Universal Chalcidoidea Database

Taxonomic tree

Configuration options
Show subfamilies where present
show families in superfamily <Serphitoidea> Serphitoidea
show families in superfamily <Mymarommatoidea> Mymarommatoidea
hide families Chalcidoidea
hide Encyrtidae
hide species Acerophagus
show synonyms of <Acerophagus abstrusus> abstrusus (Gahan)
aello Noyes
alexte Noyes
show synonyms of <Acerophagus alveolatifrons> alveolatifrons (Gahan)
amphe Noyes
ampyx Noyes
show synonyms of <Acerophagus angelicus> angelicus (Howard)
show synonyms of <Acerophagus angustifrons> angustifrons (Gahan)
anomes Noyes
antennalis Rosen
artelles Guerrieri and Noyes
asterix Noyes
show synonyms of <Acerophagus austriacus> austriacus (Mercet)
bellatrix Noyes
brontes Noyes
burrus Noyes
cabro Noyes
californicus Rosen
casiope Noyes
chaos Noyes
charino Noyes
cingatrix Noyes
show synonyms of <Acerophagus citrinus> citrinus (Howard)
show synonyms of <Acerophagus clavatus> clavatus (Pilipyuk)
clotho Noyes
show synonyms of <Acerophagus coccois> coccois Smith
show synonyms of <Acerophagus coccurae> coccurae (Sharkov)
comis Noyes
convorus Noyes
cygarix Noyes
dagon Noyes
damus Noyes
show synonyms of <Acerophagus debachi> debachi (Rosen)
debilis Timberlake
deucalion Noyes
dione Noyes
diria Noyes
diux Noyes
show synonyms of <Acerophagus dysmicocci> dysmicocci (Bennett)
epelys Noyes
erii Timberlake
erynnes Noyes
eumekes Noyes
excoris Noyes
fasciipennis Timberlake
show synonyms of <Acerophagus ferrisianae> ferrisianae (Bennett)
fesulus Noyes
show synonyms of <Acerophagus flavidulus> flavidulus (Brethes)
flavus Rosen
getulus Noyes
gorgon Noyes
show synonyms of <Acerophagus graminicola> graminicola (Timberlake)
show synonyms of <Acerophagus griseus> griseus (De Santis)
gryphon Noyes
gutierreziae Timberlake
helice Noyes
horus Noyes
show synonyms of <Acerophagus hungaricus> hungaricus (Erdos)
ilus Noyes
ilva Noyes
lamdus Noyes
leleges Noyes
show synonyms of <Acerophagus limatulus> limatulus (Gahan)
luteolus Rosen
show synonyms of <Acerophagus maculipennis> maculipennis (Mercet)
show synonyms of <Acerophagus malinus> malinus (Gahan)
manto Noyes
megara Noyes
show synonyms of <Acerophagus meracus> meracus (Gahan)
show synonyms of <Acerophagus meritorius> meritorius (Gahan)
show synonyms of <Acerophagus mundus> mundus (Gahan)
show synonyms of <Acerophagus notativentris> notativentris (Girault)
nubilipennis Dozier
oeta Noyes
show synonyms of <Acerophagus orientalis> orientalis (Ferriere)
pallidus Timberlake
papayae Noyes and Schauff
pasithus Noyes
patroca Noyes
show synonyms of <Acerophagus perdignus> perdignus (Compere and Zinna)
pessinus Noyes
pesto Noyes
show synonyms of <Acerophagus phenacocci> phenacocci (Yasnosh)
portugalensis (Japoshvili)
show synonyms of <Acerophagus prosopidis> prosopidis (Timberlake)
pudongensis Li and Si
remus Noyes
serpentinus Fatma and Shafee
show synonyms of <Acerophagus solidus> solidus Hayat
sulba Noyes
show synonyms of <Acerophagus texanus> texanus (Howard)
thebes Noyes
show synonyms of <Acerophagus utilis> utilis (Timberlake)
venius Noyes
viejo Noyes
show synonyms of <Acerophagus websteri> websteri (Timberlake)
xenophon Noyes
show synonyms of <Acerophagus xuzhihongi> xuzhihongi Trjapiztin

NB: This list represents valid Chalcidoid taxa. Family- and genus-group synonyms are not included.