Global seaweed network


Living seaweed

Principal investigator

Professor Juliet Brodie

The Global Seaweed Network is developing a programme to enhance and develop the global seaweed community into an internationally recognized and respected scientific body over the next 5 -10 years.

The Global Seaweed Network is aiming to provide innovation, knowledge and tools for:

  • scientific research
  • aquaculture
  • conservation 
  • society
  • influencing policy makers
  • enabling economic progress

The first meeting of the Global Seaweed Network was held at the Museum in June 2010. It focused on seven major topics and identified short, medium and long-term projects for each area:

Biodiversity research

We are creating molecular and digital tools to explore undiscovered biodiversity

Diversity and informatics research

Researching undiscovered diversity in megadiverse systems using big data

Algae collections

Our algae collection is among the largest in the world and a rich source of important historical material