The Echinoid Directory

Contributed by Andrew Smith, July 2011

Anaster Sismonda, 1841, p. 117

Distribution Miocene, Italy.
Name gender masculine
Type Anaster studeri Sismonda, 1841
Classification and/or Status

Based on the misconception that this species had no ambulacra.  In fact, as Sismond  himself recognized later this is not the case and his species is a true Echinocyamus according to Mortensen (1948, p. 174).

Remarks Mortensen, T. 1948 A monograph on the Echinoidea IV.2 Clypeasteroida. C. A. Reitzel, Copenhagen.

Sismonda, E. 1841. Atti della seconda riunione degli scienziati italiani tenuta in Torino nel settembre del 1840 2, p. 117.