Universal Chalcidoidea Database

Taxonomic tree

Configuration options
Show subfamilies where present
show families in superfamily <Serphitoidea> Serphitoidea
show families in superfamily <Mymarommatoidea> Mymarommatoidea
hide families Chalcidoidea
hide Pteromalidae
show species in genus <Cea> Cea
hide species Lamprotatus
acer Huang
alcander Walker
ambiguus Foerster
show synonyms of <Lamprotatus annularis> annularis (Walker)
bisaltes Walker
show synonyms of <Lamprotatus brevicornis> brevicornis Thomson
breviscapus Huang
caecina Walker
show synonyms of <Lamprotatus canadensis> canadensis Girault
carinatus Huang and Lu
cariniferum (Kamijo)
show synonyms of <Lamprotatus chagyabensis> chagyabensis (Liao)
show synonyms of <Lamprotatus claviger> claviger Thomson
show synonyms of <Lamprotatus conicus> conicus Girault
show synonyms of <Lamprotatus crassipes> crassipes Thomson
show synonyms of <Lamprotatus damia> damia (Walker)
dicyclus Foerster
show synonyms of <Lamprotatus dioxippe> dioxippe (Walker)
duplicatus (Kamijo)
furvus Huang
show synonyms of <Lamprotatus hages> hages (Walker)
hikosanus (Kamijo)
incertus Foerster
show synonyms of <Lamprotatus laevigatus> laevigatus Foerster
show synonyms of <Lamprotatus microsphaereus> microsphaereus Foerster
naevolus Walker
natta Walker
show synonyms of <Lamprotatus nicon> nicon (Walker)
hide synonyms novickyi (Delucchi)
Lamprotatus glaucus (Delucchi)
Lamprotatus novickyi (Delucchi)
Lamprotatus (Skeloceras) novickyi (Delucchi)
Skeloceras glaucum Delucchi
Skeloceras novickyi Delucchi
numitus Walker
omissus Foerster
paurostigma Huang
petiolatus Foerster
show synonyms of <Lamprotatus picinervis> picinervis Thomson
placidus Foerster
planatus Foerster
show synonyms of <Lamprotatus pschorni> pschorni Delucchi
show synonyms of <Lamprotatus salemus> salemus Walker
scandicus Huggert
simillimus Delucchi
show synonyms of <Lamprotatus socius> socius (Zetterstedt)
show synonyms of <Lamprotatus splendens> splendens Westwood
strumiferus (Huang)
tenuicornis Foerster
tibialis Foerster
transversus (Huang)
show synonyms of <Lamprotatus triangularis> triangularis Thomson
trilobus Huang
show synonyms of <Lamprotatus truncatus> truncatus (Fonscolombe)
tubero Walker
validus (Huang)

NB: This list represents valid Chalcidoid taxa. Family- and genus-group synonyms are not included.