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Universal Chalcidoidea Database

Synonymic list

Neocatolaccus Ashmead, 1904

[ Pteromalidae : Pteromalinae ]
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Neocatolaccus Ashmead
Ashmead, W.H. 1904, Classification of the chalcid flies of the superfamily Chalcidoidea, with descriptions of new species in the Carnegie Museum, collected in South America by Herbert H. Smith. Memoirs of the Carnegie Museum 1(4):320 [ Pteromalinae. ]     view Ashmead, W.H.  (1904) in PDF format
New genus
Type species: Catolaccus tylodermae Ashmead, by monotypy
Boucek, Z. (1993), New taxa of North American Pteromalidae and Tetracampidae (Hymenoptera), with notes. Journal of Natural History 27 pp. 1239-1313    
Compared with Ottawita Boucek (pages 1253-1254)
Valid genus (page 1243)
Sureshan, P.M. (1999), Two new genera and three new species of Pteromalidae (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea) from India. Oriental Insects 33 pp. 99-107     view Ashmead, W.H.  (1904) in PDF format
Compared with Narendrella Sureshan (page 102)
Xiao, H.; Huang, D.W. (2004), A new species and two newly recorded species of Oxysychus from China (Hymenoptera, Pteromalidae). Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica 29(2) pp. 348-351    
Compared with Oxysychus Delucchi (page 348)
Paradicylus Dodd
Girault, A.A. 1915, Australian Hymenoptera Chalcidoidea - VIII. The family Miscogasteridae with descriptions of new genera and species. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 4:199     view Girault, A.A.  (1915) in PDF format
New genus
Type species: Paradicylus varicornis Dodd, original designation and monotypy
Boucek, Z. (1988), Australasian Chalcidoidea (Hymenoptera). A biosystematic revision of genera of fourteen families, with a reclassification of species. pp. 832pp. CAB International, Wallingford, Oxon, U.K., Cambrian News Ltd; Aberystwyth, Wales    
Synonym of Neocatolaccus Ashmead (page 407)