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Universal Chalcidoidea Database

Synonymic list

Ksenoplata Boucek, 1965

[ Pteromalidae : Miscogastrinae ]
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Ksenoplata Boucek
Boucek, Z. 1965, Description of a new pteromalid genus with two species from Algeria and Czechoslovakia (Hym., Chalc.). Sborník Entomologického Oddeleni Národního Musea v Praze 36:373    
New genus
Type species: Ksenoplata quadrata Boucek, original designation
Askew, R.R.; Blasco-Zumeta, J. (1997), Parasitic Hymenoptera inhabiting seeds of Ephedra nebrodensis in Spain, with descriptions of a phytophagous pteromalid and four other new species of Chalcioidea. Journal of Natural History 31(6) pp. 965-982    
Compared with Blascoa Askew (page 968)