Natural history

Images 211 - 240 of 508
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[Black-backed Magpie, Gymnorhina tibicen ]

"Piping Roller", nat...

[Map of the plantations in Arthur's Vale, Norfolk Island]

"Plan of Arthur's Va...

[Red-backed Sea-eagle, Haliastur indus ]

"Pondicherry Eagle"...

[Red-backed Sea-eagle, Haliastur indus ]

"Pondicherry Eagle",...

[Common Dolphin Delphinus delphis ]


[Rufous Whistler, Pachycephala rufiventris ]

"Prasine Thrush"...

[Unidentified bird]

"Prasine Thrush"...

[Red Goshawk, Erythrotriorchis radiatus ]

"Radiated Falcon"...

[Red Goshawk, Erythrotriorchis radiatus ]

"Radiated Falcon"...

[Rose Robin, Petroica rosea ]

"Red-bellied Flycatc...

[Scarlet Robin, Petroica multicolor ]

"Red-bellied Flycatc...

[Scarlet Robin, Petroica multicolor ]

"Red-bellied Flycatc...

[Scarlet Robin, Petroica multicolor ]

"Red-bellied Flycatc...

[Scarlet Robin, Petroica multicolor ]

"Red-bellied Flycatc...

[Rainbow Lorikeet, Trichoglossus moluccanus ]

"Red-breasted or Blu...

[Rainbow Lorikeet, Trichoglossus moluccanus ]

"Red-breasted Parrot...

[Leaden Flycatcher, Myiagra rubecula ]

"Red-breasted Tody"...

[Swift Parrot, Lathamus discolor ]

"Red-shouldered Parr...

[Red-tailed Tropic-bird, Phaethon rubricauda ]

"Red-tailed Tropic-b...

[Blue-tongued Lizard, Tiliqua scincoides ]

"Reptile of Port Jac...

[Little Cuckoo-shrike, Coracina robusta ]

"Robust Shrike"...

[Scarlet Robin, Petroica multicolor ]

"Rose-breasted Flyca...

[Unidentified bird]

"Rose-winged Flycatc...

[Fantailed Cuckoo, Cacomantis pyrrhophanus ]

"Ruddy Warbler"...

[Yellow Robin, Eopsaltria australis ]

"Ruddy Warbler", nat...

[Rufous Fantail, Rhipidura rufifrons ]

"Rufous-fronted Flyc...

[Rufous Fantail, Rhipidura rufifrons ]

"Rufous-fronted Flyc...

[Azure Kingfisher, Alcyone azurea ]

"Sacred Kingfisher"...

[Red-capped Dotterel, Charadrius ruficapillus ]

"Sanderling Plover",...

[Scarlet Honeyeater, Myzomela sanguinolenta ]

"Sanguineous Creeper...

Images 211 - 240 of 508
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