The Echinoid Directory

Plesiocidaris Pomel, 1883, p. 95

Diagnostic Features
  • Test tall, hemispherical, flattened beneath, domed above.
  • Apical disc small, about one-third test diameter; plating hemicyclic with the posterior oculars exsert. Genital plates large, hexagonal, G2 generally the largest. Periproct ovate with slightly angular edges.
  • Ambulacra narrow, straight. Plating simple from the ambitus adapically, with small marginal tubercle (imperforate and non-crenulate) on each element, the broad perradial zone being densely covered in granules. Sharp change at ambitus to plates with large primary tubercle; plating polygeminate at ambitus, trigeminate adorally. Compounded in diadematid style, with all elements extending to perradius. Pore-pairs uniserial above and at ambitus, expanded adorally to form phyllodes.
  • Interambulacral plates a little wider than tall, dominated by a large primary tubercle. Narrow band of small secondaries and granules interradially and adradially. Adapical most plates with reduced tubercle.
  • Primary tubercles perforate and crenulate. Those of the ambulacra much smaller than those of the interambulacra.
  • Peristome large, more or less flush, with deep open buccal notches giving the peristome edge a crenulate appearance. Buccal notches with prominent tag.
  • No sphaeridial pits and no basicoronal plate.
  • Lantern and spines unknown.
Upper Jurassic, Europe, North Africa.
Name gender feminine
Hemicidaris alpina Agassiz, 1840, p. 52, by subsequent designation of Lambert & Thiery, 1910, p. 168.
Species Included
  • P. alpina (Agassiz, 1840); Kimmeridgian, Europe.
  • P. durandi (Peron & Gauthier, 1876; Kimmeridgian, Algeria
  • maybe others
Classification and/or Status

Carinacea, Hemicidaridae, Pseudocidarinae


The broad, straight  ambulacral zones above the ambitus which are simple and with only a small marginal primary tubercle to each element, readily distinguishes this taxon from Hemicidaris.

Pomel, A. 1883. Classification méthodique et Genera des Échinides vivante et fossiles. Thèses présentées a la Faculté des Sciences de Paris pour obtenir le Grade de Docteur ès Sciences Naturelles 503, Aldolphe Jourdan, Alger, 131 pp.