Online collections

  • Pufferfish
    Zoological specimens database

    Search the Museum's digital collections for zoological specimens.

  • Alfred Russel Wallace (1823 - 1913).
    Wallace Letters Online

    Explore this amazing collection of letters from one of the world's most significant scientists British naturalist Alfred Russel Wallace (1823 - 1913).

  • Leperditia, a fossil-ostracod.
    Fossil and recent ostracod database

    Browse collection titles or search by donor, collector, taxonomic level, stratigraphic location or country of origin.

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  • Global Biodiversity Information Facility

    The BioCase project is an established web-based information service providing researchers with unified access to biological collections in Europe while leaving control of the information with the collection holders

  • Geospiza magnirostric, large ground finch.
    Bird collection type specimen database

    Search or browse bird type specimens and access catalogue data on holotypes, syntypes, lectotypes and neotypes.

  • Anemone pavonina, a flowering Mediterranean plant species
    Botanical specimens

    Search the Museum's digital collections for botanical specimens.

  • Specimens of planktonic foraminifera, Globigerinoides sacculifera.
    Buckley collection database

    Access a complete catalogue of the Buckley foraminifera slide collection.

  • Red/green anaglyph (3D)
    Duxbury collection database

    Access high quality colour images and original plates from the Duxbury collection, a catalogue of Cretaceous dinoflagellate cysts.

  • ebeac
    Electronic inventory of European bird collections

    Search the database containing the electronic Inventory of major European bird collections for content  based on Dr.  C. S. Roselaar 's original publication (2003).

  • Goliathus goliathus, goliath beetle
    Entomology specimens

    Search the digital collections for entomological specimens held at the Museum.

  • Mounted specimens of Foraminifera.
    Former Aberystwyth Microfossil Collection database

    A catalogue of discrete collections within the Former Aberystwyth University Micropalaeontology Collection, including foraminifera, ostracods, coccoliths and conodonts.

  • Former British Petroleum collection.
    Former British Petroleum microfossil database

    Search materials from over 3,500 individual well runs, including palynological and nannofossil slides from over 120 countries.

  • Leperditia, a fossil-ostracod.
    Fossil and recent ostracod database

    Browse collection titles or search by donor, collector, taxonomic level, stratigraphic location or country of origin.

  • Slides from the Heron-Allen collection.
    Heron-Allen slide collection database

    Access a complete catalogue of the Heron-Allen foraminifera slide collection, including specimens collected during historic research voyages.

  • Specimens from Sir Hans Sloane's collection
    Historical collections

    Find out about the important fossil collections of Sir Hans Sloane,Carl Dietrich Eberhard König and Thomas Pennant, held at the Museum.

  • The works of Charles Darwin
    Library catalogue

    Search online for books, periodicals, artworks, maps and manuscripts.

  • Tarnowitzite, a variety of aragonite.
    Mineralogy collection database

    Search the database to find specimens in the Museum's mineralogy collections.

  • Chimpanzee skeleton, 1907.
    Museum Archives catalogue

    Browse or search online for Archive materials.

  • Pentremites sulcatus, a fossil blastoid
    Palaeontology specimen database

    Search the palaeontology database for specimens held in the Museum's palaeontology collections.

  • Commelina erecta
    Plant diversity in Paraguay

    Search a database of flowering plants and ferns from Paraguay and find out how plant inventories are aiding conservation.

  • Guelder rose
    The George Clifford Herbarium

    A prolific collector, Clifford employed Carl Linnaeus to catalogue his garden and herbarium.

  • Indigofera tinctoria
    The Paul Hermann Herbarium

    Hermann's dried plants and drawings represent the first major botanical collection from the East Indies.

  • Hydrophyllum virginianum
    The John Clayton Herbarium

    One of the earliest plant collectors in Virginia, Clayton contributed many type specimens to Linnaean classification.

  • Gridscale maiden fern
    The Sir Hans Sloane Herbarium

    Sloane amassed a collection so large it formed the foundation of the Natural History Museum. The Herbarium contains volumes from his pioneering voyage to Jamaica.

  • Chilesaurus has a strange mix of skeleton features, some meat-eating and some vegetarian.
    Weird Chilean dinosaur is plant-eating theropod - 01/05/2015

    Museum dinosaur expert Paul Barrett comments on a new species of dinosaur that has unusual mix of meat-eating and plant-eating features.