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Antarctic conservation

1 Post tagged with the object tag

Author: John K
Date: 15 December 2011
Temperature: 0oC
Wind Speed: 1.8 Knots
Temp with wind chill: 0oC
Sunrise: N/A
Sunset N/A

While investigating a box of miscellaneous mechanical components outside the hut I came across this interesting little object, function unknown.

It is a flat sheet metal stylised figurine, 155mmm high and 75mmm wide, one arm outstretched, with one leg only that slides vertically with about 5mm travel. Behind the top of the leg is a punched hole, 6mm diameter. The original outline of the figure appears to be exaggerated front and back, possibly for balance?


Image 1. Mystery object, front view.jpg

Mystery object, front view. © AHT / John


Image 2. Mystery object, back view.jpg

Mystery object, back view.  © AHT / John


At the bottom of the leg are two cleats, possibly to hook over or on to something.


Image 3. Mystery object, side view.jpg

Mystery object, side view. © AHT / John

The figure is rusted and no markings or paint layers remain.

What is the function of this intriguing object? I have had suggestions such as: a child’s toy; an indicator that some process is completed, or some mechanical decoration on a clock.

Any suggestions as to its identity and function will be greatly appreciated.