The Echinoid Directory

Contributed by Jenna Sullivan, April 2007

Crotoclypeus subulatus (Young & Bird, 1828, p. 214)

Diagnostic Features Large, relatively flattened Crotoclypeus, test height under 33% of test length. Periproct near ambital position, in short anal groove. Petals end before ambitus. Oral surface undulose, ambulacra slightly depressed and interambulacra slightly tumid. (Barras, 2006, p. 107)
Distribution Upper Bajocian, garantiana Zone, of Gloucestershire; Middle Oxfordian, plicatilis Zone, of Yorkshire and Peterborough County; Oxfordian of Ardennes, France.
Type Lectotype: Scarborough and Whitby Natural History Museum 2004.39.
Classification and/or Status Species of Crotoclypeus.
Remarks Differs from C. agassizii and C. trigeri in that these species have a consistently greater test height and a much more planar oral surface than C. subulatus. Also in both, the petals extend to the ambitus, while in C. subulatus the petals end before the ambulus. C. subulatus has an anal groove, which does not appear in C. agassizii and C. trigeri.

Barras, C.G. 2006. British Jurassic Irregular Echinoides. Monograph of the Palaeontographical Society, London.

Young, G., and Bird, J. 1828. A Geological survey of the Yorkshire coast. 364 pp, 17 pls. R. Kirby, Whitby.