Procurement policy

Our policy is to help colleagues achieve their objectives by buying goods, services and works for the Museum in a manner that:

Delivers value for money

Adds value to the Museum by assessing the total cost of ownership when buying goods, services and works, taking into account such factors as price, quality, timeliness, fitness for purpose, durability, running costs and disposal costs, in the combination most appropriate to the acquisition.

Is responsible and sustainable

See our Responsible Procurement Policy.

Is lawful and compliant

Adheres to the law, public contracts regulations and our own policies and regulations, ensuring transparency, fair and equal treatment and non-discrimination in the acquisition of goods, services and works.

Is collaborative

Benefits from working with others both internally, across the Museum's departments, and externally with other public sector organisations, to seek better value opportunities for the benefit of the Museum. Where possible, we will use collaborative framework agreements managed by organisations such as London Universities Purchasing Consortium (LUPC) and the Crown Commercial Service (CCS).

Manages risk to the Museum

Actively identifies and mitigates commercial, contractual, operational, legislative and reputational risks to the successful achievement of the Museum's objectives. 

Last updated

This policy was last updated on 15 February 2019.