A stuffed jiraffe and the scheleton of a jiraffe are seen on Hintze Hall

Diverse History of Science Tours

Learn and celebrate the stories of the natural world and sciences.

  • South Kensington, London
  • Various dates and times
  • Free walk-ups, subject to capacity

Take a free guided tour of some of our most famous galleries, led by award-winning Learning Volunteers.

From women in science to gender and sex in the natural world, discover how diverse the history of science is.

A group of penguins are photographed during the Terra Nova Antarctic expedition of 1911

This free tour takes you through several of our galleries, highlighting the diversity of gender and sex in the natural world. Learn about the spectrum of gendered roles and sexualities of species from around the world and hear the stories your teacher never told you.

First Wednesday and first Saturday of the month

12:15 and 13:15

The tours are subject to Volunteer availability and can be cancelled on short notice.

Hintze Hall by the Learning Volunteers Tours meeting point sign

On this free tour, you will hear the gripping histories of several women scientists, including some who've worked, and some who still work, at the Museum. Encounter numerous treasures such as specimens collected by Mary Anning and learn more about our displays and cutting-edge science.

Every Tuesday and the third Saturday of the month

12:15 and 13:15

The tours are subject to Volunteer availability and can be cancelled on short notice.

Hintze Hall by the Learning Volunteers Tours meeting point sign

  • These tours are suitable for adults and children aged 12+. Children under 16 must be accompanied by an adult.
  • We may need to cancel or rearrange tours at short notice due to volunteer availability. We apologise for any inconvenience or disappointment caused.
  • Please arrive at the Learning Volunteer Tours meeting point in Hintze Hall to attend. Information at the meeting point will give you the timings for the tours on the days they are delivered.
  • Spaces are first come, first served and we will only be able to take the first 12 visitors for each tour.

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