The Echinoid Directory

Contributed by Andrew Smith, October 2010

Malwaster Chiplonkar & Badve, 1974, p. 52

Distribution Cretaceous (Turonian), of India and Madagascar
Name gender masculine

Opissaster subsimilis Fourtau, 1917, p. 50, by original designation. Syntypes; Geological Survey of India number 4/307.

[=1887 Hemiaster similis d'Orbigny; Duncan, p. 92.
1917 Opisaster subsimilis Fourtau, p. 50, pl. 2, fig. 5.
1933 Hemiaster pseudoanticus Lambert, p. 21, pl. 2, figs 27, 28.]

Classification and/or Status Spatangoida, Hemiasterina, Hemiasteridae

A subjective junior synonym of Hemiaster
Remarks The type species has been redescribed by Smith (2010).

Chiplonkar, G. W. & Badve, R. M. 1974. Malwaster, a new Cretaceous subgenus of Hemiaster. Bulletin of the Indian Geological Association 7/1, 51-53.

Duncan, P.M. 1887. Notes on Echinoidea of the Lower Naraba Valley, with remarks upon their geological age. Records of the Geological Survey of India 20, 81-92.

Fourtau, R. 1917. Les Echinides des Bagh Beds. Records of the Geological Survey of India 49, 34-53.

Lambert, J. 1933. Echinoids of Madagascar, communiques par M. H. Besairie. Annales geologiques du Service des Mines 3, 7-49, pls 1-4.

Smith, A. B. 2010. The Cretaceous Bagh Formation, India: A Gondwanan window onto shallow water echinoid faunas. Cretaceous Research 31, 368-386.