbourne, Australia, July 2011. [Regnum Vegetabile No. 154.]. Koeltz Scientific Books : Königsten.
Remsen D, Knapp S, Georgiev T, Stoev P, Penev L (null) From text to structured data: Converting a word-processed floristic checklist into Darwin Core Archive format. PhytoKeys, 9 (0) : 1 - 1. doi: 10.3897/phytokeys.9.2770
Vorontsova M, Knapp S (null) A new species of Solanum (Solanaceae) from South Africa related to the cultivated eggplant. PhytoKeys, 8 (0) : 1 - 1. doi: 10.3897/phytokeys.8.2462
VORONTSOVA MS, KNAPP S (2012) Solanaceae: Solanum sections Oliganthes, Melongena and Monodolichopus, In: Flora of Tropical East Africa, Edmonds, J.M., Solanacea, in H. Beentje (Eds). RBG Kew, Richmond, Surrey : 164 - 223.
Wheeler QD, Knapp S, Stevenson DW, Stevenson J, Blum SD, Boom BM, Borisy GG, Buizer JL, De Carvalho MR, Cibrian A, Donoghue MJ, Doyle V, Gerson EM, Graham CH, Graves P, Graves SJ, Guralnick RP, Hamilton AL, Hanken J, Law W, Lipscomb DL, Lovejoy TE, Miller H, Miller JS, Naeem S, Novacek MJ, Page LM, Platnick NI, Porter-Morgan H, Raven PH, Solis MA, Valdecasas AG, Van Der Leeuw S, Vasco A, Vermeulen N, Vogel J, Walls RL, Wilson EO, Woolley JB (2012) Mapping the biosphere: exploring species to understand the origin, organization and sustainability of biodiversity. Systematics and Biodiversity, 10 (1) : 1 - 20. doi: 10.1080/14772000.2012.665095
Knapp S, McNeill J, Turland NJ (2011) Changes to publication requirements made at the XVIII International Botanical Congress in Melbourne-what does e-publication mean for you?. Cladistics, 27 (6) : 653 - 656. doi: 10.1111/j.1096-0031.2011.00378.x
Knapp S, McNeill J, Turland NJ (2012) Changes to publication requirements made at the XVIII International Botanical Congress in Melbourne - what does e-publication mean for you?. Nova Hedwigia, 94 (1-2) : 1 - 8. doi: 10.1127/0029-5035/2011/0094-0001
Knapp S, McNeill J, Turland NJ (2011) Changes to publication requirements made at the XVIII International Botanical Congress in Melbourne - what does e-publication mean for you?. Brittonia, 63 (4) : 505 - 509. doi: 10.1007/s12228-011-9205-1
Knapp S, McNeill J, Turland NJ (2011) Changes to Publication Requirements Made at the XVIII International Botanical Congress in Melbourne— What Does e-Publication Mean for You?. Novon: A Journal for Botanical Nomenclature, 21 (4) : 440 - 443. doi: 10.3417/2011072
Knapp S, McNeill J, Turland NJ (2011) Changes to publication requirements made at the XVIII International Botanical Congress in Melbourne: What does e-publication mean for you?. TAXON, 60 (5) : 1498 - 1501. doi: 10.1002/tax.605031
KNAPP S, MCNEILL J, TURLAND NJ (2011) Changes to publication requirements made at the XVIII International Botanical Congress in Melbourne - what does e-publication mean for you?. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 167 (2) : 133 - 136. doi: 10.1111/j.1095-8339.2011.01178.x
Knapp S, McNeill J, Turland NJ (2011) Changes to publication requirements made at the XVIII International Botanical Congress in Melbourne-what does e-publication mean for you?. PHYTOTAXA, 28 : 1 - 5.
Moylan EC (2011) Electronic revolution in plant taxonomy. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 11 (1) : doi: 10.1186/1471-2148-11-251
Knapp S (2011) Techniques: Records in the field. Nature. 474 (7351) : Springer Science and Business Media LLC : 280 - 281. doi: 10.1038/474280a
Knapp S (null) Rarity, Species Richness, and the Threat of Extinction—Are Plants the Same as Animals?. PLoS Biology, 9 (5) : e1001067 - e1001067. doi: 10.1371/journal.pbio.1001067
Knapp S (2011) History: The plantswoman who dressed as a boy. Nature, 470 (7332) : 36 - 37. doi: 10.1038/470036a
OVCHINNIKOVA A, KRYLOVA E, GAVRILENKO T, SMEKALOVA T, ZHUK M, KNAPP S, SPOONER DM (2011) Taxonomy of cultivated potatoes (Solanum section Petota: Solanaceae). Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 165 (2) : 107 - 155. doi: 10.1111/j.1095-8339.2010.01107.x
Brokaw N, Bonilla N, de MacVean AL, KNAPP S, Ortíz JJ, PEÑA-CHOCARRO M, de Pöll E, Tun J (2011) Árboles del Mundo Maya. UVA Impresores S.A. : Madrid.
Garlick A, SIMPSON T, Walley L, Schoof H, Schoen M, KNAPP S (2011) EU-SOL. : http://www.eu-sol.net/website.
Grandillo S, Chetelat R, KNAPP S, Spooner D, Peralta I, Cammareri M, Perez O, Tripodi P, Termolino P, Chiusano ML, Ercolano MR, Frusciante L, Monti L, Pignone D (2011) 9. Solanum sect. Lycopersicon, In: Wild crop relatives: genomics and breeding resources. Volume 5 – Vegetables, Kole C (Eds). Springer Verlag : Heidelberg. 129 - 216.
Greuter W, Garrity G, HAWKSWORTH DL, Jahn R, Kirk PM, KNAPP S, McNeill J, Michel E, Patterson DJ, Pyle R, Tindall BJ (2011) Draft BioCode (2011): Principles and Rules Regulating the Naming of Organisms. Bionomina, 1 : 26 - 44.
Greuter W, Garrity G, HAWKSWORTH DL, Jahn R, Kirk PM, KNAPP S, McNeill J, Michel E, Patterson DJ, Pyle R, Tindall BJ (2011) Draft BioCode (2011): Principles and rules regulating the naming of organisms. Taxon, 60 : 201 - 212.
Greuter W, Garrity G, HAWKSWORTH DL, Jahn R, Kirk P, KNAPP S, McNeill J, MICHEL E, Patterson DJ, Pyle R, Tindall BJ (2011) Draft BioCode (2011):Principles and rules regulating the naming of organisms.. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 68 : 10 - 28.
Grierson CS, Barnes SR, Chase MW, Clarke M, Grierson D, Edwards KJ, Jellis GJ, Jones JD, Knapp S, Oldroyd G, Poppy G, Temple P, Williams R, Bastow R (2011) One hundred important questions facing plant science research. New Phytologist, 192 (1) : 6 - 12. doi: 10.1111/j.1469-8137.2011.03859.x
Knapp S, McNeill J, Turland NJ (2011) Changes to Publication Requirements Made at the XVIII International Botanical Congress in Melbourne - What Does E-Publication Mean for You?. Systematic Botany, 36 (4) : 821 - 823. doi: 10.1600/036364411x604822
Knapp S, McNeill J, Turland NJ (null) Translation into French of: “Changes to publication requirements made at the XVIII International Botanical Congress in Melbourne – what does e-publication mean for you?”. Translated by Christian Feuillet and Valéry Malécot. PhytoKeys, 7 (0) : 41 - 41. doi: 10.3897/phytokeys.7.2195
Knapp S, McNeill J, Turland NJ (null) Changes to publication requirements made at the XVIII International Botanical Congress in Melbourne - what does e-publication mean for you?. PhytoKeys, 6 (0) : 5 - 5. doi: 10.3897/phytokeys.6.1960
Knapp S, McNeill J, Turland NJ (2011) Fungal nomenclature. Changes to publication requirements made at the XVIII International Botanical Congress in Melbourne — what does e-publication mean for you?. Mycotaxon, 117 (1) : 509 - 515. doi: 10.5248/117.509
Knapp S, McNeill J, Turland NJ (2011) Changes to publication requirements made at the XVIII International Botanical Congress in Melbourne - what does e-publication mean for you?. New Phytologist, 192 (3) : 569 - 573. doi: 10.1111/j.1469-8137.2011.03914.x
Knapp S, McNeill J, Turland NJ, Turland NJ (null) Changes to publication requirements made at the XVIII International Botanical Congress in Melbourne - what does e-publication mean for you?. MycoKeys, 1 : 21 - 27. doi: 10.3897/mycokeys.1.1961
KNAPP S (2011) What is your place in nature? Review of On extinction: how we became estranged from nature by Melanie Challenger. New Scientist, 5 October 2011 :
KNAPP S (2011) Entwined ecology. Review of 1493: uncovering the new world Colombus created by Charles C. Mann. New Scientist, 6 August 2011 :
KNAPP S (2011) (2030) proposal to conserve the name Solanum torvum (Solanaceae) with a conserved type. Taxon, 60 : 1523 - 1524.
KNAPP S (2011) (2042-2043) proposals to reject the names Solanum ferox and S. fuscatum (Solanaceae). Taxon, 60 : 1782 - 1783.
KNAPP S (2011) Records in the field. Review of Field notes on science & nature edited by Michael R. Canfield.. Nature, 474 : 280 - 281.
KNAPP S, Ulloa Ulloa C, Montufar R (2011) Solanaceae, In: Libro rojo de las plantas endémicas del Ecuador, León-Yánez S, Valencia R, Pitman N, Endara L, Ulloa Ulloa C, Navarrete H (Eds). Publicaciones del Herbario QCA, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador : Quito, Ecuador. 782 - 792.
Penev L, Stoev P, Kress WJ, Knapp S, Erwin T (2011) Cybertaxonomy, semantic markup and semantic enhancements: The PhytoKeys and ZooKeys experience. SOUTH AFRICAN JOURNAL OF BOTANY, 77 (2) : 560 - 560.
Spooner DM, Gavrilenko T, Jansky SH, Ovchinnikova A, Krylova E, Knapp S, Simon R (2010) Ecogeography of ploidy variation in cultivated potato ( Solanum sect. Petota ). American Journal of Botany, 97 (12) : 2049 - 2060. doi: 10.3732/ajb.1000277
Pena-Chocarro MC, Espada-Mateos C, Vera M, Cespedes G, Knapp S (2010) Updated checklist of vascular plants of the Mbaracayu Forest Nature Reserve (Reserva Natural del Bosque Mbaracayu), Paraguay. PHYTOTAXA, 12 : 1 - 224.
Knapp S (2010) Botany: Hitchers, outcasts and wasteland beauties. Nature, 467 (7319) : 1037 - 1037. doi: 10.1038/4671037a
Knapp S, Salomón JM (2010) A simple method for assessing preliminary conservation status of plants at a national level: a case study using the ferns of El Salvador. Oryx, 44 (4) : 523 - 528. doi: 10.1017/s0030605310000967
Vorontsova MS, Knapp S (2010) Lost Berlin (B) types of Solanum (Solanaceae ) found in Göttingen (GOET). TAXON, 59 (5) : 1585 - 1601. doi: 10.1002/tax.595024
Knapp S, Paton A, Challis K, Nicolson N (2010) “Run for your lives! End of the World!” - Electronic publication of new plant names. TAXON, 59 (4) : 1009 - 1010. doi: 10.1002/tax.594001
Knapp S (null) Four New Vining Species of Solanum (Dulcamaroid Clade) from Montane Habitats in Tropical America. PLoS ONE, 5 (5) : e10502 - e10502. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0010502
Clarkson JJ, Kelly LJ, Leitch AR, Knapp S, Chase MW (2010) Nuclear glutamine synthetase evolution in Nicotiana: Phylogenetics and the origins of allotetraploid and homoploid (diploid) hybrids. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 55 (1) : 99 - 112. doi: 10.1016/j.ympev.2009.10.003
Kelly LJ, Leitch AR, Clarkson JJ, Hunter RB, Knapp S, Chase MW (2010) Intragenic Recombination Events and Evidence for Hybrid Speciation in Nicotiana (Solanaceae). Molecular Biology and Evolution, 27 (4) : 781 - 799. doi: 10.1093/molbev/msp267
Knapp S (2010) On ‘various contrivances’: pollination, phylogeny and flower form in the Solanaceae. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 365 (1539) : 449 - 460. doi: 10.1098/rstb.2009.0236
Strickland-Constable R, Schneider H, Ansell SW, Russell SJ, Knapp S (2010) Species identity in the Solanum bahamense species group (Solanaceae, Solanum subgenus Leptostemonum ). TAXON, 59 (1) : 209 - 226. doi: 10.1002/tax.591020
Knapp S (null) New species ofSolanum(Solanaceae) from Peru and Ecuador. PhytoKeys, 1 (0) : doi: 10.3897/phytokeys.1.659
KNAPP S (2010) Solanum sisymbrifolium.
KNAPP S (2010) Solanum aligerum Schltdl., Solanum alphonsei Dunal, Solanum amygdalifolium Steud., Solanum aspersum S.Knapp, Solanum aureum Dunal, Solanum calileguae Cabrera, Solanum dichroandrum Dunal, Solanum dulcamaroides Poir., Solanum endadenium Bitter, Solanum flaccidum Vell., Solanum inodorum Vell., Solanum laxum Spreng., Solanum luculentum S.Knapp, Solanum odoriferum Vell., Solanum salicifolium Phil., Solanum sanchez-vegae S.Knapp, Solanum seaforthianum Andrews, Solanum sousae S.Knapp, Solanum triquetrum Cav., Solanum uncinellum Lindl., Solanum valdivense Dunal, Solanum viscosissimum Sendtn.
KNAPP S (2010) Solanum dulcamara.
KNAPP S (2010) Solanum lycopersicum (cultivated tomato).
KNAPP S (2010) Solanum sanchez-vegae.
KNAPP S (2010) Solanum melongena (aubergine, eggplant).
KNAPP S (2010) Hitchers, outcasts and wasteland beauties. Review of Weeds; how vagabond plants gate-crashed civilisation and changed the way we think about nature by Richard Mabey. Nature, 467 :
KNAPP S (2010) Plant portraits. Review of The art of plant evolution by S. Sherwood and W.J. Kress and Flora Mirabilis by C.H. Howell. American Scientist, 98 : 504 - 506.
KNAPP S (2010) Review of The butterfly hunter: Henry Walter Bates FRS 1825-1892 by Anthony Crawforth. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 100 : 482 - 483.
KNAPP S (2010) Review of Nature’s ghosts: confronting extinction in the age of ecology by Mark Barrow. Biological Conservation, 143 :
KNAPP S (2010) The International Year of Biodiversity: what happens next?. Pulse, 8 :
KNAPP S (2010) Four new species of vining Solanum (Solanaceae) from tropical America. PLoS One, 5 : e10502 - 10.1371/journalpone.0010502.
KNAPP S, BOXSHALL G (2010) Biodiversity and systematics: how have we fared in the International Year of Biodiversity?. Systematics and Biodiversity, 8 (4) : 419 - 422. doi: 10.1080/14772000.2010.543008
KNAPP S, BOXSHALL GA (2010) Invited Perspective -Biodiversity and Systematics: how have we fared in the International Year of Biodiversity?. Systematics & Biodiversity, 8 : 419 - 422.
KNAPP S, PRESS JR (2010) Floras to phylogenies - why descriptive taxonomy matters, In: Beyond Cladistics: The branching of a paradigm, Williams DM, Knapp S (Eds). University of California Press : Berkeley. 77 - 88.
KNAPP S, Wright D (2010) E-publish or perish?, In: Systema Naturae 250 - the Linnaean Ark, Polaszek A (Eds). Taylor and Francis : London. 83 - 93.
Penev L, Agosti D, Georgiev T, Catapano T, Miller J, Blagoderov V, Roberts D, Smith V, Brake I, Ryrcroft S, Scott B, Johnson N, Morris R, Sautter G, Chavan V, Robertson T, Remsen D, Stoev P, Parr C, Knapp S, Kress WJ, Thompson F, Erwin T (null) Semantic tagging of and semantic enhancements to systematics papers: ZooKeys working examples. ZooKeys, 50 : 1 - 16. doi: 10.3897/zookeys.50.538
Penev L, Kress WJ, KNAPP S, Renner S, Li DZ (2010) Fast, linked and open - the future of taxonomic publishing in plants and fungi: launching the journal PhytoKeys. PhytoKeys, 1 : 1 - 14.
Peterson AT, Knapp S, Guralnick R, Soberón J, Holder MT (2010) The big questions for biodiversity informatics. Systematics and Biodiversity, 8 (2) : 159 - 168. doi: 10.1080/14772001003739369
Simon R, Xie CH, Clausen A, Jansky SH, Halterman D, Conner T, Knapp S, Brundage J, Symon D, Spooner D (2010) Wild and Cultivated Potato (Solanum sect. Petota) Escaped and Persistent Outside of its Natural Range. Invasive Plant Science and Management, 3 (3) : 286 - 293. doi: 10.1614/ipsm-d-09-00043.1
WILLIAMS DM, KNAPP S (2010) Beyond cladistics: the branching of a paradigm. University of California Press : Berkeley.
Knapp S (2009) On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection. NATURE, 460 (7255) : 577 - 577.
Knapp S, Nee M (2009) Solanum anomalostemon (Solanaceae), an Endangered New Species from Southern Peru with Unusual Anther Morphology. Novon: A Journal for Botanical Nomenclature, 19 (2) : 178 - 181. doi: 10.3417/2007108
Mueller LA, Lankhorst RK, Tanksley SD, Giovannoni JJ, White R, Vrebalov J, Fei Z, Eck J, Buels R, Mills AA, Menda N, Tecle IY, Bombarely A, Stack S, Royer SM, Chang S, Shearer LA, Kim BD, Jo S, Hur C, Choi D, Li C, Zhao J, Jiang H, Geng Y, Dai Y, Fan H, Chen J, Lu F, Shi J, Sun S, Chen J, Yang X, Lu C, Chen M, Cheng Z, Li C, Ling H, Xue Y, Wang Y, Seymour GB, Bishop GJ, Bryan G, Rogers J, Sims S, Butcher S, Buchan D, Abbott J, Beasley H, Nicholson C, Riddle C, Humphray S, McLaren K, Mathur S, Vyas S, Solanke AU, Kumar R, Gupta V, Sharma AK, Khurana P, Khurana JP, Tyagi A, Sarita , Chowdhury P, Shridhar S, Chattopadhyay D, Pandit A, Singh P, Kumar A, Dixit R, Singh A, Praveen S, Dalal V, Yadav M, Ghazi IA, Gaikwad K, Sharma TR, Mohapatra T, Singh NK, Szinay D, Jong H, Peters S, Staveren M, Datema E, Fiers MWEJ, Ham RCHJ, Lindhout P, Philippot M, Frasse P, Regad F, Zouine M, Bouzayen M, Asamizu E, Sato S, Fukuoka H, Tabata S, Shibata D, Botella MA, Perez‐Alonso M, Fernandez‐Pedrosa V, Osorio S, Mico A, Granell A, Zhang Z, He J, Huang S, Du Y, Qu D, Liu, L, Liu D, Wang J, Ye Z, Yang W, Wang G, Vezzi A, Todesco S, Valle G, Falcone G, Pietrella M, Giuliano G, Grandillo S, Traini A, D'Agostino N, Chiusano ML, Ercolano M, Barone A, Frusciante L, Schoof H, Jöcker A, Bruggmann R, Spannagl M, Mayer KXF, Guigó R, Camara F, Rombauts S, Fawcett JA, Van de Peer Y, Knapp S, Zamir D, Stiekema W (2009) A Snapshot of the Emerging Tomato Genome Sequence. The Plant Genome, 2 (1) : doi: 10.3835/plantgenome2008.08.0005
Davidse GM, Sousa S, KNAPP S, Chang F (2009) Flora Mesoamericana, vol. 4 (1): Cucurbitaceae a Polemoniaceae.. Instituto de Biología, UNAM; Missouri Botanical Garden Press; The Natural History Museum : Mexico.
Knapp S (2009) Synopsis and lectotypification of <i>Solanum</i> (Solanaceae) species endemic in the West Indies. Anales del Jardín Botánico de Madrid, 66 (1) : 65 - 84. doi: 10.3989/ajbm.2209
KNAPP S (2009) Life’s crowns: a review of “Tree of Rivers: a history of the Amazon” by John Hemming. 5519 : : 3 - 5.
KNAPP S (2009) Darwin the natural historian. January 2009 : :
KNAPP S (2009) Review of “Paradise Found: nature in America at the time of discovery” by Steve Nicholls. Biological Conservation, 142 : 3220 - 3221.
KNAPP S (2009) Review of “Origin of species” by Charles Darwin as part of “Summer Books: A break from the bench”.. Nature, 460 :
KNAPP S (2009) Gardener’s world: a review of “Darwin’s Garden” by Michael Boulter [Review]. Systematics and Biodiversity, 7 :
MICHEL E (2009) Letter to Linnaeus.. Knapp S, Wheeler QD (Eds). Linnean Society of London : London. 133 - 137.
Monterrosa Salamon J, PEÑA-CHOCARRO M, KNAPP S, Escobar Lechuga R (2009) Guía de identificación de helechos de El Salvador. Jardin Botánico de La Laguna : El Salvador.
Pennington TD, MONRO AK, Thornton-Wood SP, KNAPP S (2009) Sapotaceae, In: Flora Mesoamericana. 4(1), Davidse GM, Sousa S, KNAPP S, Chang F (Eds). Instituto de Biología, UNAM : Mexico. 571 - 610.
Sachs JD, Baillie JEM, Sutherland WJ, Armsworth PR, Ash N, Beddington J, Blackburn TM, Collen B, Gardiner B, Gaston KJ, Godfray HCJ, Green RE, Harvey PH, House B, Knapp S, Kümpel NF, Macdonald DW, Mace GM, Mallet J, Matthews A, May RM, Petchey O, Purvis A, Roe D, Safi K, Turner K, Walpole M, Watson R, Jones KE (2009) Biodiversity Conservation and the Millennium Development Goals. Science, 325 (5947) : 1502 - 1503. doi: 10.1126/science.1175035
WHITEFOORD C, KNAPP S (2009) Ebenaceae, In: Flora Mesoamericana. Cucurbitaceae a Polemoniaceae, Davidse GM, Sousa S, KNAPP S (Eds). Instituto de Biología, UNAM : Mexico. 611 - 616.
Wang J-X, Gao T-G, Knapp S (2008) Ancient Chinese Literature Reveals Pathways of Eggplant Domestication. Annals of Botany, 102 (6) : 891 - 897. doi: 10.1093/aob/mcn179
Knapp S (2008) Potatoes and poverty. Nature, 455 (7210) : 170 - 171. doi: 10.1038/455170a
KNAPP S (null) Species concepts and floras: what are species for?. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 95 (1) : Oxford University Press (OUP) : 17 - 25. doi: 10.1111/j.1095-8312.2008.01090.x
Knapp S (2008) Celebrating Spuds. Science, 321 (5886) : 206 - 207. doi: 10.1126/science.1159278
Knapp S (2008) Command and control. Nature, 453 (7196) : 721 - 722. doi: 10.1038/453721a
Kovarik A, Dadejova M, Lim YK, Chase MW, Clarkson JJ, Knapp S, Leitch AR (null) Evolution of rDNA in Nicotiana Allopolyploids: A Potential Link between rDNA Homogenization and Epigenetics. Annals of Botany 101 (6) : Oxford University Press (OUP) : 815 - 823. doi: 10.1093/aob/mcn019
GARLICK A, WALLEY L, Schoof H, Schoen M, KNAPP S (null) EU-SOL http://www.eu-sol.net/website .
Knapp S (2008) A Revision Of the Solanum havanense Species Group and New Taxonomic Additions To the Geminata Clade (Solanum, Solanaceae)1. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden, 95 (3) : 405 - 458. doi: 10.3417/2006159
Knapp S (2008) Taxonomy as a team sport. NEW TAXONOMY 76 : 33 - 53.
KNAPP S (2008) In a green light, review of “Nature’s Palette: the science of plant color” by David Lee. [book review]. null, 5477 :
KNAPP S (2008) Review of “The Creation: an appeal to save life on Earth” by Edward O. Wilson. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 94 :
KNAPP S (2008) Romping through refugia. Review of “Amazon adventure” by Paul Colinvaux [Review]. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 23 : 484 - 485.
KNAPP S (2008) A new strategy for the Linnean Society of London. The Linnean, 24 : 4 - 7.
KNAPP S (2008) Naming nature: the future of the Linnaean system. The Linnean Special Issue, 8 : 161 - 167.
KNAPP S (2008) Potatoes and poverty: review of “Propitious esculent: the potato in world history/The True History of the Potato” by John Reader. Nature, 455 : 170 - 171.
KNAPP S (2008) Review of “Mabberley’s Plant-Book” by David Mabberley. The Plantsman n.s, 7 :
KNAPP S (2008) Command and control. Review of “Imperial nature: Joseph Hooker and the practice of Victorian science” by Jim Enderby [Review]. Nature, 453 : 721 - 722.
KNAPP S (2008) Review of “Tropical plants of Costa Rica: a guide to native and exotic flora” by Willow Zuchowski. Biological Conservation, 141 :
KNAPP S (2008) Celebrating spuds (International Year of the Potato). Science, 321 : 206 - 207.
KNAPP S (2008) A revision of the Solanum havanense species group (section Geminata (G. Don) Walp. pro parte) and new taxonomic additions to the Geminata clade (Solanum: Solanaceae). Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden, 95 : 405 - 458.
KNAPP S (2008) Lectotypification of Ruiz and Pavón’s names in Solanum (Solanaceae). Anales del Jardín Botánico de Madrid, 65 : 307 - 329.
KNAPP S (2008) Typification of Solanum (Solanaceae) species described by Sessé and Mociño. Anales del Jardín Botánico de Madrid, 65 : 7 - 23.
KNAPP S (2008) Alfred Russel Wallace, conservation and sustainable development, In: Natural Selection and Beyond: The Intellectual Legacy of Alfred Russel Wallace, Smith C, Beccaloni G (Eds). Oxford University Press : Oxford. 201 - 220.
KNAPP S (null) El orden en la naturaleza: clasificación y filogenia [in Spanish], In: Van Berkhey: una coleccion de dibujos, San Pio de Aladrén P (Eds). Lunwerg Editores : Madrid. 20 - 35.
Mayo S, Allkin R, Baker W, Blagoderov V, Brake I, Clark B, Govaerts R, Godfray HCJ, Haigh A, Hand R, Harman K, Jackson M, Kilian N, Kirkup DW, Kitching IJ, Knapp S, Lewis GP, Malcolm-Tompkins P, von Raab-Straube E, Roberts DM, Scoble MJ, Simpson D, Smith CR, Smith V, Villalba S, Walley L, Wilkin P (2008) Alpha e-taxonomy: responses from the systematics community to the biodiversity crisis. Kew Bulletin, 63 : 1 - 16.
Peralta IE, Spooner DM, KNAPP S (2008) Taxonomy of wild tomatoes and their relatives (Solanum sections Lycopersicoides, Juglandifolia, Lycopersicon; Solanaceae). Systematic Botany Monographs, 84 : 1 - 186.
Knapp S, Polaszek A, Watson M (2007) Spreading the word. Nature, 446 (7133) : 261 - 262. doi: 10.1038/446261a
Willis KJ, Gillson L, Knapp S (2007) Biodiversity hotspots through time: an introduction. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 362 (1478) : 169 - 174. doi: 10.1098/rstb.2006.1976
Knapp S (2007) Some Like It Hot. Science, 315 (5814) : 946 - 947. doi: 10.1126/science.1138308
Fay MF, Thomas VE, KNAPP S (2007) 602. Mellissia begoniifolia (Solanaceae). Curtis’ Botanical Magazine, 24 : 243 - 250.
Granados-Tochoy JC, Knapp S, Orozco CI (2007) <I>Solanum humboldtianum</I> (Solanaceae): An Endangered New Species from Colombia Rediscovered 200 Years after its First Collection. Systematic Botany, 32 (1) : 200 - 207. doi: 10.1600/036364407780360085
Knapp S (2007) Solanum coalitum (Solanaceae), a New Endemic Species from Southern Ecuador. Novon: A Journal for Botanical Nomenclature, 17 (2) : 212 - 212. doi: 10.3417/1055-3177(2007)17[212:scsane]2.0.co;2
KNAPP S (2007) Solanum sagittantherum Granados-Tochoy & C.I. Orozco, Solanum chalmersii S.Knapp, Solanum monanthemon S.Knapp. in Solanaceae Source : a taxonomic resource for the nightshade family. [http://www.nhm.ac.uk/research-curation/projects/solanaceaesource/index.jsp]. :
KNAPP S (2007) Solanum acropterum Griseb., Solanum argentinum Bitter & Lillo, Solanum canoasense L.B.Sm. & Downs, Solanum chalmersii S.Knapp, Solanum coalitum S.Knapp, Solanum compressum L.B.Sm. & Downs, Solanum conocarpum L.C. Rich. ex Dunal, Solanum delicatulum L.B.Sm. & Downs, Solanum evonymoides Sendtn. in Mart., Solanum havanense Jacq., Solanum lignescens Fernald, Solanum monanthemon S.Knapp, Solanum sagittantherum Granados-Tochoy & C.I. Orozco. In Solanaceae Source: a taxonomic resource for the nightshade family. http://www.nhm.ac.uk/solanaceaesource
KNAPP S (2007) “All Creatures: naturalists, collectors and biodiversity, 1850-1950” by Robert E. Kohler. [book review]. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 92 : 786 - 787.
KNAPP S (null) Solanaceae endémicas del Perú. In León, B. (ed) Libro Rojo de las plantas endémicas del Perú. Revista Peruana de Biología, 13 : 612 - 643.
KNAPP S (2007) Some like it hot. Science, 315 : 946 - 947.
KNAPP S (2007) “Flora Genérica des los Páramos” by P. Sklenář et al. [book review]. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 154 :
KNAPP S (2007) “Perú: Matsés. Rapid Biological Inventories Report 16” edited by C. Vriesendorp, N. Pitman, J.I. Rojas Moscoso, B.A. Pawlak, L. Rivera Chávez, L. Calixto Méndez, M. Vela Collantes & P. Fasabi Rimachi [book review]. Biological Conservation, 140 :
KNAPP S (2007) Gone but certainly not forgotten! A review of three books about Alfred Russel Wallace [book review]. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 92 : 195 - 196.
KNAPP S (2007) “The Emerald Planet” by David Beerling [book review]. Biological Conservation, 139 :
KNAPP S (2007) Linnaeus’ legacy: 300 years of naming nature [pamphlet]. The Linnean Society of London,
KNAPP S (2007) The man who named life was born: 23 May 1707. BBC History, 895 :
KNAPP S (2007) The description of Solanum and other Solanaceae collected by Humboldt and Bonpland: a case study of collaboration versus competition in 19th century taxonomy. Botanische Jahrbücher für Systematik, Pflanzengeschichte und Pflanzengeographie, 127 : 117 - 132.
KNAPP S (2007) Lectotypification of Cavanilles’ names in Solanum (Solanaceae). Anales del Jardín Botánico de Madrid, 64 : 195 - 203.
KNAPP S (2007) Review of “Plant conservation : an ecosystem approach” by Alan Hamilton and Patrick Hamilton. Biological Conservation, 135 :
KNAPP S (2007) George-Louis Leclerc, Comte de Buffon, In: Great Natural Historians, HUXLEY R (Eds). Thames and Hudson/ The Natural History Museum : 140 - 148.
KNAPP S (2007) Jean Baptiste Pierre Antoine Demonet de Lamarck, In: Great Natural Historians, HUXLEY R (Eds). Thames and Hudson/ The Natural History Museum : 190 - 196.
KNAPP S (2007) Alfred Russel Wallace, In: Great Natural Historians, HUXLEY R (Eds). Thames and Hudson/ The Natural History Museum : London. 277 - 295.
KNAPP S (2007) Asa Gray, In: Great Natural Historians, HUXLEY R (Eds). Thames and Hudson/ The Natural History Museum : 186 - 291.
KNAPP S (2007) Biology before Darwin, In: Joseph Priestley a celebration of his life and legacy, Birch J, Lee J (Eds). The Priestley Society, Scotforth Books : Lancaster. 206 - 213.
KNAPP S, CAFFERTY S (2007) Linnaeus’ collections go online. Science & Public Affairs, June 2007 :
KNAPP S, Polaszek A, Watson M (2007) e-publish or perish. Nature, 446 : 261 - 262.
Leitch A, Kovarik A, Matyasek R, Kamila S, Chase M, Clarkson J, Leitch I, Knapp S, Grandbastien M-A, Lim Y (2007) Evolution of allopolyploids in the genus Nicotiana. CHROMOSOME RESEARCH 15 : 8 - 8.
Peralta IE, KNAPP S, Spooner DM (2007) Solanum arcanum Peralta, Solanum cheesmaniae (L. Riley) Fosberg, Solanum chilense (Dunal) Reiche, Solanum chmielewskii (C.M.Rick, Kesicki, Fobes & M.Holle) D.M.Spooner, G.J.Anderson & R.K.Jansen, Solanum corneliomulleri J.F.Macbr., Solanum galapagense S.C.Darwin & Peralta, Solanum habrochaites S.Knapp & D.M.Spooner, Solanum huaylasense Peralta, Solanum juglandifolium Dunal, Solanum lycopersicoides Dunal, Solanum lycopersicum L., Solanum neorickii D.M.Spooner, G.J.Anderson & R.K.Jansen, Solanum ochranthum Dunal, Solanum pennellii Correll, Solanum peruvianum L., Solanum pimpinellifolium L., Solanum sitiens I.M.Johnst. In Solanaceae Source: a taxonomic resource for the nightshade family. http://www.nhm.ac.uk/solanaceaesource. :
Willis KJ, Gillson L, KNAPP S (2007) Biodiversity hotspots through time: using the past to manage the future. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, series B, Biological Sciences. Special issue, 362 : 169 - 333.
Yoong Lim K, Kovarik A, Matyasek R, Chase MW, Knapp S, McCarthy E, Clarkson JJ, Leitch AR (2006) Comparative genomics and repetitive sequence divergence in the species of diploidNicotianasection Alatae. The Plant Journal, 48 (6) : 907 - 919. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-313x.2006.02930.x
Knapp S (2006) A blast from the past. Nature, 442 (7105) : 871 - 871. doi: 10.1038/442871b
Stafford P, Knapp S (2006) Pollen morphology and systematics of the zygomorphic‐flowered nightshades (Solanaceae; Salpiglossideae sensu D'Arcy, 1978 and Cestroideae sensu D'Arcy, 1991, pro parte): A review. Systematics and Biodiversity, 4 (2) : 173 - 201. doi: 10.1017/s1477200005001787
Knapp S, Wilson K, Watson M (2006) Electronic Publication. Taxon, 55 (1) : 2 - 2. doi: 10.2307/25065521
De Egea J, PEÑA-CHOCARRO M, Vera M, Maturo H, KNAPP S (2006) Arboles y arbustos del Chaco Húmedo. Editorial GZR : Asunción, Paraguay.
DURT T, GRANT S, León B, KNAPP S, Zappi D (2006) Richard Spruce on-line. http://www.nhm.ac.uk/jdsml/research-curation/projects/spruce/index.dsml .
KNAPP S (2006) Solanum naucinum S.Knapp, Solanum sumacaspi S.Knapp, Solanum simile F.Muell., Solanum linearifolium Geras. ex Symon, Solanum aviculare G.Forst., Solanum laciniatum Aiton, Solanum capsiciforme (Domin) Baylis, Solanum multivenosum Symon, Solanum vescum F.Muell., Solanum symonii H.Eichler, Solanum trisectum Dunal, Solanum punctulatum Dunal, Solanum herculeum Bohs, Solanum nava Webb & Berthel., Solanum refractifolium Sendtn. in Solanaceae Source : a taxonomic resource for the nightshade family. http://www.nhm.ac.uk/research-curation/projects/solanaceaesource/index.jsp
KNAPP S (2006) Review of “Richard Spruce : naturalist and explorer” by Michael B. Pearson. Archives of Natural History, 33 : 372 - 373.
KNAPP S (2006) What is a garden for?. The Garden, 131 :
KNAPP S (2006) Alien empire. A review of “Alien species and evolution : the evolutionary ecology of exotic plants, animals, microbes and interacting native species” by George W. Cox. Biodiversity and Systematics, 4 : 503 - 504.
KNAPP S (2006) Blast from the past : review of “The science of describing : natural history in Renaissance Europe” by Brian W. Ogilvie. Nature, 442 :
KNAPP S (2006) Review of “Community forests of Mexico : managing for sustainable landscapes” edited by D.B. Bray, L. Merino-Perez & D. Barton. Biological Conservation, 132 : 406 - 407.
KNAPP S, DARWIN SC (2006) (1736) Proposal to conserve the name Solanum cheesmaniae (L. Riley) Fosberg against S. cheesemanii Geras. (Solanaceae). Taxon, 55 : 806 - 807.
KNAPP S, Davidse G (2006) Flora of Guatemala revisited, In: Biodiversidad de Guatemala Volumen 1, Cano EB (Eds). Universidad del Valle de Guatemala : Guatemala City. 25 - 47.
KNAPP S, Davidse G, Sousa S. M, Chiang F, MONRO A, KLITGAARD BB (2006) Flora Mesoamericana : linking specimens with floristics. Abstract booklet. [Project : Flora Mesoamericana].. The 11th Nordic Meeting on Neotropical Botany,
KNAPP S, STAFFORD MJ, Martínez M (2006) A checklist of the Solanaceae of Guatemala, In: Biodiversidad de Guatemala Volumen 1, Cano EB (Eds). Universidad del Valle de Guatemala : Guatemala City. 259 - 282.
KNAPP S, Wilson K, Watson M (2006) Electronic publication [letter to editor]. Taxon, 55 : 2 - 3.
Nee M, Bohs L, Knapp S (2006) New species of Solanum and Capsicum (Solanaceae) from Bolivia, with clarification of nomenclature in some Bolivian Solanum. Brittonia, 58 (4) : 322 - 356. doi: 10.1663/0007-196x(2006)58[322:nsosac]2.0.co;2
Nee M, Bohs L, KNAPP S (2006) New species and distributional records in the Solanaceae of Bolivia. Brittonia, 58 : 322 - 356.
Peralta IE, KNAPP S, Spooner DM (2006) Nomenclature for wild and cultivated tomatoes. Tomato Genetics Research Cooperative, 56 : 6 - 12.
Clarkson JJ, Lim KY, Kovarik A, Chase MW, Knapp S, Leitch AR (2005) Long‐term genome diploidization in allopolyploid Nicotiana section Repandae (Solanaceae). New Phytologist, 168 (1) : 241 - 252. doi: 10.1111/j.1469-8137.2005.01480.x
KNAPP S (2005) A suitable job for a woman. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 20 (2) : 55 - 56. doi: 10.1016/j.tree.2004.11.016
Spooner DM, Peralta IE, Knapp S (2005) Comparison of AFLPs with other markers for phylogenetic inference in wild tomatoes [SolanumL. sectionLycopersicon(Mill.) Wettst.]. TAXON, 54 (1) : 43 - 61. doi: 10.2307/25065301
Zhang Z-Y, Yang D-Z, Lu A-M, Knapp S (2005) Seed morphology of the tribe Hyoscyameae (Solanaceae). TAXON, 54 (1) : 71 - 83. doi: 10.2307/25065303
Knapp S (2005) Depicting the facts of life -- review of children’s books on the natural sciences. Nature, 378 (6554) : 315 - 317.
Knapp S (2005) Taxonomic additions for Solanum section Geminata (Solanaceae) in Peru. ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN, 92 (2) : 248 - 253.
Knapp S (null) Biogeography - space, form and time. Journal of Biogeography, 32 (1) : 3 - 4. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2699.2004.01229.x
KNAPP S (2005) You say tomato, I say tomato: new species discovery in a well known group. 50 : :
KNAPP S (2005) Book Review of “Tropical forest diversity and dynamism” edited by E. Losos and E.G. Leigh. Biological Conservation, 124 : 555 - 557.
KNAPP S (2005) Journal Club. “Take a leaf out of a taxonomist’s book and read about development pathways in plants”. Nature, 437 :
KNAPP S, LUGHADHA E, PATON A (2005) Taxonomic inflation, species concepts and global species lists. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 20 (1) : 7 - 8. doi: 10.1016/j.tree.2004.11.001
KNAPP S, Mallet J (2005) A night out with the nerds. [play review]. PloS Biology, 3 :
KNAPP S, PRESS B (2005) A cabinet of curiosities: over our heads. 6 : :
KNAPP S, PRESS B (2005) The ceilings of the Natural History Museum: a botanical masterpiece. Nature First, Natural History Museum magazine for members,
KNAPP S, PRESS B (2005) The Gilded Canopy: botanical ceilings of the Natural History Museum. NHM Press : London. 1 - 168.
KNAPP S, SHORT MJ, Sousa-Peña M, Martínez M (2005) A preliminary names list for the Solanaceae of Mesoamerica, In: A Festschrift for William G. D’Arcy: The Legacy of a Taxonomist, Keating RC, Hollowell VC, Croat TB (Eds). Monographs in Systematic Botany from the Missouri Botanical Garden : 71 - 116.
MacVean A, KNAPP S (2005) Langsdorffia hypogeaea Mart. (Balanophoraceae): un nuevo género y especie para Guatemala. Brenesia, 63-64 : 129 - 130.
Peralta IE, Spooner DM, KNAPP S (2005) New species of wild tomatoes (Solanum section Lycopersicum: Solanaceae) from northern Peru. Systematic Botany, 30 : 424 - 434.
Spooner DM, Peralta IE, KNAPP S (2005) AFLP phylogeny of wild tomatoes [Solanum L. section Lycopersicon (Mill.) Wettst. subsection Lycopersicon]. Taxon, 54 : 43 - 61.
Knapp S (2004) Field guides and phylogenies. Nature, 431 (7010) : 742 - 742. doi: 10.1038/431742a
Clarkson JJ, Knapp S, Garcia VF, Olmstead RG, Leitch AR, Chase MW (2004) Phylogenetic relationships in Nicotiana (Solanaceae) inferred from multiple plastid DNA regions. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 33 (1) : 75 - 90. doi: 10.1016/j.ympev.2004.05.002
KOVARIK A, MATYASEK R, LIM KY, SKALICKÁ K, KOUKALOVÁ B, KNAPP S, CHASE M, LEITCH AR (null) Concerted evolution of 18-5.8-26S rDNA repeats in Nicotiana allotetraploids. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 82 (4) : Oxford University Press (OUP) : 615 - 625. doi: 10.1111/j.1095-8312.2004.00345.x
Godfray HCJ, Knapp S (2004) Introduction. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences, 359 (1444) : 559 - 569. doi: 10.1098/rstb.2003.1457
Knapp S, Lamas G, Lughadha EN, Novarino G (2004) Stability or stasis in the names of organisms: the evolving codes of nomenclature. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences, 359 (1444) : 611 - 622. doi: 10.1098/rstb.2003.1445
Knapp S, Chase MW, Clarkson JJ (2004) Nomenclatural changes and a new sectional classification in Nicotiana (Solanaceae). TAXON, 53 (1) : 73 - 82. doi: 10.2307/4135490
Bohs L, KNAPP S, Nee M, Spooner DM (2005) The PBI: Solanum project. :
Chase MW, KNAPP S, Clarkson J (2004) Origins of allotetraploids in Nicotiana (Solanaceae): evidence from glutamine synthetase. :
Godfray HCJ, KNAPP S (2004) Taxonomy for the 21st century - Introduction. null, 359 : 559 - 569.
GRANT S, Durt T, KNAPP S, Zappi D (2004) The Richard Spruce collection
Hobhouse H, LOWNDES M, KNAPP S (2004) Seeds of Trade .
Knapp S, Bohs L, Nee M, Spooner DM (2004) Solanaceae—A Model for Linking Genomics with Biodiversity. Comparative and Functional Genomics, 5 (3) : 285 - 291. doi: 10.1002/cfg.393
KNAPP S (2004) Winteraceae. W3FM (Flora Mesoamericana on-line)
KNAPP S (2004) Saving the world while having a good time. :
KNAPP S (2004) Toxins, tonics and trips - review of Dangerous Garden by David Stuart. :
KNAPP S (2004) Field guides and phylogenies: a review of Flowers of Ethiopia and Eritrea: aloes and other lilies. Nature, 431 :
KNAPP S (2004) Seaweed cyanotypes: a review of Ocean Flowers. Scientific American, 92 : 573 - 575.
KNAPP S (2004) Systematics: a science of three parts. NHM, 4 : 10 - 13.
KNAPP S, Bohs L, Nee M, Spooner DM (2004) Solanaceae: a model for linking genomics with organisms. PAG XII. :
KNAPP S, Clarkson JJ (2004) (1642) Proposal to conserve the name Nicotiana plumbaginifolia against N. pusilla, N. humilis and N. tenella (Solanaceae). Taxon, 53 : 844 - 846.
León B, Durt T, GRANT S, Zappi D, KNAPP S (null) Conectando el pasado: Richard Spruce, su legado y el Internet. Arnaldoa, 10 : 109 - 118.
Pennington TD, MONRO AK, Thornton-Wood SP, KNAPP S (2004) Sapotaceae. W3FM (Flora Mesoamericana on-line)
CHASE MW (null) Molecular Systematics, GISH and the Origin of Hybrid Taxa in Nicotiana (Solanaceae). Annals of Botany, 92 (1) : 107 - 127. doi: 10.1093/aob/mcg087
(2003) Sandy Knapp: Outdoor pursuits. Nature, 423 (6940) : 590 - 590. doi: 10.1038/423590a
Sykorova E, Lim KY, Chase MW, Knapp S, Leitch IJ, Leitch AR, Fajkus J (2003) The absence of Arabidopsis-type telomeres in Cestrum and closely related genera Vestia and Sessea (Solanaceae): first evidence from eudicots. The Plant Journal, 34 (3) : 283 - 291. doi: 10.1046/j.1365-313x.2003.01731.x
Knapp S, Mallet J (2003) Refuting Refugia?. Science, 300 (5616) : 71 - 72. doi: 10.1126/science.1083007
Knapp S (2003) Conservation: Dynamic diversity. Nature, 422 (6931) : 475 - 475. doi: 10.1038/422475a
Seberg O, Humphries CJ, Knapp S, Stevenson DW, Petersen G, Scharff N, Andersen NM (2003) Shortcuts in systematics? A commentary on DNA-based taxonomy. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 18 (2) : 63 - 65. doi: 10.1016/s0169-5347(02)00059-9
DARWIN SC, KNAPP S, Peralta IE (2003) Tomatoes in the Galápagos Islands: morphology of native and introduced species of Solanum section Lycopersicon (Solanaceae). Systematics and Biodiversity, 1 : 29 - 54.
KNAPP S (2003) Rafflesiaceae. W3FM (Flora Mesoamericana on-line)
KNAPP S (2003) Balanophoraceae W3FM (Flora Mesoamericana on-line)
KNAPP S (2003) The balance of nature or nature in the balance?. null, 3 : 14 - 17.
KNAPP S (2003) Concepts - Dynamic diversity. Nature, 422 :
KNAPP S (2003) Outdoor pursuits: lifelines. Nature, 423 :
KNAPP S (2003) Phylogenesis and the tree of life, In: Phylogenesis: foa’s ark: foreign office architects, Actar, Barcelona & ICA, London : 638 - 647.
KNAPP S (2003) Potted Histories: an artistic voyage through plant exploration. Scriptum Editions : London.
KNAPP S, Hardner J (2003) Review of “Making parks work: strategies for preserving tropical nature”. Biological Conservation, 111 : 278 - 279.
Sykorova E, Lim KY, Chase MW, KNAPP S, Leitch IJ, Leitch AR, Fajkus J (2003) The absence of Arabidopsis-type telomeres in Cestrum and closely related genera Vestia and Sessea (Solanaceae): first evidence from eudicots. The Plant Journal, 34 : 1 - 9.
Durt T, Grant S, Knapp S, Leon B, Zappi D (2002) The Richard Spruce project. ENDEAVOUR, 26 (4) : 125 - 125.
Knapp S, Bateman RM, Chalmers NR, Humphries CJ, Rainbow PS, Smith AB, Taylor PD, Vane-Wright RI, Wilkinson M (2002) Taxonomy needs evolution, not revolution. Nature, 419 (6907) : 559 - 559. doi: 10.1038/419559a
Knapp S (2002) Tobacco to tomatoes: a phylogenetic perspective on fruit diversity in the Solanaceae. Journal of Experimental Botany, 53 (377) : 2001 - 2022. doi: 10.1093/jxb/erf068
Knapp S (2002) The quest for the Jesuit's bark. Nature, 418 (6900) : 820 - 821. doi: 10.1038/418820a
Knapp S (2002) Fact and fantasy. Nature, 415 (6871) : 479 - 479. doi: 10.1038/415479a
Knapp S (2002) Assessing Patterns of Plant Endemism in Neotropical Uplands. The Botanical Review, 68 (1) : 22 - 37. doi: 10.1663/0006-8101(2002)068[0022:apopei]2.0.co;2
Knapp S (2002) A New Combination in Morella (Myricaceae) in Mesoamerica. Novon, 12 (2) : 200 - 200. doi: 10.2307/3392956
Sidwell K, Knapp S (2002) A New Species of Oxalis (Oxalidaceae) from El Salvador. Novon, 12 (1) : 90 - 90. doi: 10.2307/3393246
Young KR, Ulloa CU, Luteyn JL, Knapp S (2002) Plant Evolution and Endemism in Andean South America: An Introduction. The Botanical Review, 68 (1) : 4 - 21. doi: 10.1663/0006-8101(2002)068[0004:peaeia]2.0.co;2
Marshall JA, Knapp S, Davey MR, Power JB, Cocking EC, Bennett MD, Cox AV (2001) Molecular systematics of Solanum section Lycopersicum (Lycopersicon) using the nuclear ITS rDNA region. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 103 (8) : 1216 - 1222. doi: 10.1007/s001220100671
Knapp S (2000) Youch! It bites: Real-life monsters, up close. NATURE, 408 (6812) : 518 - 519.
Knapp S (2000) The Usborne first encyclopedia of animals. NATURE, 408 (6812) : 518 - 519.
Knapp S (2000) The Great Kapok Tree: A tale of the Amazon rain forest. NATURE, 408 (6812) : 518 - 519.
Knapp S (2000) All kinds of habitats. NATURE, 408 (6812) : 518 - 519.
Knapp S (2000) Cave. NATURE, 408 (6812) : 518 - 519.
Knapp S (2000) This is the tree. NATURE, 408 (6812) : 518 - 519.
Knapp S (2000) Misunderstood bats/misunderstood chameleons. NATURE, 408 (6812) : 518 - 519.
Knapp S (2000) Dory story. NATURE, 408 (6812) : 518 - 519.
Knapp S (2000) Oxford first book of animals. NATURE, 408 (6812) : 518 - 519.
Knapp S (2000) Journey to freedom. NATURE, 408 (6812) : 518 - 519.
Knapp S (2000) Rosie plants a radish. NATURE, 408 (6812) : 518 - 519.
Knapp S (2000) Lion country. NATURE, 408 (6812) : 518 - 519.
Knapp S (2000) A leaf in time. NATURE, 408 (6812) : 518 - 519.
Knapp S (2000) The Oxford Children's Encyclopedia of plants and animals. NATURE, 408 (6812) : 518 - 519.
Knapp S (2000) Wild things books: Baboon rock/leopard trail/lion pride. NATURE, 408 (6812) : 518 - 519.
Knapp S (2000) Usborne science & experiments: Ecology. NATURE, 408 (6812) : 518 - 519.
Knapp S (2000) What's in a name?. Nature, 408 (6808) : 33 - 33. doi: 10.1038/35040663
Knapp S (2000) Wet and Wild. Science, 289 (5481) : 877 - 877. doi: 10.1126/science.289.5481.877
Knapp S (2000) Sex, leaves and rock and roll. Nature, 405 (6789) : 885 - 886. doi: 10.1038/35016141
Peña Chocarro MDC, Marín G, Jiménez B, Knapp S (2000) Plantas medicinales de la comunidad indígena Ava Katueté, Tekoha Ka’aguy Ryapu. null : Asunción, Paraguay. 1 - 73.
Knapp S (1999) A New Name and a New Lectotypification in Neotropical Plants (Ebenaceae, Solanaceae). Novon, 9 (4) : 524 - 524. doi: 10.2307/3392155
Knapp S, Spooner DM (1999) A New Name for a Common Ecuadorian and Peruvian Wild Tomato Species. Novon, 9 (3) : 375 - 375. doi: 10.2307/3391735
Peña Chocarro MDC, Jiménez B, Marín G, Knapp S (1999) Checklist of the Pteridophytes of the Mbaracayú Forest Reserve, Paraguay. Fern Gazzete, 15 (7) : 221 - 259.
Peña Chocarro MDC, Marín G, Jiménez B, Knapp S (1999) Helechos de Mbaracayú. Natural History Museum : London. 1 - 142.
Sastre C, Whitefoord C, Knapp S (1999) A New Species of Elvasia (Ochnaceae) from Mesoamerica with Discussion of Subgeneric Classification and Phytogeography. Novon, 9 (2) : 253 - 253. doi: 10.2307/3391810
Knapp S (1998) Plant roots. Nature, 392 (6678) : 773 - 773. doi: 10.1038/33843
Knapp S, Mallet J (1998) A New Species of Passiflora (Passifloraceae) from Ecuador with Notes on the Natural History of Its Herbivore, Heliconius (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Heliconiiti). Novon, 8 (2) : 162 - 162. doi: 10.2307/3391988
Knapp S, Persson V, Blackmore S (1998) Pollen morphology and functional dioecy inSolanum (Solanaceae). Plant Systematics and Evolution, 210 (1-2) : 113 - 139. doi: 10.1007/bf00984731
Peña Chocarro MDC, Marín G, Jiménez B, Knapp S (1998) Plantas comunes de Mbaracayú. Natural History Museum : London. 1 - 172.
Knapp S (1997) Microcosmos — a review. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 12 (10) : 415 - 415. doi: 10.1016/s0169-5347(97)87400-9
Knapp S (1997) Two New Species of Diospyros (Ebenaceae) from Mesoamerica. Novon, 7 (3) : 256 - 256. doi: 10.2307/3391940
Knapp S, Persson V, Blackmore S (1997) A Phylogenetic Conspectus of the Tribe Juanulloeae (Solanaceae). Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden, 84 (1) : 67 - 67. doi: 10.2307/2399954
Salick J, Cellinese N, Knapp S (1997) Indigenous diversity of Cassava: Generation, maintenance, use and loss among the Amuesha, Peruvian upper Amazon. Economic Botany, 51 (1) : 6 - 19. doi: 10.1007/bf02910400
Bruneau A, Dickson EE, Knapp S (1995) Congruence of chloroplast DNA restriction site characters with morphological and isozyme data in Solanum sect. Lasiocarpa. Canadian Journal of Botany, 73 (8) : 1151 - 1167. doi: 10.1139/b95-125
Persson V, Knapp S, Blackmore S (1994) Pollen morphology and systematics of tribe Juanulloeae A.T. Hunziker (Solanaceae). Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 83 (1-3) : 1 - 30. doi: 10.1016/0034-6667(94)90054-x
Knapp S (1992) Five New Species of Solanum Section Geminata (Solanaceae) from South America. Brittonia, 44 (1) : 61 - 61. doi: 10.2307/2807443
KNAPP S (1991) A cladistic analysis of the Solanum sessile species group (section Geminata pro parte: Solanaceae). Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 106 (1) : 73 - 89. doi: 10.1111/j.1095-8339.1991.tb02284.x
KNAPP S (1991) A revision of the Solanum sessile species group (section Geminata pro parte: Solanaceae). Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 105 (2) : 179 - 210. doi: 10.1111/j.1095-8339.1991.tb00203.x
Knapp S, Mione T, A. AS (1991) A New Species of Jaltomata (Solanaceae) from Northwestern Peru. Brittonia, 43 (3) : 181 - 181. doi: 10.2307/2807054
KNAPP S, JARVIS CE (1990) The typification of the names of New World Solanum species described by Linnaeus. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 104 (4) : 325 - 367. doi: 10.1111/j.1095-8339.1990.tb02227.x
Knapp S (1986) New Species of Solanum Section Geminata (Solanaceae) from South America. Brittonia, 38 (3) : 273 - 273. doi: 10.2307/2807355
Knapp S (1986) A New Species of Solanum Section Geminata (Solanaceae) from Western Mexico. Brittonia, 38 (1) : 89 - 89. doi: 10.2307/2807427
Knapp S (1986) Three New Species of Solanum Section Geminata (G. Don) Walp. (Solanaceae) from Panama and Western Colombia. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden, 73 (4) : 738 - 738. doi: 10.2307/2399202
Whalen MD, A. AS, Knapp S (1986) A New Species of Solanum Section Petota (Solanaceae) from Northern Peru. Brittonia, 38 (1) : 9 - 9. doi: 10.2307/2807410
Knapp S (1985) New Species of Solanum Section Geminata (G. Don) Walp. (Solanaceae) from South and Central America. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden, 72 (3) : 558 - 558. doi: 10.2307/2399106
Knapp S, Mallet J (1984) Two New Species of Passiflora (Passifloraceae) From Panama, with Comments on Their Natural History. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden, 71 (4) : 1068 - 1068. doi: 10.2307/2399243
Knapp S (1983) SECTIONAL NOMENCLATURE IN SOLANUM (SOLANACEAE). TAXON, 32 (4) : 635 - 636. doi: 10.2307/1221743
Hardy H, Knapp S, Allan EL, Berger F, Dixey K, Döme B, Gagnier P-Y, Frank J, Haston E, Holstein J, Kiel S, Marschler M, Mergen P, Phillips S, Rabinovich R, Sanchez Chillón B, Sorensen M, Thines M, Trekels M, Vogt R, Wilson S, Wiltschke-Schrotta K (null) SYNTHESYS+ Virtual Access - Report on the Ideas Call (October to November 2019). Research Ideas and Outcomes, 6 : doi: 10.3897/rio.6.e50354
Contributed Publications
(null) Brazilian Flora 2020: Innovation and collaboration to meet Target 1 of the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation (GSPC). Rodriguésia, 69 (4) : 1513 - 1527. doi: 10.1590/2175-7860201869402
POLASZEK A (2010) Systema Naturae 250 - the Linnaean Ark. CRC Press : Boca Raton, Florida, USA.
Courses taught
Short course: Nomenclatura botanica
Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, Quito, Ecuador
Postgraduate: Botanical nomenclature
, Belo Horizonte, Brazil
3/2018 - 6/2018.
MSc: MSc in Taxonomy and Biodiversity - Curation/Collections module
, London, United Kingdom
Third year: BIOSG007/BIOLM032: Science Communication for Biologists
University College London, London, United Kingdom
Short course: Introducción, fundamentos y actualizaciones en nomenclatura botánica
, Mendoza - Chacras de Coria, Argentina
Second year: BIOL7008: Ecological Genetics (Spain field course)
3/2017 - 4/2017.
Postgraduate: Taxonomic Principles and Tools in Botanical Research
MSc: MSc in Taxonomy and Biodiversity - Nomenclature module
Short course: Nomenclatura Botánica
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico
8/2016 - 9/2016.
Second year: BIOL 7008 - Ecological Genetics
3/2016 - 4/2016.
Second year: BIOL7016 - Energy and Evolution
MSc: MSc in Taxonomy and Biodiversity - Nomenclature module
First year: BIOL1006 - Life on Earth
Short course: Botanical Nomenclature
Short course: Botanical Nomenclature
Doctorate (PhD) Lead supervisor to Echeverria-Londono S
Patterns of evolutionary convergence in Solanaceae (Susy Echeverria-Londono thesis topic)
Funding: Colombian government
1/10/2013 - on going.
Course developed
Co developers: Knapp S, Thues H, Carine M, Brodie J, Ellis L, Wilbraham J, Spencer M, Rumsey F
Taxonomic Principles and Tools in Botanical Research,
Fellow of the Royal Society (FRS), Royal Society, London, United Kingdom, 27/4/2022.
David Fairchild Medal for Plant Exploration, National Tropical Botanical Garden, Kalāheo, United States, 7/4/2022.
Jose Cuatrecasas Medal for Excellence in Tropical Botany, Washington DC, USA, 17/5/2019.
Académica, Córdoba, Argentina, 1/10/2018.
Fellow, Cambridge, United States, 18/4/2018.
Linnean Medal for Botany, Linnean Society of London, London, United Kingdom, 24/5/2016.
Honorary Doctorate - Stockholms Universitet, 1/10/2011.
John Burnett Memorial Medal - National Biodiversity Network, 18/11/2009.
Peter Raven Outreach Award - American Society of Plant Taxonomists, 23/7/2009.
Invited and keynote speaker
Keynote speaker, Why monograph a monster like Solanum?, SOLonline seminar series: 3/7/2020.
Keynote speaker, Diversity and distribution in the Solanaceae, Linnean Society of London Anniversary Meeting Presidential Lecture: Linnean Society of London, London, United Kingdom, 22/5/2020.
Keynote speaker, Diversidad y distribución en las Solanáceas - una historia de éxito evolutivo, Inaugural Lecture - Academia Nacional de Ciencias de Argentina: Academia Nacional de Ciencias de Argentina, Cordoba, Argentina, 17/2/2020.
Keynote speaker, Building knowledge and narratives through open networks, National Biodiversity Network (NBN) Annual Conference: NBN Annual Conference, Nottingham, United Kingdom, 14/11/2019.
Invited speaker, Access to natural history collections - for SYNTHESYS to DiSSCo, BiodiversityNext: Leiden, Netherlands, BiodiversityNext conference, 23/10/2019.
Keynote speaker, Discovering diversity in Solanaceae, SOL2019: SOL2019, Jerusalem, Israel, 18/9/2019.
Keynote speaker, Field work in fancy dress - a natural history of women in the field, Linnean Society of London Anniversary Meeting Presidential Lecture: Linnean Society of London, London, United Kingdom, 24/5/2019.
Invited speaker, Monographing monsters - challenges and opportunities, Botanical monography symposium: Symposium on botanical monography, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Richmond, United Kingdom, 3/4/2019.
Invited speaker, Diversity and distribution in the Solanaceae, 7/11/2018.
Invited speaker, Floras for the Future: why plant description still matters, Beaty Biodiversity Lecture: University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, 6/11/2018.
Invited speaker, Los desafios de ser grande, XII Congresso Latinoamericano de Botanica: Quito, Ecuador, 23/10/2018.
Invited speaker, The Natural History of Nightshades, Foundation Day Celebration: Botanical Survey of India - Central Office, Kolkata, India, 14/6/2018.
Keynote speaker, "The most dangerous worldview is the worldview of those who have not seen the world", Global Genome Biodiversity Network conference: Vienna, Austria, 22/5/2018.
Invited speaker, Phylogenetic nomenclature and the PhyloCode, Foundation Day Celebration: Botanical Survey of India - Central Office, Kolkata, India, 14/2/2018.
Keynote speaker, Past, present and future of floristics: the continued relevance of floras in a modern world, Foundation Day Celebration: Botanical Survey of India - Central Office, Kolkata, India, 14/2/2018.
Invited speaker, The Natural History of Nightshades, Institute seminar: Botanical Survey of India - Himalayan Centre, Gangtok, India, 10/2/2018.
Invited speaker, The International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi and plants; basics and updates, Institute seminar: Botanical Survey of India - Northern Circle Office, Dehradun, India, 6/2/2018.
Invited speaker, Biodiversidad y biotechnología - amigos o enemigos?, 4/10/2017.
Keynote speaker, Humanos y plantas, el vínculo indestructible, XXXVI Jornadas Argentinas de Botánica: Universidad Nactional de Cuyo, Mendoza - Chacras de Coria, Argentina, 24/9/2017.
Keynote speaker, Plants and People - the unbreakable bond, XIX International Botanical Congress: Shenzhen, China, 24/7/2017.
Keynote speaker, The view from the cabinet- bringing the brave new world to natural history collections?, SYNTHESYS Symposium, DNA sequencing natural history specimens using new sequencing platforms and protocols: Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 11/7/2017.
Keynote speaker, Biodiversity and biotechnology - friends or foes?, Holden Botany Lecture: 2/5/2017.
Invited speaker, Biogeography and distribution in Solanaceae, Lunchtime seminar: 2/5/2017.
Invited speaker, The natural history of nightshades - patterns in Solanaceae evolution, Solanaceae Symposium in honour of Gerard van der Weerden: 26/4/2017.
Invited speaker, Aventuras con Solanáceas: Historias de éxito evolutivo, Invited lecture: 24/3/2017.
Invited speaker, Natural history among the nightshades, 4th Annual Linnean Lecture: 15/3/2017.
Invited speaker, Dispersal, diversification and surpises in Solanaceae, Invited lecture - Natural History Museum of Denmark: Natural History Museum of Denmark, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark, 25/10/2016.
Keynote speaker, Adventures with nightshades: stories of evolutionary success, UK Plant Evolution: Cambridge University, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 16/9/2016.
Keynote speaker, Diversity and distribution in the Solanaceae: not quite what it might seem!, SOLGenomics 2016 - from advances to applications: 13/9/2016.
Keynote speaker, Pasado, presente y futuro de los estudios florísticos ¿Por qué serán siempre vigentes?, XX Congreso Mexicano de Botánica: Mexico City, Mexico, 8/9/2016.
Invited speaker, Traveller’s tales for the 21st century – the joy of discovering life on Earth, Society for Experimental Biology - Science with Impact - Biodiversity matters: here,there and everywhere: 3/7/2016.
Keynote speaker, Bringing the ends of the plant science circle together for Earth’s future, Science For Life Lecture: Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 29/6/2016.
Keynote speaker, The compleat naturalist: Alfred Russel Wallace in the field, Linnean Society of London/Arnold Arboretum Joint Meeting: Arnold Arboretum, Boston, United States, 8/5/2016.
Invited speaker, Monographing a monster - the case of Solanum, World Flora Online Symposium: 27/4/2016.
Invited speaker, Biodiversity - for or against plant biotechnology?, Next-Generation Plant Biotechnology: Otto Warburg Institute, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Rehevot, Israel, 13/4/2016.
Keynote speaker, Back to the Future - integrating the modern and historical in plant systematics, Colloquium - Beyond the Tree of Life - the Future of Plant Systematics: Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 16/3/2016.
Keynote speaker, Collections for understanding environmental change, SYNTHESYS New users workshop: Museum fur Naturkunde, Berlin, Germany, 21/10/2015.
Keynote speaker, Floristics in the 21st Century - Outdated 19th century science or key for understanding biodiversity?, Celebration of 50 years of academic distinction - a symposium in honour of Mario Sousa: Instituto de Biologia, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico, 16/10/2015.
Open Herbarium, Centre for Ecology & Evolution Autumn Symposium: Linnean Society, London, 11/9/2015.
Invited speaker, A game of two halves? Taxonomy as a team sport, take two, Systematics Association Biennial Meeting: Oxford University Museum, Oxford, United Kingdom, 28/8/2015.
Invited speaker, Competition and dispersal in clade diversification dynamics, Systematics Association Biennial Conference: University of Oxford, Oxford, U.K., 28/8/2015.
Invited speaker, Crop wild relatives – how much do we really understand?, Botany2015: Edmonton, Canada, 28/7/2015.
Invited speaker, The changing face of North-South collaboration in botany, Tropical Plant Collections: Legacies from the past? Essential tools for the future?: Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters, Copenhagen, Denmark, 20/5/2015.
Keynote speaker, South America SOL – a festival of diversity, SOL2014 - 11th conference of the Solanaceae Genomics Network: Arraial d´Ajuda, Brazil, 3/11/2014.
Invited speaker, Collaboration and data for advancing understanding of plant systematics, Congreso Latinoamericano de Botanica: Salvador, Brazil, 29/10/2014.
Invited speaker, Dreams for dinner – a natural history of the nightshade family, The 2014 Jack Pridham Lecture: Royal Holloway, University of London, London, United Kingdom, 13/10/2014.
Keynote speaker, Becoming a botanist – a traveller’s tale, Botanists of the 21st Century Conference: 24/9/2014.
Invited speaker, Botanical collections for understanding environmental change, 109mo Congresso della Società Botanica Italiana: Florence, Italy, 4/9/2014.
Invited speaker, Alfred Russel Wallace in the Amazon: the making of a naturalist, World of Wallace celebration: Hertford Museum, Hertford, United Kingdom, 15/1/2014.
Invited speaker, Wallace in Wales, Cardiff University, Cardiff, United Kingdom, 9/12/2013.
Invited speaker, Reconstructing Solanum – the value of monophyly, 64th Congreso Nacional de Bôtanica: Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 13/11/2013.
Keynote speaker, The new taxonomy, 64th Congreso Nacional de Bôtanica: Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 11/11/2013.
Invited speaker, Biodiversity of Solanaceae and their insect pests, SOL2013 - 10th conference of the Solanaceae Genomics Network: Beijing, China, 14/10/2013.
Guest lectures
Invited speaker, Field work in fancy dress - a natural history of women in the field, Irene Manton Lecture: University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom, 4/12/2018.
Invited speaker, The Natural History of Nightshades, Volunteer's Seminar: Chelsea Physic Garden, London, United Kingdom, 15/1/2018.
Invited speaker, Joseph Banks for the 21st century - a new Endeavour, Quincentennial Society meeting: Royal College of Physicians, London, United Kingdom, 9/10/2017.
Invited speaker, Dreams for Dinner - a natural history of nightshades, 5/10/2017.
Keynote speaker, Plants and people - the unbreakable bond, International Botanical Congress - Public Lecture: XIX International Botanical Congress, Shenzhen, China, 24/7/2017.
Invited speaker, Dreams for Dinner - a natural history of the nightshade family, 20/1/2016.
Invited speaker, Dreams for Dinner - a natural history of the nightshades, 13/1/2016.
Invited speaker, Building better crops – field work, five-year plans and crop wild relatives, Invited private event: Science Museum, London, United Kingdom, 9/3/2015.
Natural Histories - The Big Story, Lions, Sharks, Whales and Apes are four well known A-lister groups of animals that have got under our skin, enthralled us with their wildness and inspired literature, film, myth and legend. But so have Cockroaches and Fleas and the much lesser known Burbot and Mandrakes. Natural Histories has brought 25 groups of animals and plants together across 25 episodes to tell the stories of nature's influences on human culture from across the globe. The Big Story, a special live event presented by satirical comedian Rory Bremner and Natural Histories presenter Brett Westwood tells a story of the earth from Dinosaurs to people. With comedy, music, readings and discussion all held in the spectacular Hintze Hall of the Natural History Museum. We tell a uniquely Big Story of 100 million years' worth of natural history., BBC Radio 4, Bremner R, 23/12/2015 - 25/12/2015. Natural Histories - The Big Story
Natural History Heroes - Alice Eastwood, Alice Eastwood was a self-taught botanist using her holidays to collect and identify plants in Colorado who went on to become the curator of the California Academy of Science botany collection. Over her career Eastwood discovered many of the plants on California's coastline and during the fire that followed the 1906 earthquake in San Francisco Eastwood rescued 1,497 important specimens from the museum - only made possible because she had taken the fortunate step of segregating it in the first place. The rest of the collection was destroyed and Eastwood devoted the rest of her life to rebuilding it. When she retired the collection contained over 300,000 specimens, over three times as many as were destroyed in 1906. Sandy Knapp explains why Alice Eastwood is her Natural History Hero., BBC Radio 4, 2/10/2015.
Natural Histories - Nightshades, The natural and cultural history of the Solanaceae - from mandrakes to potatoes, BBC Radio 4, 20/7/2015. Programme
The Life Scientific, Discussion of Sandy Knapp's scientific career with Jim Al-Khalili, BBC Radio 4, 21/6/2014. programme
In Our Time, Photosynthesis - Melvyn Bragg with Sandy Knapp, John Allen and Nick Lane - discuss photosynthesis, the process by which green plants and many other organisms use sunlight to synthesise organic molecules., BBC Radio 4, 15/5/2014.
The Infinite Monkey Cage, Should we Pander to Pandas? - Comedy programme with Brian Cox and Robin Ince - panel consisted of Sandy Knapp, Simon Watts and Sarah Pascoe, BBC Radio 4, Cox B, 16/12/2013. programme