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Universal Chalcidoidea Database

Synonymic list

Chartocerus subaeneus Foerster, 1878

[ Signiphoridae ]
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Chartocerus mala (Nikolskaya)
Xu, Z.H.; Huang, J. (2004), Chinese fauna of parasitic wasps on scale insects pp.446
(Earliest use of name recorded in this database)
Chartocerus subaeneus (Foerster)
Rozanov, I.V. (1965), Review of the genera of parasitic Hymenoptera of the family Signiphoridae (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea). Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie 44(4) pp. 866-884    
New combination for Plastocharis subaenea Foerster (page 878)
Woolley, J.B. (1988), Phylogeny and classification of the Signiphoridae (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea). Systematic Entomology 13 pp. 465-501    
Valid species (page 492)
Koponen, M.; Askew, R.R. (2002), Chalcids from Madeira, Canary Islands and Azores (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea). Vieraea (Folia Scientarum Biologicarum Canariensum) 30 pp. 115-145    
Compared with Chartocerus conjugalis (Mercet) (page 134)
Chartocerus subaenus (Foerster)
Hansson, C. (1991), A catalogue of Chalcidoidea described by C.G. Thomson, with a checklist of Swedish species. Entomologica Scandinavica Supplement No 38 pp. 70pp    
Misspelling of species group name Chartocerus subaeneus (Foerster) (page 57)
Chartocerus (Signiphorina) subaeneus (Foerster)
Niyazov, O.D. (1969), Chartocerus (Signiphorina) subaeneus (Forst.) (Hymenoptera, Signiphoridae) - the secondary parasite of Planococcus citri (Risso) (Homoptera, Pseudococcidae) in Turkmenia. Izvestiya Akademii Nauk Turkmenskoy SSR (Seriya Biologicheskikh Nauk) 1969(6):66-69
(Earliest use of name recorded in this database)
Plastocharis subaenea Foerster
Förster, A. 1878, Kleine monographien parasitischer Hymenopteren. Verhandlungen des Naturhistorischen Vereins der Preussischen Rheinlande und Westfalens, Bonn 35:69     view Förster, A.  (1878) in PDF format
New species, Lectotype , ZMHU, Germany, designated by Rosen, D.; Argov, Y.; Woolley, J.B. (1992) (28/09/1992), Biological and taxonomic studies of Chartocerus subaeneus (Hymenoptera: Signiphoridae), a hyperparasite of mealybugs. Journal of Hymenoptera Research 1(1):246
Signiphora (Signiphorina) subaenea (Foerster)
Boucek, Z. (1965), A review of the Chalcidoid fauna of the Moldavian SSR, with descriptions of new species (Hymenoptera). Sborník Faunistickych Prací Entomologického Oddeleni Národního Musea v Praze 11:10
(Earliest use of name recorded in this database)
Signiphorina mala Nikolskaya
Nikol'skaya, M.N. 1950, Representatives of the family Signiphoridae (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea) in the fauna of the USSR. Doklady Akademii Nauk Sovetskikh Sotsialisticehskikh Respublik 75:320,321    
New species, figs. , Ukraine
Nowitzky, S. (1954), Synonymy and distribution of Signiphorina subaenea Först. (Hym., Chalc., Thysanidae), a hyperparasite of mealybugs (Pseudococcus sp.). Bollettino di Zoologia Agraria e Bachicoltura, Milano 20(3) pp. 203-212    
Synonym of Signiphorina subaenea (Foerster) (page 207)
Signiphorina subaenea (Foerster)
Nowitzky, S. (1954), Synonymy and distribution of Signiphorina subaenea Först. (Hym., Chalc., Thysanidae), a hyperparasite of mealybugs (Pseudococcus sp.). Bollettino di Zoologia Agraria e Bachicoltura, Milano 20(3) pp. 203-212    
New combination for Plastocharis subaenea Foerster (page 207)
Thysanus subaeneus (Foerster)
Dalla Torre, K.W. von (1898), Catalogus Hymenopterorum hucusque descriptorum systematicus et synonymicus. V. Chalcididae et Proctotrupidae. pp. 598pp Lepzig     view   () in PDF format
New combination for Plastocharis subaenea Foerster (page 223)