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Discover the incredible stories of life on our planet through powerful photography and expert insight.
Tickets on sale now.
As a polar bear feasted on the remains of a seal, Joanna rushed to change her lens. Losing her position at the ship’s bow, she noticed this dramatic shot to one side. The trail of hefty footprints and blood-spattered ice is devoid of the bear and its prey yet resonates with their presence.
A narrow ribbon of turquoise cuts through the ice at a natural break in the floes – prime hunting ground for polar bears. The bears mainly eat ringed seals, usually waiting for the seals to surface to breathe at holes in the ice then pouncing.
Discover the incredible stories of life on our planet through powerful photography and expert insight.
Tickets on sale now.
From a young age, Joanna has been obsessed with the natural world and all its wonders. Her travels have brought her face-to-face with some of the planet's most incredible creatures. Through her images she hopes to inspire others to fall in love with and ultimately protect what remains of the natural world.
Help us harness the power of photography to advance scientific knowledge, spread awareness of important issues and nurture a global love for nature.