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Penguins at Cape Royds, Antarctica

Posted by Anne D Jungblut on Jan 11, 2011 9:27:19 AM
The most southerly colony of Adélie penguin (Pygoscelis adeliae) is located at Cape Royds. I have come to Antarctica for several years now, but I never had the chance to see a penguin colony. Therefore I am very excited to be at Cape Royds! The penguins come to Cape Royds every summer to breed and at the moment little penguin chicks can be seen everywhere.

Penguins seem to be very curious little fellows and we would see them wandering around in small groups all over Cape Royds.

                                                                                          Penguin colony at Cape Royds


                                                                                               A penguin is visiting us


                                                                                                    Penguin chick



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Anne D Jungblut

Anne D Jungblut

Member since: Sep 2, 2010

I'm Anne Jungblut from the Botany Department. Join me as I head to Antarctica to study cyanobacterial diversity in ice-covered lakes of the Dry Valleys and Ross Island where already scientists on Scott's and Shakleton's expeditions made many discoveries.

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