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Universal Chalcidoidea Database

Synonymic list

Calyconotiscus Narendran and Saleem, 2012

[ Pteromalidae : Eunotinae ]
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Calyconotiscus Narendran and Saleem
Narendran, T.C.; Saleem, U.K.A.; Nasser, M. 2012, Calyconotiscini (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae: Eunotinae) an interesting new tribe and a new genus from India with comments on the placement of the tribe Eriaporini and a key to tribes of Eunotinae. Biosystematica 6(1):6-9 [ Pteromalidae, Eunotinae, Calyconotiscini. ]    
New genus
Type species: Calyconotiscus frontofasciatus Narendran & Saleem, original designation and monotypy