The Echinoid Directory

Welcome to

Designed and created by
Dr. Andrew B. Smith, The Natural History Museum, London

Edited by Dr. Andrew B. Smith & Dr. Andreas Kroh, Natural History Museum, Vienna, Austria

About this site

Scope and aims - how to get the most out of your visit to this site

Update of changes (check here for new postings)

Introduction Sea urchins - what they are, how they live and a brief history of the group
Morphology and
morphological terms
An introductory guide to the morphology and terminology used in describing echinoids
Key to the families
and genera
An illustrated key that helps you identify echinoids to generic level, and gives more detailed information about the families and orders
Classification A hierarchical listing of all genera and higher taxa used on this site
Index to taxa Searchable, alphabetic listing of all taxonomic groups to genus level to take you straight to detailed information on that group
How to cite this site