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Universal Chalcidoidea Database

Synonymic list

Ablerus atomon Walker, 1847

[ Azotidae ]
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Ablerus atomom (Walker)
Vidal, S. (2001), Entomofauna Germanica. Band 4. Verzeichnis der Hautflügler Deutschalnds. Chalcidoidea. Entomologische Nachrichten und Berichte Beiheft 7 pp. 51-69 (Eds: Dathe, H.H.; Taeger, A.; Blank, S.M.) ISSN 0232-5535    
Misspelling of species group name Ablerus atomon (Walker) (page 53)
Ablerus atomon (Walker)
Hayat, M. (1994), Notes on some genera of the Aphelinidae (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea), with comments on the classification of the family. Oriental Insects 28 pp. 81-96     view   () in PDF format
New combination for Encyrtus atomon Walker (page 84)
Azotus atomon (Walker)
Ferrière, C. (1965), Hymenoptera Aphelinidae d'Europe et du Bassin Mediterranéen. Faune de l'Europe et du Bassin Méditerranéen 1 pp. 206pp Masson et Cie, Paris    
Valid species (page 105)
Azotus marchali Howard
Howard, L.O. 1898, On some parasites of Coccidae with descriptions of two new genera of Aphelininae. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 4(2):138     view Howard, L.O.  (1898) in PDF format
New species, USNM, France
Ferrière, C. (1965), Hymenoptera Aphelinidae d'Europe et du Bassin Mediterranéen. Faune de l'Europe et du Bassin Méditerranéen 1 pp. 206pp Masson et Cie, Paris    
Synonym of Azotus atomon (Walker) (pages 105,106)
Azotus mokrzeckii Novicki
Nowicki, S. 1926, Speciei novae polonicae Azotus mokrzeckii descriptio cum oecologiae observationibus. Polskie Pismo Entomologiczne 5:108     view Nowicki, S.  (1926) in PDF format
New species, figs. , Poland
Ferrière, C. (1965), Hymenoptera Aphelinidae d'Europe et du Bassin Mediterranéen. Faune de l'Europe et du Bassin Méditerranéen 1 pp. 206pp Masson et Cie, Paris    
Synonym of Azotus atomon (Walker) (pages 105,106)
Encyrtus atomon Walker
Walker, F. 1847, Notes on some Chalcidites and Cynipites in the collection of the Rev. F.W. Hope. Annals and Magazine of Natural History 19:229     view Walker, F.  (1847) in PDF format
New species , Austria
Ooencyrtus atomon (Walker)

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