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Universal Chalcidoidea Database

Synonymic list

Lelaps Walker, 1843

[ Pteromalidae : Diparinae ]
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Dilaelaps Schulz
Schulz, W.A. 1906, Spolia Hymenopterologica pp.144 Paderborn [ Replacement name for Laelaps Walker. ]    
Laelaps Walker
Walker, F. (1862), Notes on Chalcidites, and characters of undescribed species. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London (3) 1 pp. 345-397     view   () in PDF format
Misspelling of genus name Lelaps Walker (page 389)
Dalla Torre, K.W. von (1898), Catalogus Hymenopterorum hucusque descriptorum systematicus et synonymicus. V. Chalcididae et Proctotrupidae. pp. 598pp Lepzig     view   () in PDF format
Valid genus (page 184)
[ Cleonyminae. ]
Lelaps Walker
Walker, F. 1843, Descriptions of Chalcidites discovered in St. Vincent's Isle by the Rev. Lansdown Guilding. Annals and Magazine of Natural History 12:47     view Walker, F.  (1843) in PDF format
New genus
Type species: Lelaps pulchricornis Walker, by monotypy
Ashmead, W.H. (1904), Classification of the chalcid flies of the superfamily Chalcidoidea, with descriptions of new species in the Carnegie Museum, collected in South America by Herbert H. Smith. Memoirs of the Carnegie Museum 1(4) pp. i-xi,225-551,39pls     view Walker, F.  (1843) in PDF format
Valid genus (page 279)
[ Lelapinae. ]
Schmiedeknecht, O. (1909), Hymenoptera fam. Chalcididae. Genera Insectorum 97 pp. 1-550 (Ed: Wytsman, P.) Brussels    
Valid genus (page 301)
[ Miscogasterinae. ]
Yoshimoto, C.M. (1977), Revision of the Diparinae (Pteromalidae: Chalcidoidea) from America north of Mexico. Canadian Entomologist 109(8) pp. 1035-1056    
Valid genus (page 1048)
[ Diparinae. ]
Desjardins, C.A. (2007), Phylogenetics and classification of the world genera of Diparinae (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae) Zootaxa 1647 pp. 1-88    
Compared with Chimaerolelaps Desjardins (page 33)
Spalangiolaelaps Girault
Girault, A.A. 1916, New chalcid-flies from Maryland. Entomological News 28:22     view Girault, A.A.  (1916) in PDF format
New genus
Type species: Spalangiolaelaps argenticoxa Girault, by monotypy
Desjardins, C.A. (2007), Phylogenetics and classification of the world genera of Diparinae (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae) Zootaxa 1647 pp. 1-88    
Synonym of Lelaps Walker (pages 56,57)
Stenopistha Strand
Strand, E. 1910, Neue Hymenopterengattung. Societas Entomologica, Frankfurt 25(7):26 [ Replacement name for Laelaps Walker, 1843. ]     view Strand, E.  (1910) in PDF format