The Echinoid Directory

Stenonaster Lambert, 1922, p. 114

[pro Stenonia Desor, 1858, p. 333 (non Gray, 1853); pro Stenocorys Lambert & Thiery, 1917, p. 3 (non Burmeister, 1835)]

Diagnostic Features
  • Test up to 60 mm in length; thick-plated; flat-based and subconical in profile.
  • Apical disc central; compact and ethmophract with all four genital plates meeting centrally; four gonopores
  • All five ambulacra identical and flush aborally. Plates a little wider than tall. Pore-pairs circumflexed and distinctly larger adapically than ambitally. Towards the ambitus ambulacral plates enlarged and almost as large as interambulacral plates
  • Interambulacral plates with incised sutures and tumid centres aborally
  • Plastron plating undifferentiated.  Labral plate a little longer than wide and in contact to the posterior with a single interambulacral plate; subsequent plates biserially arranged and undifferentiated.
  • Peristome small; ovate; relatively close to anterior border but facing down and with no frontal sulcus.
  • Periproct inframarginal but clearly visible in posterior view.
  • No fascioles.
Distribution Upper Cretaceous (Scaglia, Senonian undifferentiated), Italy, Iran.
Name gender masculine
Type Ananchytes tuberculatus Defrance, 1816, p. 41, by original designation.
Species Included Lambert & Thiery (1921, p. 426) list a second species S. morgani Gauthier from the Senonian of Iran.
Classification and/or Status Irregularia; Atelostomata incertae sedis

Presumed monophyletic
Remarks A very puzzling taxon on account of its compact ethmophract apical disc but primitive, meridosternous plastron. Closely related to Menuthiaster but differing from that taxon in having a flat base with the periproct much lower, no trace of a peripetalous fasciole and rather domed aboral plates.