Electronic inventory of European bird collections

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electronic Bulletin board for European avian curators

What is eBEAC?

The electronic bulletin board for European avian curators is an online community of European bird curators and associates who look after the vast collections of bird specimens in museums and institutions across Europe.

eBEAC provides an informal forum to exchange information and facilitate cooperation and collaboration between European bird curators, collection managers and researchers.

Bird collections in Europe

The collections of bird specimens held in European museums and institutions are among the worlds largest and most important. Used for ornithological research, they include:

Dead parrot
  • at least 4,000,000 bird skins
  • the only remaining examples of many extinct and endangered species
  • a wealth of historic material collected from around the world

Bird collections database

The database is an inventory of the bird collections in each European institution built to facilitate the use of European bird collections (Roselaar 2003).

You can search the database for

  • European institutions with bird collections
  • types of bird material eg skins, nests, mounts
  • numbers of bird specimens:
    • in each institution
    • for each type of material


The data provided are from Roselaar (2003) and may not be up to date. Please check the individual listings and email us with any changes or updates.

Roselaar, CS. An Inventory of Major European Bird Collections (2003) Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club 123 (A): 253.


eBEAC is a mailing list for European Avian Curators. Membership is generally restricted to curators, collection managers and ornithological researchers from European Museums, but others are welcome to apply.

Apply for eBEAC membership

Bird collections database

Find out about the bird collections held in European museums and institutions by searching our database.

Search the database

Any updates to the database are currently made by the Administrator