The Echinoid Directory

Contributed by Andrew Smith, August 2011

Plesiopeltis Lambert, 1897, p. 517

Diagnostic Features Like Micropeltis with polygeminate ambulacral plating but with pore zones simple at ambitus and adorally, becoming bigeminate only close to the apex.  In Plesiopeltis the development of the ambulacra is the inverse of that in Micropeltis [from Lambert 1897, p. 517].  Tubercles smooth and imperforate.
Distribution Eocene, Spain
Type Circopeltis gourdoni Cotteau, 1889, p. 55, by original designation.
Species Included Only the type species.
Classification and/or Status Euechinoidea, Echinacea, Stomopneustoida, Stomopneustidae?

Remarks Poorly known.  Placed in the Stomopneustidae only tentatively as ambulacral plate compounding style is unknown.

Lambert, J. 1897. Note sur quelques echinides eocenes de l'Aube. Bulletin de la Societe geologique de France Serie 3, 25(1), 483-517.

Cotteau, G. 1889. Echinides recueillis dans lka Province d'Aragon. Annales des Sciences naturelles. Zoologie et Paleontologie 8, 1-60, pls 1-4.