Dr Malcolm Penn
GIS Manager
Division: Collections Management Systems OLD
Malcolm is the GIS manager/specialist at the Natural History Museum, London. He has led and collaborated on many GIS based and biodiversity projects throughout the developing world, including Belize, Thailand, UK, Brazil, Costa Rica. etc.,. He is an expert in GIS, geo-referencing, spatial modelling, remote sensing, vegetation classifications, biogeography and biodiversity spatial statistics, as well as providing GIS input to the NHM for both science and non-scientific departments and collaborating both internally and externally to the NHM, in both academic and commercial settings
Other projects
NHM Initiative Pest and Crop Wild Relatives
Role: Member
Funding: Museum development
Dates: 2015 - 2017.
Significant field work experience both participating and running expeditions to Central and South America and South East Asia
Council member, .
Paterson GLJ, Albuquerque S, Blagoderov V, Brooks S, Cafferty S, Cane E, Carter V, Chainey J, Crowther R, Douglas L, Durant J, Duffle L, Hine A, Honey M, Huertas B, Howard T, Huxley R, Kitching IJ, Ledger S, McLaughlin C, Martin G, Mazzetta G, Penn M, Perera J, Sadka M, Scialabba E, Siebert D, Sleep C, Toloni F, Wing P (2016) iCollections.
PENN MG (null) Vice-counties ArcIms database. http://cohune.nhm.ac.uk/website/Vice. :
Bebber DP, Carine MA, Davidse G, Harris DJ, Haston EM, Penn MG, Cafferty S, Wood JRI, Scotland RW (2012) Big hitting collectors make massive and disproportionate contribution to the discovery of plant species. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 279 (1736) : 2269 - 2274. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2011.2439
BUTLER RJ, BARRETT PM, PENN MG, KENRICK P (null) Testing coevolutionary hypotheses over geological timescales: interactions between Cretaceous dinosaurs and plants. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 100 (1) : 1 - 15. doi: 10.1111/j.1095-8312.2010.01401.x
BUTLER RJ, BARRETT PM, KENRICK P, PENN MG (2009) Diversity patterns amongst herbivorous dinosaurs and plants during the Cretaceous: implications for hypotheses of dinosaur/angiosperm co-evolution. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 22 (3) : 446 - 459. doi: 10.1111/j.1420-9101.2008.01680.x
Butler RJ, Barrett PM, Kenrick P, Penn MG (2009) Testing co-evolutionary hypotheses over geological timescales: interactions between Mesozoic non-avian dinosaurs and cycads. Biological Reviews, 84 (1) : 73 - 89. doi: 10.1111/j.1469-185x.2008.00065.x
BARRETT PM, Butler RJ, KENRICK P, Penn M (2009) Co-evolution in deep time: using Geographical Information Systems (GIS) to test Cretaceous dinosaur-plant associations. Abstracts of the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Palaeontological Association (University of Birmingham)
Brooks SJ, Hernández LM, Massaferro J, Spinelli GR, Malcolm PENN (2009) Capacity building for freshwater insect studies in northern Patagonia, Argentina: DARWIN Initiative programme. Revista de la Sociedad Entomológica Argentina, 68 (1-2) : 145 - 154.
HERNÁNDEZ LM, Montes de Oca FM, PENN M, Massaferro J, Garre A, BROOKS SJ (2009) "Jejenes" (Diptera; Simuliidae) of Nahuel Huapi National Park, Patagonia, Argentina; Preliminary Results. Revista de la Sociedad Entomológica Argentina, 68 : 193 - 200.
PENN MG, MONCRIEFF CB, BRIDGEWATER SGM, Garwood NC, Bateman RM, Chan I, Cho P (2009) Using GIS techniques to model the distribution of the economically important xaté palm Chamaedorea ernesti-augustii within the Greater Maya Mountains, Belize. Systematics and Biodiversity, 7 : 63 - 72.
Humphrey LT, Dean MC, Jeffries TE, Penn M (2008) Unlocking evidence of early diet from tooth enamel. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 105 (19) : 6834 - 6839. doi: 10.1073/pnas.0711513105
BARRETT P, BUTLER R, KENRICK P, Penn M (2008) Testing co-evolutionary hypotheses over geological timescales: interactions between Mesozoic non-avian dinosaurs and cycads. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 28(3, suppl.) :
BROOKS SJ, HERNANDEZ LM, Massaferro J, Spinellli G, PENN M (2008) Capacity building for freshwater insects studies in northern Patagonia. VII Congreso Argentino de Entomologia, workshop on Biodiversity of Patagonian Insects, Libro de Conferencia : Argentina. 100 - 123..
Butler RJ, Barrett PM, Kenrick P, Penn MG (2008) Testing co-evolutionary hypotheses over geological timescales using GIS. Proceedings of the GIS Research UK 16th Annual Conference, GISRUK 2008, Manchester Metropolitan University, 2–4 April 2008 214 - 216.
BUTLER RJ, BARRETT PM, KENRICK P, PENN MG (2008) Testing co-evolutionary hypotheses over geological timescales: Interactions between Mesozoic non-avian dinosaurs and cycads. Krempaská Z (Eds). 6th Meeting of the European Association of Vertebrate Palaeontologists, 30th June-5th July 2008, The Museum of Spiš, Spišská Nová Ves, Slovak Republic. 133 pp :
HERNANDEZ LM, Montes de Oca F, PENN M, Masaferro J, Garre A, BROOKS S (2008) “Jejeunes” (Diptera: Simuliidae) of Nahuel Huapi National Park, Patagonia, Argentina: Premilinary Results. VII Congreso Argentino de Entomologia, workshop on Biodiversity of Patagonian Insects, Libro de Conferencia : Argentina. 124 - 125.
PENN M, Masaferro J, Montes de Oca F, Garré A, HERNANDEZ LM, BROOKS S (2008) A preliminary vegetation analysis, mapping and classification of the Nahuel Huapi Nationla Park [Abstract]. Grande H (Eds). VII Congreso Argentino de Entomología, Libro de Resúnes : Córdoba, Argentina.
STAFFORD PJ, Walker P, Edgar P, PENN MG (2010) Distribution and Conservation of the Herpetofauna of Belize, In: Conservation of Mesomerican Amphibians and Reptiles, Wilson LD, Townsend JH, Johnson J (Eds). null : 370 - 406.
Butler R, Barrett P, Kenrick P, Penn M (2007) Paleoenvironmental controls on the distribution of cretaceous herbivorous dinosaurs. JOURNAL OF VERTEBRATE PALEONTOLOGY 27 (3) : 54A - 55A.
Butler RJ, Barrett PM, Kenrick P, PENN MG (2007) Palaeoenvironmental controls On the distribution of Cretaceous herbivorous dinosaurs. http://www.svpca.org/years/2007_glasgow/abstracts.pdf. Liston J (Eds). 55th Symposium of Vertebrate Paleontology and Comparative Anatomy., The Universirty of Glasgow Press : Glasgow.
BUTLER RJ, BARRETT PM, KENRICK P, PENN MG (2007) Testing co-evolutionary hypotheses over geological timescales: interactions between Mesozoic non-avian dinosaurs and cycads. Linnean Society of London, Palaeobotany Specialist Group Newsletter 24 :
BUTLER R, BARRETT P, KENRICK P, PENN MG (2007) Palaeoenvironmental controls on the distribution of Cretaceous herbivorous dinosaurs.. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 27 : 54A - 55A..
BUTLER RJ, BARRETT PM, Rayfield EJ, KENRICK P, PENN MG (2007) The use of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) in palaeontology: examples from Late Triassic tetrapod biostratigraphy and Cretaceous dinosaur-plant co-evolution.. Palaeontological Association Newsletter 66 :
Bridgewater SGM, Pickles P, Garwood NC, Penn M, Bateman RM, Morgan HP, Wicks N, Bol N (2006) Chamaedorea (Xaté) in the Greater Maya Mountains and the Chiquibul Forest Reserve, Belize: An Economic Assessment of a Non-Timber Forest Product. Economic Botany, 60 (3) : 265 - 283. doi: 10.1663/0013-0001(2006)60[265:cxitgm]2.0.co;2
BRIDGEWATER SGM, Harris DJ, WHITEFOORD C, MONRO AK, PENN MG, SUTTON DA, Sayer B, Adams B, Balick MJ, Atha DH, Solomon J, Holst BK (2006) A preliminary checklist of the vascular plants of the Chiquibul Forest, Belize. Edinburgh Journal of Botany, 63 : 269 - 321.
Dubbin WE, Penn MG, Hodson ME (2006) Edaphic influences on plant community adaptation in the Chiquibul forest of Belize. Geoderma, 131 (1-2) : 76 - 88. doi: 10.1016/j.geoderma.2005.03.003
Dubbin WE, PENN MG, Hodson ME (2006) Edaphic Contributions to Species Richness in the Chiquibul Forest of Belize. Geoderma, 5 : 1 - 14.
BRIDGEWATER SA, GARWOOD NC, BATEMAN RM, PENN MG, Porter-Morgan H, Wicks N (2005) Sustainable use of Chamaedorea in Belize. Abstracts of EUNOPS (Palm) Conference (Linnean Society),
Penn MG, Sutton DA, Monro A (2004) Vegetation of the greater Maya Mountains, Belize. Systematics and Biodiversity, 2 (1) : 21 - 44. doi: 10.1017/s1477200004001318
Shelley AJ, Luna Dias APA, Maia-Herzog M, Lowry CA, Garritano PR, Penn M, Camargo M (2001) Simulium cuasiexiguum, a new blackfly species (Diptera: Simuliidae) from the Minaçu area in the State of Goiás, Central Brazil. Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, 96 (4) : 483 - 496. doi: 10.1590/s0074-02762001000400008
Brooks SJ, Self A, Powney GD, Pearse WD, Penn M, Paterson GLJ (2017) The influence of life history traits on the phenological response of British butterflies to climate variability since the late-19th century. Ecography, 40 (10) : 1152 - 1165. doi: 10.1111/ecog.02658