The Echinoid Directory

Contributed by Andrew Smith, May 2007

Cheopsia Fourtau, 1908, p. 149

Diagnostic Features
  • Small oval spatangoid with conspicuous frontal notch
  • Apical disc structure unknown
  • Ambulacrum III sunken with microscopic pores.
  • Petals large, well developed, extending almost to ambitus
  • Oral plating unknown
  • Peripetalous fasciole present; reportedly no subanal fasciole
  • A few scattered primary tubercles inside the peripetalous fasciole
Distribution Eocene, Egypt.
Name gender feminine
Type Cheopsia mortenseni Fourtau, 1908, p. 149, by monotypy.
Species Included Only the type species.
Classification and/or Status Spatangoida, indet.
Remarks Fourtau, R. 1909. Note sur les echinides dossiles recueillis par M. Teilhard de Chardin dans l'Eocene des environs de Minieh. Bulletin de l'Institut Egyptien serie 5 2, 122-155.