Universal Chalcidoidea Database

Taxonomic tree

Configuration options
Show subfamilies where present
show families in superfamily <Serphitoidea> Serphitoidea
show families in superfamily <Mymarommatoidea> Mymarommatoidea
hide families Chalcidoidea
hide Encyrtidae
hide species Microterys
show synonyms of <Microterys aeneiventris> aeneiventris (Walker)
show synonyms of <Microterys aestivus> aestivus (Dalman)
show synonyms of <Microterys africa> africa (Girault)
agaeus Hayat
aldreyi Japoshvili
show synonyms of <Microterys algiricus> algiricus (Ferriere)
show synonyms of <Microterys amamensis> amamensis Azim
ambulator Sharkov
angustus Zu, Li and Wang
anneckei Prinsloo
show synonyms of <Microterys annulatus> annulatus (Erdos)
anomalococci Shafee, Alam and Agarwal
show synonyms of <Microterys anomalus> anomalus (Erdos and Novicky)
apicipennis Bakkendorf
show synonyms of <Microterys aristotelea> aristotelea (Girault)
show synonyms of <Microterys ashkhabadensis> ashkhabadensis Myartseva
asoris Hayat and Singh
atturensis Hayat
australicus Prinsloo
show synonyms of <Microterys axius> axius Trjapitzin
axonis Hayat
hide synonyms balcanicus (Jensen)
Aschitus balcanicus Jensen
Microterys balcanicus (Jensen)
bangalorensis Shafee and Fatma
show synonyms of <Microterys barbarus> barbarus (Dalman)
show synonyms of <Microterys bellae> bellae Trjapitzin
berberus Masi
show synonyms of <Microterys bicolor> bicolor (Mercet)
bizanensis Compere
show synonyms of <Microterys brachypterus> brachypterus (Mercet)
calatia Noyes
show synonyms of <Microterys calyptici> calyptici (Costa)
capensis Annecke
show synonyms of <Microterys carpathicus> carpathicus (Hoffer)
caudatus Ishii
show synonyms of <Microterys cedrenus> cedrenus (Walker)
show synonyms of <Microterys ceroplastae> ceroplastae Prinsloo
chaetococci Hayat and Poorani
show synonyms of <Microterys chalcostomus> chalcostomus (Dalman)
chommati Myartseva
choui Xu
cincticornis Ashmead
show synonyms of <Microterys clauseni> clauseni Compere
cneus Trjapitzin and Sugonjaev
coffeae Singh and Hayat
show synonyms of <Microterys colligatus> colligatus (Walker)
continentalis Sugonjaev
show synonyms of <Microterys contractus> contractus (Hoffer)
contumo Noyes
show synonyms of <Microterys cuprinus> cuprinus (Nikolskaya)
curio Trjapitzin
show synonyms of <Microterys cyanocephalus> cyanocephalus (Dalman)
cyzicus Noyes
dakshina Hayat
danzigae Sugonjaev
darevskii Trjapitzin
darganatensis Myartseva
degeneratus Ishii
show synonyms of <Microterys dichrous> dichrous (Mercet)
show synonyms of <Microterys didesmococci> didesmococci Shi, Si and Wang
show synonyms of <Microterys dimorphus> dimorphus (Mercet)
diogenes Noyes
ditaeniatus Huang
show synonyms of <Microterys duplicatus> duplicatus (Nees)
show synonyms of <Microterys elegans> elegans Blanchard
eleutherococci Trjapitzin and Sugonjaev
show synonyms of <Microterys ericeri> ericeri Ishii
eridanus Noyes
eriococci Li, Shi and Han
erythea Noyes
euryas Noyes
show synonyms of <Microterys ferrugineus> ferrugineus (Nees)
frugax Noyes
show synonyms of <Microterys fuscicornis> fuscicornis (Howard)
show synonyms of <Microterys fuscipennis> fuscipennis (Dalman)
show synonyms of <Microterys garibaldia> garibaldia (Girault)
show synonyms of <Microterys gilberti> gilberti (Girault)
show synonyms of <Microterys godoyae> godoyae Noyes
show synonyms of <Microterys golcukus> golcukus (Japoshvili)
show synonyms of <Microterys haroldi> haroldi Prinsloo and Rosen
hei Xu
henna Noyes
herbaceus Sugonjaev
hermonicus Simutnik
hesperidum Trjapitzin and Khlopunov
show synonyms of <Microterys hofferi> hofferi Jensen
show synonyms of <Microterys hortulanus> hortulanus Erdos
hunanensis Xu and Shi
show synonyms of <Microterys ilus> ilus Trjapitzin
show synonyms of <Microterys imeretinus> imeretinus (Japoshvili)
imphalensis Singh and Hayat
incertus Sharkov
indicus Subba Rao
intermedius Sugonjaev
show synonyms of <Microterys interpunctus> interpunctus (Dalman)
iranicus Japoshvili and Fallahzadeh
show synonyms of <Microterys ishiii> ishiii Tachikawa
show synonyms of <Microterys itylus> itylus Trjapitzin
show synonyms of <Microterys jalysus> jalysus (Walker)
japonicus Ashmead
jorhatensis Singh and Hayat
kenyaensis Compere
kerrichi Shafee, Alam and Agarwal
show synonyms of <Microterys kotinskyi> kotinskyi (Fullaway)
show synonyms of <Microterys kuwanai> kuwanai Ishii
show synonyms of <Microterys lachni> lachni (Ashmead)
ladogensis Trjapitzin
lehri Sugonjaev
liaoi Xu
show synonyms of <Microterys lichtensiae> lichtensiae (Howard)
lii Xu
lilyae Sugonjaev
show synonyms of <Microterys longifuniculus> longifuniculus (Girault)
show synonyms of <Microterys lunatus> lunatus (Dalman)
show synonyms of <Microterys madyes> madyes (Walker)
show synonyms of <Microterys margaritae> margaritae (Myartseva)
show synonyms of <Microterys masii> masii Silvestri
show synonyms of <Microterys matritensis> matritensis (Mercet)
mazzinini Girault
melanostomatus Trjapitzin
menapus Noyes
mesasiaticus Myartseva
mirzai Shafee, Alam and Agarwal
moneta Noyes
show synonyms of <Microterys mongolicus> mongolicus (Myartseva)
monixys Noyes
show synonyms of <Microterys montinus> montinus (Packard)
show synonyms of <Microterys naiacocci> naiacocci (Trjapitzin)
nanus Prinsloo and Mynhardt
show synonyms of <Microterys narzykulovi> narzykulovi Sharipov
show synonyms of <Microterys neoacanthococci> neoacanthococci (Myartseva)
nevoi Simutnik
show synonyms of <Microterys newcombi> newcombi (Girault)
nicholsoni Compere
show synonyms of <Microterys nietneri> nietneri (Motschulsky)
notus Sugonjaev
show synonyms of <Microterys novikovi> novikovi (Trjapitzin)
obricoi Guerrieri and Ghahari
obventionis Sugonjaev
okitsuensis Compere
ouasii Singh and Hayat
pavliceki Simutnik
physokermis Compere
show synonyms of <Microterys polylaus> polylaus (Walker)
show synonyms of <Microterys populi> populi (Myartseva)
potosinus Trjapitzin
praedator Sugonjaev
priapus Noyes
show synonyms of <Microterys problematicus> problematicus Hoffer
provisorius Bakkendorf
show synonyms of <Microterys purpureiventris> purpureiventris (Girault)
roseni Sugonjaev
rufofulvus Ishii
show synonyms of <Microterys rufulus> rufulus (Mercet)
sagaris Noyes
sasae Pilipyuk and Trjapitzin
satura Noyes
show synonyms of <Microterys scapus> scapus (Xu)
scarlatoi Sugonjaev
show synonyms of <Microterys sceptriger> sceptriger (Foerster)
seyon Guerrieri
sinicus Jiang
speciosissimus Girault
speciosus Ishii
show synonyms of <Microterys spinozai> spinozai (Girault)
steinbergi Sugonjaev
show synonyms of <Microterys stepanovi> stepanovi Trjapitzin
show synonyms of <Microterys subcupratus> subcupratus (Dalman)
show synonyms of <Microterys sublestus> sublestus (Howard)
show synonyms of <Microterys submetallicus> submetallicus (Szelenyi)
show synonyms of <Microterys subterraneus> subterraneus (Ferriere)
show synonyms of <Microterys sugonjaevi> sugonjaevi Trjapitzin
show synonyms of <Microterys sylvius> sylvius (Dalman)
show synonyms of <Microterys tanais> tanais (Walker)
tarumiensis Tachikawa
temporarius Sugonjaev
show synonyms of <Microterys tessellatus> tessellatus (Dalman)
tianshanicus Sugonjaev
show synonyms of <Microterys tricoloricornis> tricoloricornis (De Stefani)
show synonyms of <Microterys triguttatus> triguttatus Girault
show synonyms of <Microterys triozae> triozae (Andre)
show synonyms of <Microterys trjapitzini> trjapitzini Yasnosh
tshumakovae Pilipyuk and Sugonjaev
show synonyms of <Microterys turanicus> turanicus Sugonjaev
tymi Pilipyuk and Sugonjaev
ulmi Sharkov
vashlovanicus Yasnosh
vecoris Noyes
veolia Noyes
vichrenkoi Simutnik
vitripennis Sharkov
vladimiri Sugonjaev
wasseri Simutnik
weyericus Japoshvili
xanthopsis Compere
xenos Noyes
yolandae Compere
yunnanensis Tan and Zheng
show synonyms of <Microterys zakeri> zakeri (Bhuiya)
show synonyms of <Microterys zarina> zarina (Walker)
zhaoi Xu
zygophylli Myartseva

NB: This list represents valid Chalcidoid taxa. Family- and genus-group synonyms are not included.