A Palette of Ducks

Etienne Francey's Image

Etienne Francey (Switzerland) uses his camera to create an impressionist view of tufted ducks.

Looking out over Switzerland’s Lake Neuchâtel, Etienne homed in on the tufted ducks, which had formed a lose line a short distance from the water’s edge. Not wanting to create an image that was just a row of birds, he played around with his camera settings.

Using a long exposure and camera movement, he transformed the reflected ducks into ‘ink drips’, combining the bands of colour to create an abstract scene.

Each year tens of thousands of tufted ducks migrate south from their northerly breeding grounds to overwinter on large, inland waters and sheltered coasts. With distinct little crests on the backs of their heads, these ducks feed mainly on crustaceans, aquatic insects and molluscs, as well as plant material.

Behind the lens

Etienne Francey

Etienne Francey


Etienne graduated from the Vevey School of Photography in 2019. He learned photography from his grandfather, who was passionate about insects and astronomy. He works as a freelance photographer in the commercial and editorial fields. His work has been published in newspapers and magazines, including L’Illustré, Fisheye and The Guardian. In 2022, the French group LVMH asked him to photograph several of its companies in the same style as his nature photographs. The result was exhibited at Louis Vuitton in Paris.

Image details

  • Nikon D800
  • 300mm f2.8 lens
  • 1/6 at f32  •   ISO 50
  • Grande Cariçaie Nature Reserve, Gletterens, Switzerland
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