Manager of the UK Species Inventory, a database of the names of all British wildlife and used by most biological recording & reporting systems, such as the NBN Gateway, iRecord/Indicia, Recorder6 & iSpot. I work with the team in the Angela Marmont Centre for UK Biodiversity on a number of projects relating to biological recording, amateur taxonomy & digital imaging. I am a keen entomologist, naturalist & recorder with a passion for the taxonomy of 'parasite flies' (Diptera, Tachinidae) and as part of that I co-run the UK Tachinid Recording Scheme. In my spare time I am also the warden of Hartslock Nature Reserve, a site known for the rare Monkey Orchid (Orchis simia).
Employment history
- Manager of the UK Species Inventory, Natural History Museum, Life Sciences, United Kingdom, 2012 - ongoing
Lead Analyst Programmer, Trio Computing Ltd, 1986 - 2012
Highlighted publications
- Raper CMT (2014) UK Tachinid Recording Scheme.
- Raper CMT, Bentley H (2010) Linnaemya picta (Meigen, 1824) (Diptera, Tachinidae) new to Britain.. Chandler P (Eds).Dipterist's Digest (Second Series), (1) : 77 - 78.
- Raper CMT, Smith MN, Gibbs DJ (2006) Carcelia laxifrons Villeneuve (Tachinidae) new to Britain and a revised key to the British Carcelia species. Dipterist's Digest (Second Series),
- Raper CMT, Gibbs D, Collins GA (2002) Paracraspedothrix montivaga Villeneuve and Carcelia bombylans Robineau-Desvoidy (Diptera: Tachinidae) new to Britain. Dipterist's Digest (Second Series),
- Raper C, O Hara J, Pont A, Whitmore D Reassessment of Paleotachina Townsend and Electrotachina Townsend and their removal from the Tachinidae (Diptera). ZooKeys, Pensoft Publishers : 27 - 36. doi: 10.3897/zookeys.361.6448