The Echinoid Directory

Palaeotropus josephinae Loven, 1874; Recent; Tropic seamount, NE Atlantic (Ikhtiandr, Stat. 12); from Mironov (2006: fig. 6) A: outline of the test from below; B: odd ambulacrum near the periproct; C, D: odd ambulacrum near the peristome; E, F: apical part of the test. Scales: 4 mm.

Mironov, A. N. 2006. Echinoids from seamounts of the north-eastern Atlantic; onshore/offshore gradients in species distribution. Pp. 96-133 in A. N. Mironov, A. V. Gebruk & A. J. Southward (eds) Biogeography of the North Atlantic Seamounts. KMK Scientific Press, Russian Academy of Sciences, P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Moscow.