Universal Chalcidoidea Database

Taxonomic tree

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Show tribes where present
show families in superfamily <Serphitoidea> Serphitoidea
show families in superfamily <Mymarommatoidea> Mymarommatoidea
hide families Chalcidoidea
hide subfamilies Encyrtidae
hide tribes Encyrtinae
hide species Trichomasthus
show synonyms of <Trichomasthus adjutabilis> adjutabilis (Howard)
show synonyms of <Trichomasthus albimanus> albimanus Thomson
show synonyms of <Trichomasthus angustifrons> angustifrons Trjapitzin
aripo Noyes
assamensis Hayat and Basha
aulax Noyes
bavarici Hoffer
bicolor Myartseva
coeruleus Mercet
show synonyms of <Trichomasthus cyaneus> cyaneus (Dalman)
show synonyms of <Trichomasthus cyanifrons> cyanifrons (Dalman)
danzigae Trjapitzin
dignus Khlopunov
show synonyms of <Trichomasthus dissimilis> dissimilis (Chumakova)
show synonyms of <Trichomasthus elisavetae> elisavetae (Trjapitzin and Ruiz-Cancino)
show synonyms of <Trichomasthus eriococci> eriococci (Ishii)
ermae Sugonjaev
extimus Sharkov
farfani Trjapitzin and Ruiz Cancino
show synonyms of <Trichomasthus frontalis> frontalis Alam
funiculus Xu and He
show synonyms of <Trichomasthus gabinius> gabinius (Walker)
show synonyms of <Trichomasthus genutius> genutius (Walker)
ivericus Yasnosh
jalapa Hayat
juxta Noyes
leptocerus Sharkov
show synonyms of <Trichomasthus marsus> marsus (Walker)
show synonyms of <Trichomasthus mattinus> mattinus (Walker)
metrix Noyes
show synonyms of <Trichomasthus mexicanus> mexicanus (Girault)
mormo Noyes
natynio Noyes
nikolskayae Sugonjaev
nogalensis Sugonjaev
norax Noyes
show synonyms of <Trichomasthus nubilipennis> nubilipennis (Girault)
ortivus Sharkov
perepelitsae Trjapitzin
perses Noyes
poorabi Hayat
show synonyms of <Trichomasthus portoricensis> portoricensis (Crawford)
quadraspidiotus Dang and Wang
radix Noyes
raptans Noyes
show synonyms of <Trichomasthus rufus> rufus (Singh, Agarwal and Basha)
sachalinensis Sharkov
siphone Noyes
spiraeae Trjapitzin
show synonyms of <Trichomasthus stigma> stigma (Walker)
storozhevae Sharkov
subitus Khlopunov
terebratus Jensen
theia Noyes
show synonyms of <Trichomasthus tucumanus> tucumanus (De Santis)
xenomanes Pilipyuk and Trjapitzin
zytes Noyes

NB: This list represents valid Chalcidoid taxa. Family- and genus-group synonyms are not included.